CLL Case Presentation
CLL Case Presentation
CLL Case Presentation
Antiseizure drugs
Patients presenting with a seizure and those who provide a clinical history suggestive of seizure activity should
be treated with an antiseizure drug. Levetiracetam is commonly used in this setting. Antiseizure drugs are not
generally recommended in patients who have never had a seizure, aside from perioperative prophylaxis
Histopathological examination
Accurate diagnosis of a brain tumor requires an adequate tissue sample for histopathologic and molecular
At time of presentation he also suffered high grade fever, and his family gave
history of significant weight loss in the preceding month.
There was no history of bleeding episodes, recurrent blood transfusions, night
fevers nor night sweats.
CBC on admission: incidentally revealed lymphocytosis:
Hb – 9.1 g/dL
Plts – 103 x10^3
WBCs – 134.5 x 10^3
Neutrophil count: 0.942 x 10^3
Lymphocytic count: 115.93 x 10^3
On examination: patient was conscious, alert but unable to express words
Head & Neck: mild pallor, palpable bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy
picture of UMN facial palsy
Chest: BEAE, palpable right axillary lymphnodes
Abdomen: lax, palpable splenomegaly
Extremities: right upper and lower limb paralysis with brisky reflexes
Patient was admitted, sepsis work up was done and IV antibiotics
were started