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Department of pediatrics
 CROUP is a hetrogenous group of Acute and
infectious processes in children (between the
age group of 6 months & 6 Years) that
manifest most commonly with characteristic
STRIDOR is a loud ,harsh, medium pitched,
musical sound produced by turbulent airflow
through a partially obstructed airway. It is a
SYPMTOM & not a diagnosis or a disease.

 STRIDOR is primarily Inspiratory but can be

The word CROUP is
derived from Anglo –
Saxon word KROPAN
which means CRYING
 The Diseaseas included are-

 Acute laryngotracheobronchitis, ie, viral


 Spasmodic croup

 Acute infectious laryngitis

 Acute epiglottitis, ie, acute supraglottitis

 also known as viral croup, or simply -croup.

 the most common cause of upper airway

obstruction seen in pediatric practice.

 Viral croup is usually seen in patients ages 3

months to 5 years. Peak incidence is seen at
the age of 12- 24 months.

 Mostly seen in winter and autumn season.

It is caused by respiratory viruses mainly
parainfluenza type 1 , parainfluenza Type 2,
parainfluenza type 3, account for 75% 0f
 Other viruses includes, - Influenza A and B
Rhino viruses,
 Adenovirus,
 Respiratory syncytial virus,
 Measles virus
 rarely Mycoplasma.
 The illness usually starts like a common cold
with symptoms of Rhinorrhea, Cough,
SoreThroat, & Fever.


BARKING COUGH develop over next 2 to
3days. Symptoms are Worse at Night.

In Most cases Symptoms usually resolve within

a week.
 Few children will develop symptoms of Severe Airway
Obstruction characterised by Intercoastal
Recession , Tacypnoea, Irritability, Lethargy &
Cyanosis & need hospitalization.

 These symptoms usually occur due to

Inflammation of Larynx, Trachea & Bronchus hence

 It is specifically the SUBGOTTIC INFLAMMATION &

resultant swelling that compromises the airway &
results in STRIDOR & DIFFICULTY in Breathing.
Mild Moderate severe
General Happy , Irritable Restless, altered
appearance interested sensorium
stridor On cough, not at At rest , At rest ,
rest increased on increased on
agitation agitation

Respiratory No distress Tachypnea and Marked and

distress retactions severe retraction
Cyanosis Absent Absent May be present

Oxygen >92% >92% <92%

saturation in
room air
 The diagnosis is based on history and physical

 CROUP is a clinical diagnosis & does not require any


 Neck x-rays can have a characteristic appearance.

 The Neck X-Ray may show the typical SUBGLOTTIC

NARROWING in P A view.

 This is also known as the steeple sign because it

resembles a church spire.
 The complete blood count or CBC is generally
unremarkable except for a lymphocytosis.

 Patchy infiltrate in X-RAY can be seen in

laryngotracheal- bronchitis or pneumonitis.

 Pulse oximetry or arterial blood gas analysis

can be used.
 Treatment is dependent upon severity of the disease.

 Mild cases can be managed on ambulatory basis with

symptomatic treatment for fever & encouraging the child to take
liqiuds orally. Humidified Air can be used in mild cases

 Parents should be explained about the progression of the

disease & bring back the child in case of worsening of
 MODERATELY SEVERE - Patient may need
 Nebulisation with RACEMIC EPINEPHRINE
diluted with water for immediate relief of
 A single I.M. dose of DEXAMETHASONE (0.3 –
0.6 mg /kg) reduces overall severity during
first 24 hours.
 Inhalation of BUDESONIDE in 1mg twice a day
for 2 days have shown good results.
 SEVERE CROUP may need treatment
preferably in Pediatric Intensive Care unit
with Oxygen inhalation, & steroids –( similar
to Moderate severity).
 Worsening distress may need short term
 Antibiotics have no role unless some bacterial
infection is suspected
 Most often seen in Children in the age group
between 1-3years.

 It is Clinically similar to Acute

Laryngotracheobronchitis, except that the
history of Viral prodrome & fever is usually
 Viral in most instances

Allergic factors

 Psychological factors appear to play an

important role in some children.

 SPASMODIC CROUP may represent more of

an ALLERGIC reaction to Viral Antigen.
 The child wakes up suddenly in the night
time Or early hours of the morning with
brassy cough & noisy breathing. Symptoms
improves within few hours.
 Similar attacks but less severe may occur
for another one or two nights.
 Such episodes recurs several times.
 pharynx reveals only minimal edema.

 Acute spasm of the vocal cord adductors may

be the cause, possibly triggered by allergy,
viral infection, or gastroesophageal reflux.
Humid fiction at home by exposure to steam.

 Racemic epinephrine will break the attack if

 Parents need accurate information and

reassurance before discharging the patient
home including written instructions such as
those for viral croup.
 Epiglottitis, also termed supraglottitis .

 It is an inflammation of structures above the

insertion of the glottis and is most often
caused by bacterial infection.
 Haemophilus influenzae B.

 Streptococcus.

 Pneumococcus.

 Stayphlococcus.
 Epiglottitis is characterized by the abrupt
onset of severe symptoms.

 Without airway control and medical

management, symptoms may rapidly
progress to respiratory obstruction and death
in a matter of hours.
 Fever is usually the first symptom, and
temperatures often reach 40°C.
 This is rapidly followed by stridor and labored
 Child will have Dysphagia,Drooling of saliva
& not able to phonate.
 Child looks Toxic.
 Child may assume the TRIPOD POSITION ie,
Sitting upright and leaning forward with chin
up & mouth open while bracing the arms.
 The clinical triad of drooling, dysphagia, and
distress is the classic presentation.
 Fever is with associated respiratory distress
or air hunger in most patients.
 Accessory respiratory muscles will be
 As the child becomes fatigued, stridor
 An erythematous and classic swollen, cherry
red epiglottis can often be seen during
careful examination of the oropharynx,
although this examination should not be
attempted, it may compromise respiratory
 Securing an airway is the over riding priority.

 An expert should always perform an

endotracheal intubation on any child with
suspected epiglottitis before radiography or
blood work is performed.
 Laryngoscopy is the best way to confirm the
diagnosis, but it is not advised to attempt any
procedures without securing the airway.

 Can cause sudden reflex spasm of larynx.

 Laboratory evaluation is nonspecific in
patients with epiglottitis and should be
performed once the airway is secured.

 The white blood cell (WBC) count may be

elevated from 15,000-45,000 cells/
 Blood cultures and culture of the epiglottis
should be performed only after the airway is

 Blood cultures may show Haemophilus

influenzae type b (Hib).

 Cultures of the surface of the epiglottis

obtained during endotracheal intubation are
positive in 50-75% of cases
 Lateral neck radiography

 Never obtain a lateral neck radiograph before

achieving definitive airway control.

 In classic epiglottitis, a lateral soft-tissue

radiograph of the neck reveals a swollen
epiglottis protruding from the anterior wall of the
hypopharynx (ie, thumbprint sign), thickened
aryepiglottic folds, obliteration of the vallecula,
and dilation of the hypopharynx.
 Needs hospitalization.

 Airway, Breathing, and Circulation maintain.

 Supplemental oxygen (humidified)


 Sedatives should be avoided.

 Fluids should be given.

 Once supplemental oxygen is provided,
 the next step is to mobilize a team to
establish an appropriate airway via
endotracheal intubation.
 Mortality rates for children who receive
endotracheal intubation are less than 1%.
 Children who do not receive intubation have
mortality rates as high as 10%.
 Antibiotic therapy is necessary in the
management of epiglottitis .

 Ceftriaxone or cefotaxime at 100mg/kg/day.

 Acetaminophen is the drug of choice (DOC) for

treating pain.

 Haemophilus b conjugate vaccine (ActHIB,
Hiberix, PedvaxHIB)

 This vaccine is used for routine immunization

of children against invasive diseases caused
by H influenzae type b by decreasing
nasopharyngeal colonization
These 4 syndromes must be differntiated
from one another & from variety of other
entities that can present as upper air way
The important ones are,1) DIPTHERITIC CROUP
 1) _________ is the most common cause of
upper airway obstruction in children between
6months & 6 years.
 A)- Foreign Body
 B) Viral Croup
 C) Epiglottis
 D) Congenital laryngeal cyst.
 2)__________ has no role in management of
Viral Croup.
 A) Dexamethasone
 B) Inhaled Steroids
 C) Anti microbials
 3) TRIPOD POSITION is Charecteristic of
 A) Viral Croup
 B) Spasmodic Croup
 C) Bronchiolitis
 D) Epiglottitis
 4) All except _______ are Differntial
Diagnosis for Croup Syndrome
 A) Diptheritic Croup
 B) Angioneurotic Edema
 C) Bronchial Asthma
 D) Foreign Body.
 5)Steeple Sign refers to
 A) Steele like narrow subglottic area on plain
X-Ray seen in Viral croup.
 B) refers to X-Ray finding in Epiglottitis.
 C) Chest X-Ray finding in Bronchiolitis.
 1. Which of the four entities of the croup
syndromes is the most common?

 What organism commonly causes viral croup?

 6. What is the primary treatment for croup?
 Discuss the clinical features and
Management of Viral Croup.
Discuss the Etiology, clinical features of Acute
 Prevention of Acute epiglottitis
 Role of inhaled steroids in management of
Viral Croup

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