Coherence and Cohesion
Coherence and Cohesion
Coherence and Cohesion
• I couldn't seem to find the right room *I couldn't seem to find the right room [the topic
• none of them had the number sentence: all other sentences in this paragraph
• designated on my pass. support this idea of confusion and disorientation] —
• First, I went at the Department of none of *them [pronoun referring to "room"] had the
Verification, number designated on my pass *First [enumeration], *I
• then the Department of Misinformation, [pronoun] went up at the Department of Verification,
• then some clerk from the Pressure *then [enumeration & transition of addition] the
Section advised me to try level eight, Department of Misinformation, *then [enumeration &
• but on level eight they ignored me. transition of addition] some clerk from the Pressure
Section advised me to try level eight, *but [transition of
contrast] on level eight they ignored me.
Involves Involves
a.Introductory paragraph a. Cohesive devices (Transitional
b.Logical order of ideas Devices)
c.Separate major points by * addition
paragraph * comparison
d.Topic sentence for each * concession
paragraphs * contrast
e.Followed by supporting * emphasis
sentences * example or illustration
* summary
* time sequence
Read the paragraph below