Cyber - Unit 31
Cyber - Unit 31
Cyber - Unit 31
Cross-drive analysis
A forensic technique that correlates information found on
multiple hard drives.
Live analysis
• The examination of computers from within the operating
system using custom forensics or existing sysadmin tools to extract
• The practice is useful when dealing with Encrypting File Systems,
before the computer is shut down.
Deleted files
• Modern forensic software have their own tools for recovering or
carving out deleted data
• Most operating systems and file systems do not always erase
physical file data, allowing investigators to reconstruct it from the
physical disk sectors.
• File carving involves searching for known file headers within the
disk image and reconstructing deleted materials.
• Stochastic forensics
A method which uses random properties of the computer system
to investigate activities lacking digital artifacts. Its chief use is to
investigate data theft.
• Steganography
One of the techniques used to hide data is via steganography,
the process of hiding data inside of a picture or digital image
• Volatile data
When seizing evidence, if the machine is still active, any
information stored solely in RAM that is not recovered before
powering down may be lost
We define a computer security incident as any unlawful, unauthorized, or
unacceptable action that involves a computer system or a computer network.
Such an action can include any of the following events:
• Theft of trade secrets
• Email spam or harassment
• Unauthorized or unlawful intrusions into computing systems
• Embezzlement
• Possession or dissemination of child pornography
• Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks
• Tortious interference of business relations
• Extortion
• Prevents a disjointed, non cohesive response (which could be disastrous)
• Confirms or dispels whether an incident occurred
• Promotes accumulation of accurate information
• Establishes controls for proper retrieval and handling of evidence
• Protects privacy rights established by law and policy
• Minimizes disruption to business and network operations
• Allows for criminal or civil action against perpetrators
• Provides accurate reports and useful recommendations
• Provides rapid detection and containment
• Minimizes exposure and compromise of proprietary data
• Protects your organization’s reputation and assets
• Educates senior management
• Promotes rapid detection and/or prevention of such incidents in the future (via
lessons learned, policy changes, and so on)
Critical assets are the areas within your organization that are critical to the
continued success of the organization.
• Corporate reputation Do consumers choose your products and services in
part due to their confidence in your organization’s ability to keep their
data safe?
• Confidential business information Do you have critical marketing plans or
a secret product formula?
• Nonpublic personally identifiable information Do your information assets
house private individual data?
Here are some steps that you can take to help any investigator respond
Component includes
1. the hardware,
2. software, and
• The tool or process must ultimately provide you with evidence that may
be presented at a trial.
• Furthermore, due to the manner in which we obtain the data, the process
of collection also falls under scrutiny.
• In regard to forensic duplicates, the best evidence rule comes into play.
• This applies to any information on which the facts of the case or issues are
The rule, U.S. Federal
• Rules of Evidence (FRE) §1002, states that the item or information presented
in court must be the original. Fortunately for us, as with most rules governing
legal issues, there are always exceptions. Quite often, the originals themselves
cannot be obtained due to business needs. The exceptions relevant for our
purposes are defined in two rules:
• FRE §1001-3, Definitions and Duplicates: “If data are stored by computer or
similar device, any printout or other output readable by sight, shown to reflect
the data accurately, is an original.
• ”FRE §1003, Admissibility of Duplicates: “A duplicate is admissible to the
same extent as an original unless
(1) a genuine question is raised as to the authenticity of the original or
(2) in the circumstances it would be unfair to admit the duplicate in lieu of the
• This concept of representational accuracy allows investigators to gather
forensic duplicates, qualified forensic duplicates, mirror images, and to an
extent, logical copies of the computer and data storage systems involved.
• In this definition, we use “logical copy” to refer to the act of copying discrete
files from the logical file system onto media during the collection process.
What Is a Forensic Duplicate?
What Is a Forensic Duplicate?
• A forensic duplicate is a file that contains every bit of
information from the source, in a raw bit stream
Eg:A 5GB hard drive would result in a 5GB forensic
Two tools that create a forensic duplicate are
• the Unix dd command and
• dfcldd
Computer Forensics Lab version of the dd command
called dfcldd.
Another tool is the new, open-source Open Data
What Is a Qualified Forensic Duplicate?
• A qualified forensic duplicate is a file that contains every bit of
information from the source, but may be stored in an altered
form. Two examples of altered forms are
• in-band hashes and
• empty sector compression.
in-band hashes
• Some tools will read in a number of sectors from the source, generate a
hash from that group of sectors, and write the sector group, followed by
the hash value to the output file.
• This method works very well if something goes wrong during the
duplication or restoration of the duplicate. If a sector group fails to match
the hash value generated for it, the restoration can continue, and the
analyst is aware that information from that sector group may be invalid. If
a similar situation occurred with a forensic duplicate file, the location of
the error may be unknown, possibly invalidating the entire duplicate.
Empty sector compression is a common method for minimizing the size of
the output file. If the tool comes across 500 sectors, all filled with zeros, it
will make a special entry in the output file that the restoration program
will recognize.
• Two tools that create qualified forensic duplicate output files are SafeBack
and EnCase.
What Is a Restored Image?
• A restored image is what you get when you restore a
forensic duplicate or a qualified forensic duplicate to
another storage medium.
• The restoration process is more complicated than it
• For example, one method involves a blind sector-to-
sector copy of the duplicate file to the destination hard
• If the destination hard drive is the same as the original
hard drive, everything will work fine. The information in
the partition table will match the geometry of the hard
drive. Partition tables will be accurate,
• If the geometries do not match The software would look
in the wrong location and give inaccurate results.
• Instead of forcing everyone to buy new motherboards with
updated BIOS code, they released software that emulated a
modern BIOS. a valid restored image. SafeBack, EnCase, and dd will
create a restored image from the qualified forensic duplicate.
• Depending on your method of analysis, EnCase and dd images may
not need to be restored.
• EnCase, the Forensic Toolkit, treats the images as virtual disks,
eliminating the need for restoration. Processing under Linux works
the same way, associating duplicate images to virtual devices.
What Is a Mirror Image?
• A mirror image is created from hardware that does a bit-for-bit
copy from one hard drive to another. Hardware solutions are very
fast, pushing the theoretical maximum data rate of the IDE or SCSI
The tool must have the ability to image every bit of data on the storage medium.
The tool must create a forensic duplicate or mirror image of the original storage medium.
The tool must handle read errors in a robust and graceful manner.
If a process fails after repeated attempts, the error is noted and the imaging process continues.
A placeholder may be put in the output file with the same dimensions as the portion of the input
with errors.
The tool must not make any changes to the source medium.
The tool must have the ability to be held up to scientific and peer review.
Action and error logs are vitally important as well. The more information logged by the tool
during operation, the easier your job will be when you document the process.
• The most common tools used for obtaining a true forensic duplicate are built to
run in a Unix operating environment.
• One tool, dd, is part of the GNU software suite. This was improved upon by
programmers at the DoD Computer Forensics Lab and re-released as dcfldd.
• The command-line parameters for dd and dcfldd are nearly identical, and the core
data transfer code has not been altered.
• If your team has validated the operation of dd, very little work will be required to
validate the new features.
• Another tool that we will look at here is the Open Data Duplicator
• One of the strong points of this new Unix tool is that it allows an investigator to
perform multiple functions as the image is being created
Duplicating with dd and dcfldd
Duplicating with dd and dcfldd
• The dd utility is the most reliable tool for creating a true forensic
duplicate image. As long as the operating system kernel (Linux,
Solaris, OSx, or FreeBSD) recognizes the storage medium, dd will
perform a complete, bit-for-bit copy of the original. The power
comes at a price, however. Other forensic duplication solutions
have safety measures built in that make it more difficult (but not
impossible) to confuse the source and destination of duplication
process. With dd, simply transposing a single character may destroy
• Dd is a tool that you should be intimately familiar with before you
need to use it on a real investigation.
• Furthermore, you need to know how the Unix environment
addresses storage devices. dd’s close relative is dcfldd. This tool
adds a significant amount of functionality that satisfies the “old-
school” examiners’ preference for block-based hashes and a
progress indicator.
Creating Linux Boot Media
• Of all the methods that we are discussing in this
section, the preparation for duplication using Linux is
likely the most difficult. The effort is well worth it,
because it can be the most flexible boot environment
in your toolbox. The easy route is to start with a
precompiled version of Linux such as Tomsrtbt, Trinux,
or FIRE (Forensic and Incident Response Environment).
Once you have the basic package up and running, you
can disassemble the packages and add your own
binaries, such as dcfldd.
Performing a Duplication with dd
In certain situations, duplications will be stored in a series of files that are sized to fit on a particular media
type(such as CDs or DVDs) or file system type (such as files under 2.1GB).
This is that we call a segmented image. The following is a bash shell script that will create a true forensic
duplicate of a hard drive and store the image on a local storage hard drive (for example, when you need to
duplicate a suspect drive on your forensic workstation).
# Bash script for duplicating hard drives with dd
# Set source device name here
# Set output file name here
# Set output file size here
while (dd if=$source of=$output_name.$count bs=$output_size \
count=1 skip=$(($count-1)) conv=noerror,notrunc);
do printf "#"; count=$((count+1)); done
echo "Done. Verify the image with md5sum."
• Most commercial forensic packages will have the
ability to process a segmented image. If you are
processing in Linux, you can concatenate the
segments, or you can set up a software RAID
device to treat the segments as if they were one
large device. If you have no reason to split the
output file, it is much easier to perform multiple
functions in one pass. The following script will
create a true forensic duplicate and calculate an
MD5 sum of the entire drive in one pass over the
source hard drive.
Duplicating with the Open Data Duplicator (ODD)
Any product that can remotely be tied to network or computer security is quickly labeled as a
“forensics” system
The types of Computer forensics systems are:
• Internet security systems
• Intrusion detection systems
• Firewall security systems
• Storage area network security systems
• Network disaster recovery systems
• Public key infrastructure security systems
• Wireless network security systems
• Satellite encryption security systems
• Instant messaging (IM) security systems
• Net privacy systems
• Identity management security systems
• Identity theft prevention systems
• Biometric security systems
• Homeland security systems
• Firewall Defined
• A firewall is a system or group of systems that enforces an access control
policy between two networks. The actual means by which this is
accomplished varies widely, but in principle, the firewall can be thought of
as a pair of mechanisms: one that blocks traffic and one that permits
traffic. it implements an access control policy.
• A firewall system can be a router, a personal computer, a host, or a
collection of hosts, set up specifically to shield a site or subnet from
protocols and services that can be abused from hosts outside the subnet
• The Reason for Firewalls
• The general reasoning behind firewall usage is that without a firewall, a
subnet’ systems are exposed to inherently insecure services such as
Network File Syste (NFS) or Network Information Service (NIS) and to
probes and attacks from host elsewhere on the network.
• The Need For Firewalls
• Data Integrity: Absolute verification that data has not been modified
• Confidentiality: Privacy with encryption, scrambled text
• Authentication: Verification of originator on contract
• Non-Repudiation: Undeniable proof-of-participation
• Availability: Assurance of service demand
• Benefits of Firewalls
• The following are the primary benefits of using a firewall:
• Protection from vulnerable services
• Controlled access to site systems
• Concentrated security
• Enhanced privacy
• Logging and statistics on network use and misuse
• Policy enforcement
• Limitations of Firewalls
• Firewalls can’t protect against attacks that don’t go through the firewall
• Another thing a firewall can’t protect you against is traitors or idiots inside your network.
• A firewall opens communications channels between two networks and has no control over what
users choose to transmit using these channels
• disaster recovery services used storage area
networks (SANs) to restore thousands of
terabytes of business data and get hundreds of
companies running
• As distasteful as the idea might be, with disaster
comes opportunity, and the disasters
• of September 11, 2001, provided a good
opportunity for storage networks to show their
value by providing critically important business
continuity. Rarely has technology demonstrated
its value in a more demanding environment.
• Storage Area Network Overview
• SANs are a relatively new methodology for attaching storage, whereby a separate
network (separate from the traditional LAN) connects all storage and servers. This
network would be a high-performance implementation, such as a fiber channel,
that encapsulates protocols such as a small computer system interface (SCSI).
These are more efficient at transferring data blocks from storage and have
hardware implementations offering buffering and delivery guarantees. This is not
available using TCP/IP
• SAN Benefits
• A SAN provides a perfect environment for clustering that can extend to dozens of
servers and storage devices—all the while having redundant links in a fibre
channel fabric. Servers will continue to function because their data is still available
through the SAN, even if storage devices fail during an NDR.
• Centralized Management
• Scalability
• A storage area
• Reliability
• Performance
• SANs promise the ability to make any-to-any connections among
multiple Servers and storage devices. They can create a shared
“pool” of storage that can be accessed by multiple servers through
multiple paths, resulting in higher availability— especially during a
network disaster recovery (NDR). SANs also promise to simplify
backup procedures. Tape subsystems could still be shared among
numerous servers during backups—all transparent to the user. In
other words, SANs allow distributed servers to access a large
centralized storage
• subsystem for data-sharing applications during an NDR. Devices
could also be distributed throughout a campus yet managed from a
central point though a single management tool. Since devices can
be added or reconfigured transparently with location flexibility,
scaling the SAN will be easy.
• How would your company respond in the
event of a network disaster or emergency?
Network disaster recovery (NDR) is the ability
to respond to an interruption in network
services by implementing a disaster recovery
plan to restore an organization’s critical
business functions
• Many companies see their disaster recovery efforts as
being focused primarily on their IT departments. IT
• people are in the lead in sponsoring and managing
their disaster recovery plans, and relatively few
companies involve line-of-business staff and partners
in designing and testing such plans at all
• Larger companies (those with $20 million or more in
annual revenues) are more likely than smaller
• to prepare for events such as hardware component
failure versus natural disasters and accidental
employee-initiated outages.
• A majority of companies indicate they review their NDR
plans every quarter
• A few businesses are showing increased interest in testing
their NDR plans more often than they have in the
• past.
• Most companies believe they don’t have to worry about
being offline for long. Most companies have their mission-
critical systems back up within 24 hours
• Large companies, certainly, have more incentive to plan
and test more completely; as well as the resources to do
• so, but even smaller companies have given at least some
thought to the problem
• PKI Defined
• A PKI enables users of an insecure public network such as the Internet to
securely and privately exchange data through the use of a public and a
private cryptographic key pair that is obtained and shared through a
trusted authority
• PKI is the underlying technology that provides security for the secure
sockets layer (SSL) and hyper text
• transfer protocol secure sockets (HTTPS) protocols, which are used
extensively to conduct secure e-business over the Internet.
• A PKI consists of
• A certificate authority that issues and verifies digital certificates
• A registration authority that acts as the verifier for the certificate
authority before a digital certificate is issued to a requestor
• One or more directories where the certificates (with their public keys) are
• A certificate management system
• Overview of Wireless Network Security
• To date, most wireless attacks have happened outside the U.S., in
markets where wireless devices are more widely used.
Nevertheless, one virus that did hit U.S. handhelds was known as
the liberty virus. Some PDA users received what they thought was a
program that would allow them to play a certain game for free, but
when they double-clicked on the link, it launched a virus that
erased all the data on the devices
• Nevertheless, more serious problems have occurred overseas in the
form of viruses and malicious code that forced phones to dial
particular numbers, intercepted transmissions, and stole data. One
virus was distributed in Scandinavia as a short message. The virus
rendered the buttons useless when a user received the message. In
order to get their phones fixed, users had to take them in to their
service providers
• New types of malicious code have been written that force wireless
devices to make phone calls, because many of them also have
telephony capabilities.The threat of data theft, perhaps, is more
alarming to businesses. In order to prevent the interception of
information as it’s being transmitted, all wireless transmission
standards have security built in, but they’re known to be fallible.
The developers of standards such as the wireless application
protocol (WAP) and the wireless LAN 802.11b standard have
included encryption technology designed to head off the threat of
• sniffing is an inherent problem in wireless. Sniffers must have
access to physical parts of the network in order to break into the
wired world. The problem is that with wireless, they don’t even
have to be in the network. They can be in a van outside with a
• As devices develop more capabilities, these threats are expected to grow more serious and
frequent. Typically, you should look to the past to predict the future
• The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) Coordination Center is currently undertaking the
initiative to devise a comprehensive classification of computer incidents as part of the design of
common incident data format and exchange procedures. Unfortunately, their results are not yet
available. Thus, as of this writing, there have been no attempts to formally classify DDoS defense
systems, although similar works exist in the field of intrusion detection systems
• One benefit of the development of DDoS classifications has been to foster easier cooperation
among researchers on DDoS defense mechanisms. Attackers cooperate to exchange attack code
and information about vulnerable machines and to organize their agents into coordinated wireless
networks to achieve immense power and survivability. The Internet community must be equally
cooperative to counter this threat. Good classifications for DDoS attack and defense mechanisms
will facilitate communications and offer the community a common language to discuss their
solutions. They will also clarify how different mechanisms are likely to work in concert and identify
areas of remaining weakness that require additional mechanisms. Similarly, the research
community needs to develop common metrics and benchmarks to evaluate the efficacy of DDoS
defense mechanisms, and good classifications can be helpful in shaping these tasks, as well.
• The boom in satellite communications is changing the way we work and live, but it is becoming a
security nightmare for those organizations and governments whose survival depends on the
protection of intellectual property distribution, electronic commerce, electronic battlefields and
national security. The ability to securely exchange information between billions of users around the
globe involving perhaps trillions of transactions is vital to the continued growth and usefulness of
satellite communications as well as the Internet and intranets
• This section shows how governments and organizations around the world can use satellite
encryption to help preserve vital national secrets, limit attacks on a nation’s information
infrastructure, and eliminate security and authentication obstacles to electronic commerce.
Specifically, this part of the chapter provides a brief
• overview of current satellite encryption technology, the threat from the Internet, encrypted
satellite data transmitting (downlink) and receiving (uplink), and encryption cracking
• Current and Future Satellite Technology
• High-Tech Mayhem
• High-Tech Highwaymen
• Prevention versus Detection
• Odd Person Out Attacks
• The security threats from IM are straightforward. Since deployment isn’t
controlled, the enterprise can’t keep a rein on how the systems are used. With the
public IM networks, the individual employee registers for service. If the employee
leaves a company, the firm has no (technology-based) way to prevent him from
continuing to use the account, or from continuing to represent himself as still
working for the company
• without additional tools, the company has no way of archiving IM messages for
legal or regulatory purposes, or of monitoring and controlling the content of
messages to filter for inappropriate communications.
• There are the obvious holes that IM opens up on the corporate network. Each of
the IM networks uses a well-known port that must either be left open on the
corporate firewall to allow traffic in or closed, which, at least in theory, bans that
service to end users
• Securing IM
• Certainly the latter option has some appeal: 34% of all companies simply block all
IM traffic according to industry analysts. One downside to this strategy is that
because workers find IM useful, blocking it isn’t popular or necessarily even a good
business move.
• While a biometric is the actual characteristic or trait, a biometric system is the computer hardware
and software used to recognize or verify an individual. Although there are many variations in how
specific products and systems work, there are a number of common processing elements.
• Collection
• Extraction
• Comparison and Matching
• Homeland Security Defined
• The terms homeland security and homeland defense have received increased attention since the
tragic events of September 11, 2001. While these terms are relatively new, the concepts behind
them are not. Homeland security is defined as the deterrence, prevention, and preemption of and
defense against aggression targeted at
• U.S. territory, sovereignty, population, and infrastructure as well as the management of the
consequences of such aggression and other domestic emergencies.