Gender and Sex
Gender and Sex
Gender and Sex
By Group 2
Magbanua, Hernie Jane
Sumaya, May Ann
Gender and Sex
Sex and Gender are two very
essential yet underrated parts of
the human life. They affect all
aspects of our lives, from how we
act, we look at and in the jobs we
What is SEX?
It is the good, the bad, and
the complicated. While most of
us often referred to be as the
act of reproduction.
According to Popular
Culture, Sex is something done
for pleasure, and perhaps is a
more Freudian sense, it is what
drives people to do certain
The Book defines sex
through its Biological, and not
Cultural definition. Sex in the
biological sense is category for
living beings specifically related
to their reproductive function.
For most living
creatures there are two
sexes :
The Female Sex is determined by the
following characteristics:
- Produces egg cells, which are
fertilized by the other another sex,
and bears the offspring.
The Male Sex on the
other hand, produces
sperm cells to fertilize
the egg cells.
GENETALIA or the organs used for
Reproduction and Secondary Sex Characteristics
are Largely influenced by one’s X and Y
chromosomes. These Chromosomes determine
whether someone’s body will express itself as a ‘
Female’ and ‘Male’.
The exposure to hormones in the
womb affects how the organism develop as
a male and female. Physical features
related to secondary sex characteristics are
influenced by Hormones. Both males and
females have estrogen, testosterone and
Testosterone - a hormone produced by the
human body. It's mainly produced in men by the
testicles. Testosterone affects a man's
appearance and sexual development. It
stimulates sperm production as well as a man's
sex drive. It also helps build muscle and bone
Estrogen - are hormones that are important
for sexual and reproductive development,
mainly in women. They are also referred to as
female sex hormones.
What is GENDER?
Gender is socially learned behavior usually
associated with one’s sex. It is shown for gender
relations between the sexes, or how the male
and female relates to one another. It is also
based on how people see themselves and on
their tendency to act along either the masculine
or feminine line.
Gender is the range of characteristics
pertaining to, and differentiating between,
masculinity and femininity.
Gender Role Socialization
Is defined as the process of learning and
internalizing culturally approved ways of
thinking, feeling, and behaving. Socialization
affects all parts of one’s identity by dictating
what is acceptable to do because of one’s
educational background, class, religion, and
External regulation
Gender Stereotypes
are 4 types:
GENERALIZED view of traits that
should be possessed by men and women ,
specifically physical and emotional roles.
Involves assumptions regarding a
persons sexuality that reinforce
dominant views.
Encompasses the roles that men and
women are assigned to based on their sex and
what behavior they must possess to fulfill these