Buddhism Powerpoint
Buddhism Powerpoint
Buddhism Powerpoint
Buddhism is a major
world religion, or in a
better sense,
It is the 4th largest
religion of the world,
and has about
It explains the purpose
of life, injustices and
inequality in the
● Developed in India 2500 yrs
Ethical Conduct
3)Right Speech – refrain from unkind, negative speech
5)Right Action – respect all life
7)Right Livelihood – work for the good of others
Mental Discipline
6)Right Effort – exert oneself in freeing the mind of evil
(egocentric thought)
8)Right Awareness – elevate one’s thoughts beyond the haze of
emotion and mood
8) Right Meditation – practice the discipline of
3. Reincarnation
A concept that one must go through
many cycles of birth, living, and
After many such cycles, if a person
releases their attachment to desire
and the self, they can attain:
Training the mind to empty it of
thoughts. When this happens what is
important becomes clear.
Wheel of Life: Represents the endless cycle of
life through reincarnation. Each of its eight
spokes represents one of the teachings of the
Eightfold Path.
Lotus Flower:
Dalai Lama
Teach this triple truth to all:
A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of
service and compassion are the things which
renew humanity.
- Buddha