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Solid Waste Management Act

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Solid Waste Management

What is Solid Waste?
Solid waste shall refer to all discarded
household, commercial waste, non-hazardous
institutional and industrial waste, street
sweepings, construction debris, agricultural
waste, and other non-hazardous/non-toxic solid
Chapter 1 Basic Policies
- Policy is to adopt a systematic, comprehensive and
ecological solid waste management program.
- Defines terms such as agricultural waste, bulky waste,
hazardous waste and yard wastes
Chapter 2 Institutional Mechanism
- Creates the National Solid Waste Management
- Composed of 17 representatives, 14 from the government
and 3 from the private sector
- Enumerates its powers and functions which include
preparing a national solid waste management framework
and managing the Solid Waste Management Fund
- Creates the National Ecology Center
Chapter 2
National Ecology Center provides training, information and
consulting as well as networking services for the
implementation of the law.

Creates a solid waste management database.

Modeling of solid waste management facilities.

Chapter 2 Role of LGUs
The DENR and the Secretary have access to the records of LGUs. The Secretary
can enter into any solid waste management facility and inquire from any

LGUs have the primary responsibility in implementing this act.

Provincial Solid Waste Management Board and City/Municipal Management

Board may call on any agency it deems necessary.
Chapter 3 Comprehensive Waste Management
- National Solid Waste Management Status Report
- Concerned agencies will submit data to the DENR which includes: inventory
of existing solid waste facilities, projection of waste generation, population
density and growth , etc.
Chapter 3 Framework
After the report a framework is created.

a. Analysis of the trends and state of solid waste

b. Characteristics of collecting and storage
c. Management and upgrade of open dumps
d. Waste diversion
Local Government Solid Waste Management Plan
A province or municipality is to prepare a 10 year solid waste management plan.

This plan includes:

a. Profiling of the different cities

b. Waste characterization
c. Collection and processing
d. Resource reduction
e. Composting
For premises containing 6 or more residential units, the local government shall
require the owner to:

a. Provide a designated area in which to accumulate separate recyclable

b. Notify the occupants of the building
Separate container for each type of waste from all resource

May be classified as “recyclable”, “non-recyclable”, “compostable” or “special

Collection and Transport
Collectors are given protective equipment.

Separate collection schedules for different types of waste.

No waste to be stored in a transfer station for more than 24 hours

Recycling Program
DTI will create an eco-label system which makes a coding system for packaging
materials and products to facilitate waste and recycling use.

Commission will prepare a list of non-environmentally acceptable products that

shall be prohibited according to a schedule.

Prohibits the use of non-environmentally acceptable packaging.

Markets recyclable materials

Waste Management Facilities
Prohibits the use of open dumps for solid waste.

LGUs open dumps will be converted to controlled dumps. No more controlled

dumps after 5 years of effectivity.

Establishes the criteria for Sanitary Landfills.

Local Government Solid Waste
Guidelines for common solid waste management problems.
Chapter 4 Incentives
Rewards will be given to individuals or organizations which have created
innovative projects in re-use, recycling and reduction.

Tax and duty exemption on materials used for collection, transportation, recycling,
re-use and composting of solid wastes.

Provide incentives to businesses and industries engaged in the recycling of waste.

Chapter 5 Financing Solid Waste Management
- Provides a special account created in the National Treasury; Solid Waste
Management Fund.
- Administered by the National Solid Waste Management Commission
- LGUs are entitled to avail the fund on the basis of their approved solid waste
management plan.
- In no case, the said fund shall be used for the creation of positions or
payment of salaries and wages.
Chapter 6 Penal Provisions
- Prohibited acts that are punishable by fines and penalties upon conviction.
a. Littering, throwing, dumping of waste matters in public places
b. Violation of sanitation
c. Open burning of solid waste
d. Burying biodegradable and non-biodegradable in flood prone areas
e. Operation of waste management facilities without and Environmental
Compliance Certificate
- Fines are subject to increase every 3 years for at least 10% to compensate
for the inflation.
Chapter 6 Penal Provisions
If committed by a legal juridical person, corporate officers shall be liable.

If committed by an alien, shall be deported without any further administrative

proceedings after service of sentence.

If committed by a government officials, shall be charged administratively.

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Provisions
- Mandatory public hearings for national and local plans shall be undertaken by
the Commission.
- Any citizen may file an appropriate civil, or criminal action in the proper

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