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10-Years Solid Waste Management Plan

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10-Years Solid Waste Management Plan

Chapter VII
Plans and Programs of Iligan City Solid Waste Management System
The Plan preparation of The Iligan City Solid Waste Management System(ICSWMS)
was made possible thru the Executive Order No. 332 Series of 2005 followed by
Exec. Or. no. 645 s. 2006, the creation of Iligan City Solid Waste Management
Boardand with the Technical Working Committee (TWC) based on the Dept. of
Environmentaland Natural Resources (DENR) and Implementing Rules and
Integrated/Comprehensive Solid WasteManagement Plan to achieve the objectives
defined in Chapter 6 of this plan to directissues on waste generation, Recovery,
Collection, Processing and final Disposal for thenext 10 year.The representatives of
local government agency included in the ICSWMB-TWChave undertaken their roles
and responsibility to ensure Solid Waste Management systemare the following
committees on;1.Planning And Institutionalization2.Financial Resources and
Enforcement5.Livelihood Development And Marketing6.Information Education
Campaign7.Special / Hazardous Waste8.Brgy. Santiago Closure Dumpsite &
ImprovementsCooperations of Government Agency and non-Government Agency
including theacademic is responsible in preparing the Iligan City Solid Waste
Management Plan.Foremost, the Community involvement is the forefront of
planning activity. The basis of undertaking the plans and program are:1.PRMDP:
SWM Master Plan Report2.Consultation / Workshop / Conference
Barangay Environment Committee
Department of Educations
Sanitary/ City Health Office
Personal involvement in Solid Waste Collection
DENR Iligan City64

10-Years Solid Waste Management Plan

City Government Agencies (LGU)3.Meeting / Study Trips4.Feasibility Study Report on

the Iligan City Solid Waste Management SystemProject (ICSWMB)5.Strategic
Planning Workshop For ICSWMB & TWC in the implementationof Material Recovery
Facility and the omnibus City ordinance for Iligan CitySolid Waste ManagementThe

purpose is to attain the thrust stated to establish, implement a cost

effectiveinterrelated and sustainable Solid Waste Management System that will
focus inaddressing the Solid Waste Management Programs in Iligan City considering
thefollowing components are Source Reduction, Segregation Plan of Sector
Involve,Recycling, Collection/Transfer Plan, Composting plan, Diversion of Waste,
New Facilityof Central MRCF System Project, Disposal system, Special & Hazardous
waste Facility,IEC Plans & activities, and Livelihood Development and
Marketing.Based on section 1 DAO-IRR of R.A 9003,
Volume Reduction
at source is themain objective of the Integrated Ecological solid waste management
system. That allconstituents shall promote and responsible for sorting and
segregation of biodegradableand non-biodegradable recyclable waste at the
household in barangay level and all other sources such as markets, commercial,
institution, schools, hospitals and industry.The Plan is to reduce the amount of waste
disposed by diverting at least 25% of all Solid Waste from the Material Recovery and
Composting Facility through Re- Use,Recycling and Composting activities and
possible resource recovery activities of Barangay MRF, as provided in Section17, 20
of R.A 9003.

Table 3.6
-ProjectedMSW Generation of Estimated Population of 29 Barangay In Iligan City for
ICSWMPlan.The City of Iligan is undertaking a Waste Minimization and Recovery
project toreduce waste at source has been identified and acknowledged through the
efforts of JGCGuevarra Foundation Inc. under the supervision of the Iligan City Solid
Management Board with the IEC advocacy. The implementation of the scheme
activityfor the household segregation recycling and composting has been mobilized
with the participation of Barangay Buru-un & Maria Cristina. Organization and
participationinvolve Barangay community activities on the waste management
system thru IEC prior to construction of Central MRCF project. Strengthening the
market of the recyclable /recoverable materials shall be made possible to minimized
waste stream and increaseeconomic practically in implemented this plan. Price list
of Recyclable materials andmarket Junk store are shown in
Table 7.2.

Plans for Waste Reduction at source:

1. Institutionalization of SWM to all sectors at the barangay level

constituentsinvolves in proper handling and collection system of garbage generated
atsource by having alternative measure how to keep and process own waste.
2. Educate thru information how to handle organic compost material
mostlygenerated at the household like kitchen waste, papers and cartoons for
alternative decomposition procedure and re-using.
3. Institute a policy and ordinance to the barangay solid waste
managementinitiating BMRF and committee on collection methods to support
themandatory activity of recycling, composting and re-using in promotion to
practice clean production system at source.
4. Strengthening market availability for recovered recyclable materials like bottles,
broken plastic, scrap steel at source
.5. Assist the barangay committee thru IEC to practice
backyardscomposting and 3 Rs (Reduce, re-used, Recycle).



6. Through the efforts of education and information campaign with thecoordination

of barangay committee in all sectors to minimize used of plasticand /or recycle and
re-used otherwise used biodegradable wrappers such as basket bag.
7. Institute a policy of an accord ordinance at barangay level that Polluters
8. Institute a policy to assist each barangay in planning solid waste management.66

10-Years Solid Waste Management Plan

Collection Plan
: The setting of new Material Recovery & Composting Facility site islocated 7.8 km
away from the national high way at Bangko, Brgy. Bonbonon, where asthe collection
of Solid Waste shall be done in a way that prevents spillage andappropriate
compartments to ensure safe and efficient collection and transit, provided insection
1 rule X of DAO-IRR no 2001-34 series of 2001 of R.A. 9003.
In consideration to ensure safe and efficient collection, transfer and handling of
solid waste, the ICSWMB TWC proposed plans and these are the following;

To have three (3) additional equipments vehicles design to hauledspecific type of

waste either segregated and/ or mixed wasted, special/hazardous waste,
maintained operational condition, convenient capacity andseparated collection
schedules as specified above.
b.To have practical collection in house to house and in two (2) marketsof mixed
waste, segregated Biodegradable or recyclable waste andresiduals.

c.To acquired Equipment vehicle type of Compress truck, with 8 to 12cu. m.

Capacity of model type favored.
d.To trained and equipped with personal protective device for the personnel
e.To set an alternative collection of mixed waste
f. Institutes every Barangay or cluster of Barangay responsibility for thecollection,
segregation, recycling of biodegradable/recyclable, compostableand re-usable
waste for the establishment of BMRF
.g.The project Plan is to install Pilot MRF at Brgy. Del Carmen is on going and green
hills MRF at Luinab facilitated by the Barangay committees.h.To collect Non Organic
Residual waste from the Barangay MRF67

10-Years Solid Waste Management Plan

* Collection of Solid Waste
The City will continue to collect the MSW using the present fleet of garbagetrucks.
This is discussed in detail below.There will be a need for a major waste segregation
campaign among thecommunities who are the waste generators. This IEC will be a
joint effort between theICSWMB, the Facility Managers, PSD, other stakeholders and
Collection Route and Schedule:Future garbage collection program will involvedaily
collection of biodegradable waste and a two times a week collection of nonbiodegradable waste, using color coded trucks.

Residuals:Very minimal residuals (mostly toxic or polluting materials) will

besegregated and this will primarily baled and compacted, then stored neatly,
awaitingfuture utilization or disposition. (As baled materials on storage, there will be
no need tointroduce 6-cm- soil cover as required in a sanitary landfill. The soil cover
requirement isa very expensive and time-consuming daily work activity.) This
CMRCF shalldemonstrate the practical approach and effectiveness of baled and
compacted residualsconsidered as resources placed on storage for future
utilization. This is part of a targetedZero Waste Management program, the first part
of which is the conversion of concrete bricks out of shredded residual waste.

Storage And Set Out Plan:

The collection set out of the MSW will be continueon garbage fleet of trucks by the
City as referred to the existing public services given toany places of the barangay
and time/day scheduled. The waste generator shall providetheir practical storage
container that should be easily identifying prior its collection route.
As soon as the Barangays have their own establish Material Recovery Facility for
storageand set out, collection may be done in the BMRF.
A. Status of the Existing City Garbage Trucks*
The city has eleven (11) garbage trucks (press packs and open dump type) withone
(1) 5 CM capacity compactor already non-operational. Eight (8) of these
wereacquired way back 1993, while three (3) was obtained in 1998.The ten (10)
operational garbage trucks has a total fleet capacity of 153 TPD assuming four (4)
trips per day per unit which is the present practice now. This is still possible even
with the CMRCF at Barangay Bonbonon because the average one-waytravel or
delivery time from the City during off traffic hours is around 20 minutes.Based from
the present status of the said trucks, PSD plans to recondition the saidtrucks to
extend their operating life to at least 3 to 5 years more depending on the
actualusage ad maintenance. (See Table 3.2 Status of the Existing City Garbage
Trucks 2005).

B. Collection Truck Requirements*

With the reconditioning, proper usage, and a good preventive maintenancesystem,
it is expected that the 1993 batch of trucks may be usable up to 2008, while
the1998 batch could be used up to 2013. This means that with the extended life

span of theexisting fleet only a few additional units has to be acquired to meet the
expected volumeof MSW. The collection truck requirements for the City are
projected as shown in
The total of five (5) trucks that are need to be acquired up to 2019, particularlywhen
the present fleet of eleven (11) trucks will be retired by 2013. This requirement
assumes using 8 C.M capacity garbage trucks (press packs and/or dump truck)
since bigger trucks would be difficult to maneuver in the old and narrows streets of
the City,and may even damaged the concrete roads of some subdivisions due to the
heavy weightof the said trucks when fully loaded
Based form this evaluation, an additional of three (3) trucks (including 1 unit
standby capacity in case of downtime, repair and maintenance) is needed up to
2007. The remaining requirement could be purchased gradually under the 20% CDF
on a yearly basis, until the full compliment of trucks is acquired by the City.This
approached is the most practical approach with the considerable investment
necessary to buy brand new garbage trucks, and one which takes into consideration
theeffort of PSD to prolong the actual usage of their existing fleet through
reconditioning and maintenance.

10-Years Solid Waste Management Plan

Review and proposed an accord ordinance related on segregation of Solid Wasteat
Household level
Based on Section 1 of Rule VIII & Rule IX of R.A. 9003 DAO-Implementing Rules &
Regulation, Household owners shall be responsible in segregatingand keeping their
sorted wastes in the containers prior to the arrival of garbage collector.For the Iligan
City Solid Waste Management System, the plan to segregate of thedifferent types of
solid waste shall be implemented, practiced and regularly observed atsource.

The Solid Waste shall be store in a segregated container, receptacle or stock

with properly mark as Biodegradable, Recyclable or Special Waste
separately atdesignated area for-on site collection. Classify the receptacle
with color cords for convenience to identify prior its collection by the garbage



Institutionalization of Policy:

1. No Segregation No Collection Policy

2.Fines / penalty and measure take effect the implementation to segregate

atsource in the household Barangay level and mobilization of the Purok
leaders for monitoring.

3. Installation and establishment of Barangay MRF participation

4. Ordinance to handle Special / hazardous waste

Review and proposed an accord Local Ordinance

collectionschedule services.-Compostable Daily-





Recyclable - 2 days (T -TH)71

Residuals - 1 day (Sunday)Special/ hazardous Waste - 1 day (Sunday)
POLICY: Based on Section 1 of Rule VIII & Rule IX of R.A. 9003 DAO-Implementing
Rules & Regulation, Market, Commercial establishment and Institutional personnel
shall be responsible in segregating and keeping their sorted wastes in thecontainers
prior to the arrival of garbage collector. For the Iligan City Solid WasteManagement
System, the plan to segregate of the different types of solid waste shall
beimplemented, practiced and regularly observed at source.

The Solid Waste shall be store in a segregated container, receptacle or stock with
properly mark as Compostable, Recyclable or Special Wasteseparately at
designated area for-on site collection. Classify the receptacle withcolor cords for
convenience to identify prior its collection by the garbagecollection;



Review and proposed an accord ordinance related on segregation of Solid Wasteat

the market, institution, commercial;1. No Segregation No Collection2. Fines /
penalty and measure take effect the implementation to segregate atSource3.
Installation and establishment of Barangay MRF participation

Review and proposed an accord Local Ordinance on the manner of

collectionschedule services. Future garbage collection program will involve
dailycollection of biodegradable waste and a two times a week collection of nonbiodegradable waste, using color coded trucks.Compostable DailyRecyclable - 2 days (T -TH)Residuals - 1 day (Sunday)Special/ hazardous Waste - 1 day (Sunday)
General wastes from hospitals and other health care establishment are treated
asordinary waste, while medical waste are treated as a special and hazardous waste
whichwill be handled by the Special and Hazardous waste Facility of the Central
MaterialRecovery and Composting Facility (
see Annex: Special & Hazardous Waste Facilityfor details).
The household wastes coming from factories shall be processed at the
CentralMaterial Recovery and Composting Facility, while the hazardous industrial
waste shall behandled by the concerned factory in a special waste management
area within their premises or properties in accordance with the requirements of the
Environmental ImpactSystem (EIS) imposed by the DENR.The Iligan City Solid Waste
Management System Facility also addresses theHealth Care Waste (HCW) coming
from Hospitals in the City and including householdshazardous waste. The solid
waste from hospitals and other health care establishments areclassified and coded
as follows (Source: DOH Health Care Waste Management Manual,2004):*

General Waste
- Comparable to domestic waste, this type of waste does not pose special handling
problem of hazard to human health or to the environment. Itcomes mostly from the
administrative and housekeeping functions of health careestablishments and may
also include waste generated during maintenance of health care premises. General
waste should be dealt with by the municipal wastedisposal system. (Color coding of
containers: Green)2.
Infectious WasteThis type of waste is suspected to contain pathogens(bacteria, viruses, or fungi) in
sufficient concentration or quantity to cause diseaseinsusceptible host. (Color
coding of container: yellow)3.
Pathological WastePathological waste consists of tissues, organs, body parts, human fetus and animal
carcasses, blood and body fluids. Within this73

10-Years Solid Waste Management Plancategory, recognizable hu man or animal

body parts are also called anatomicalwaste. This category should be consider as a
subcategory of infectious waste,even though itmay also include healthy body parts.
(Color coding of container: yellow)4.
SharpsInclude needles, syringes, scalpels, saws, blades, broken glass,infusion sets, knives,
nails and any other items that can cause a cut or puncturewounds. Whether or not
they infected, such items are usually considered as highlyhazardous health care
waste. (Container: puncture proof)5.
Pharmaceutical wasteIncludes expired, unused, spilt, and contaminated pharmaceutical products, drugs,
vaccines, and sera that are no longer required andneed to be disposed of
appropriately. This category also includes discarded itemsused in handling of such
as bottles or boxes with residues, gloves, and masks,connecting tubing and drug
vials. (Color coding of container: yellow)6.
Genotoxic WasteGenotoxic waste may include certain cytostatic drugs,vomit, urine, or feces from
patients treated with cytostatic drugs, chemicals, andradioactive materials. This

type of waste is highly hazardous and may havemutagenic, teratogenic, or

carcinogenic properties. (Color coding of container:orange)7.
Chemical WasteChemical waste consists of discarded solid, liquid, andgaseous chemical, for
example from diagnostic and experimental work and fromcleaning, housekeeping,
and disinfecting procedures. Chemical waste from healthcare may be hazardous or
non-hazardous. (Color coding of container: yellow with black band)8.
Waste with high content of heavy metalsWastes with a high heavy-metalcontent represent a subcategory of hazardous
chemical waste, and are usuallyhighly toxic. Mercury wastes are typically generated
by spillage from brokenclinical equipment (thermometers, blood pressure gauges,
etc.) Whenever possible, spilled drops of mercury should be recovered. Residues
from dentistryhave high mercury content. Cadmium waste comes mainly from
discarded batteries. Certain reinforced wood panels containing lead is still being
used inradiation proofing of X-ray and diagnostic department. A number of drugs
Fotenote*: A Feasibility Study Report On The Iligan City Solid Waste Management
System Project: City Material Recovery AndComposting Facility, Prepared by the
ICSWMB, Engr. Merlito C. Catolico, ICSWMB-TWCFotenote*: A Feasibility Study
Report On The Iligan City Solid Waste Management System Project: City Material
Recovery AndComposting Facility, Prepared by the ICSWMB, Engnr. Merlito C.

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