Logic Chap.1
Logic Chap.1
Logic Chap.1
Philosophy is a set of views or beliefs about life and the universe, which
are often held uncritically (having) When a person says my philosophy is,
he or she is referring to an informal personal attitude to whatever topic is
being discussed.
Philosophy is a process of reflecting on and criticizing our most deeply
held conceptions and beliefs (doing)
“having and doing are interdependent”.
• The accumulation of knowledge does not by itself lead to understanding,
because it does not necessarily teach the mind to make a critical
• The term metaphysics is derived from the Greek words “meta” means
(beyond, upon or ―after) and physika, means (physics). Literally, it
refers those things after the physics.
Questions that Metaphysics primarily deals with are:-
1, Are human actions free, or predetermined by a supernatural
2, Does God exist, and if so, can we prove it?
3, What is reality?
4, What is mind, and what is its relation to the body?
Is basic reality found in spirit or spiritual energy? Is it composed of one element (e.g., matter or
• Is the field of philosophy that studies about the nature, scope, validity, meaning,
and possibility of knowledge.
• It deals with issues of knowledge, opinion, truth, falsity, reason, experience, and
• What is knowledge?
• What does it mean to know?
• What is the source of knowledge? Experience? Reason? Or both?
• How can we be sure that what we perceive through our senses is correct?
• What makes knowledge different from belief or opinion?
• What is the relationship and difference between faith and reason?
Skepticism in its narrow sense is the position claiming that people
cannot acquire reliable knowledge and that any search for truth is in
• Gorgias, the Greek Sophist who asserted that nothing exists, and that
if it did, we could not know it.
• A full-blown skepticism would make intelligent action impossible.
Agnosticism is a profession of ignorance in reference to the existence
or nonexistence of God.
• Axiology deals with the above and related issues of value in three areas,
Ethics/Moral philosophy
Normative-ethics (study and determine precisely the moral rules, principles
and standards by which human beings might evaluate and judge the moral
values of their conducts, actions and decisions. Consequentialism or
Teleological Ethics, Deontological Ethics, and Virtue Ethics )
Meta ethics (deals with investigation of the meaning of ethical terms. What
is good or bad and right or wrong)
Applied Ethics (explain, justify, apply moral rules, principles, standards, and
positions to specific moral problems, such as capital punishment, euthanasia,
abortion etc.)
Aesthetics (theory of beauty)
It deals with beauty, art, enjoyment, sensory/emotional values, perception, and
matters of taste and sentiment.
• What is art?
• What is beauty?
• What is the relation between art and beauty?
• What is the connection between art, beauty, and truth?
Social/political philosophy
• provides students with the tools they need to critically examine their
own lives as well as the world in which they live.
“The unexamined life is not worth living.”
• Intellectual and Behavioral Independence
• Reflective Self-Awareness
• Flexibility, Tolerance, and Open-Mindedness
• Conceptualized and well-thought-out value systems in morality, art,
politics, and etc.
• Creative and Critical Thinking
• helps us to deal with the uncertainty of living