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FruitVeg L6 Fruit Produc

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Fruit &

Fruit & Vegetable

Unit for Plant
Science Core
Unit for Plant

Lesson 6: Core

Lesson 6:
Fruit Production
Fruit & Competency/Objective
Vegetable Identify characteristics of small fruits and tree fruits.
Study Questions
Unit for Plant
Science Core
1. What are plant considerations in fruit production?
2. What are small fruits?

Lesson 6: 3. What are tree fruits?

4. How are fruit trees produced?
5. What are the types of fruit trees?

6. What are the components of the fruit charts and

what do they mean?
Fruit &
What are plant considerations in fruit
Vegetable production?
Production • Fruits are the matured ovaries of flowering plants that
Unit for Plant contain the seeds of the plant.
Science Core
• A fruit crop is a perennial crop that produces true
Curriculum (botanical) fruit that is edible and of economic value.

• Different varieties and hybrids of fruits offer certain

Lesson 6: desirable characteristics, such as good size, flavor, and
appearance and resistance to certain pests and diseases.
Production Variety: a plant that occurs naturally or through
cultivation and differs from other members of its species
by one or more characteristics

Hybrid: a plant that results from interbreeding two

distinct cultivars, varieties, or species

• Qualities such as size, flavor, and appearance are

especially important when choosing fruit crops because
these traits play a large role in appealing to customers.
Fruit &
What are small fruits?
• Small fruit crops produce small, soft fruit, usually on
Production vines, plants, or shrubs.
Unit for Plant Small fruits are not all in the same botanical family.
Science Core
Curriculum They require little space relative to the amount of fruit
they produce.

Small fruit crops typically bear fruit one or two years after
Lesson 6: planting.
Pests are generally easier to control than on tree fruits.
Examples: blackberries, blueberries, grapes, raspberries,
Fruit &
What are tree fruits?
• Tree fruits are edible fruit crops that grow on trees.
Trees are woody plants that usually have a single main
Unit for Plant trunk and produce new growth in the branches of their
Science Core canopy.
• Trees are distinct from shrubs, which typically have
several stems instead of a single trunk and produce new
growth from the ground.
Lesson 6:
Fruit • The growth pattern of trees makes them well suited to
Fruit &
How are fruit trees produced?
• Grafting is a propagation method in which a bud, twig,
Production or shoot—the scion—is taken from one plant and
Unit for Plant attached to a different but compatible plant, called the
Science Core
Curriculum The grower can choose
one tree for its ability to
grow in a particular
region or type of soil, its
Lesson 6: height, or disease
Fruit resistance, and another
Production for its fruit.

Grafting allows the

grower to combine the
best traits of multiple
plants and produce a
better product.
Fruit &
What are the types of fruit trees?
• Pome fruits
Pome fruits are members of the Pomoideae subfamily of
Unit for Plant the family Rosaceae.
Science Core
Curriculum The fruit, a pome, forms from a flower with an inferior,
compound ovary.

The edible portion that surrounds the seeds is formed by

Lesson 6: the nonovarian parts of the flower.
Pome fruits are generally well adapted to cool, temperate
Production climates.

They typically have a long storage life if proper

conditions are provided.

Examples: apples and pears

Fruit &
What are the types of fruit trees?
• Stone fruits
Stone fruits are members of the subfamily Prunoideae of
Unit for Plant the family Rosaceae.
Science Core
Curriculum The fruit, a drupe, forms from a flower with a superior,
simple ovary.

The common name comes from the hard pit or “stone” in

Lesson 6: the center of the fruit.
The stone is a specialized layer of ovary tissue called an
Production endocarp that surrounds the seed.
Fruit &
What are the types of fruit trees?
Most stone fruits are native to warmer climates.
Unit for Plant • They are very susceptible to injury from low winter
Science Core
Curriculum • Stone fruits bloom early in the spring, which makes their
flowers vulnerable to damage from spring frosts.

Lesson 6: Stone fruits are extremely perishable and have a very

limited storage life.
Production Examples: cherries, peaches, and plums
Fruit &
What are the types of fruit trees?
• Nuts
A nut is a dry indehiscent fruit in which the seed remains
Unit for Plant unattached to the ovary wall, and the ovary wall—the
Science Core shell—becomes very hard at maturity.
Indehiscent means that the fruit does not open when it

Lesson 6: Nut crops are not all in the same botanical family, but
Fruit they do have similar processing requirements, such as
hulling and drying.
They are typically high in protein and low in saturated

Nut trees can do well in less desirable growing

conditions, which makes them a good choice for land that
is too rough or steep for field crops.

Examples: black walnuts, Chinese chestnuts, and northern

Fruit &
What are the components of the fruit
Vegetable charts and what do they mean?
Production • Different types of fruits will be discussed in this lesson
Unit for Plant using a chart format. Fruit chart components are
Science Core discussed below.
Curriculum Interval From Planting to Fruiting: The interval from
planting to fruiting refers to the amount of time from
planting until the first salable crop is produced.
Lesson 6:
Season of Ripening: The season of ripening is a guideline
Fruit for the time of year when the fruit will be ripe and ready
Production to pick.

Soil: This section of the chart explains what soil

conditions are desirable for the plant to grow, such as the
recommended soil pH, texture, and drainage.

Spacing: Spacing requirements provide a guideline for

how much space to leave between plants and rows to
allow adequate room for growth, cultivation, and
Fruit &
What are the components of the fruit
Vegetable charts and what do they mean?
Production Harvest: The harvest section of the charts provides
Unit for Plant general guidelines to help determine when the crop is
Science Core ready to be harvested and how to harvest the crop.
Curriculum Postharvest: Proper storage and handling procedures are
listed in the postharvest portion of the chart.

Lesson 6: Production Concerns: Crop-specific information to

facilitate proper growth and production is supplied in the
Fruit production concerns section.
Pests and Diseases: This section lists common pests and
diseases that affect the specific crop.

Structures and Equipment: This section provides a guide

to what structures and equipment are needed for proper
growth and production.

Other Considerations: This heading provides a place to

include crop-specific concerns that are not associated with
other areas of the chart.
Fruit &
Vegetable Sample Fruit Chart
Stone Fruit Trees
Production ______________________
Unit for Plant Interval From Planting
Science Core to Fruiting
Season of Ripening

Lesson 6:
Fruit Spacing

Production Harvest


Production Concerns

Pests and Diseases

Structures and

Other Considerations

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