The Big Picture About Environmental Management Systems: Department of Management Clemson University
The Big Picture About Environmental Management Systems: Department of Management Clemson University
The Big Picture About Environmental Management Systems: Department of Management Clemson University
Environmental Management
Lawrence D. Fredendall
Department of Management
Clemson University
What is a System?
What is an EMS?
– Part of overall management structure
Purpose of EMS
– Address immediate & long-term environmental impacts
Why have an EMS?
– Provide order and consistency in methods
EPA View of EMS Purpose
(United States Environmental Protection Agency, 6/25/2002.)
Systems Approach
End-of-Pipe Approach
Limited to Compliance
Defacto EMS
Implementation TEACHING
Structured EMS
(United States Environmental Protection Agency, on June 25, 2002.)
Continual Improvement
Checking and
corrective action
and operation
EMS Implementation Phases
(Stapleton, Philip J., Margaret A. Glover, and S. Petie Davis, 2 nd edition, Environmental Management Systems: An Implementation Guide for
Small and Medium-Sized Organizations, NSF 2001,, 6/25/02, p. 12.)
Define Goals Clearly state why an EMS is being developed.
To comply with regulations? To improve
environmental performance? To prevent
pollution? To reduce potential liability?
Top To gain top management support,
Management management must understand the benefits of
Support an EMS and agree with the goals. Support is
. necessary to obtain resources.
Structure EMS project must have a leader, with
authority and skills.
Implementation Representatives from key areas to ensure
Team ownership.
EMS Implementation Phases
(Stapleton, Philip J., Margaret A. Glover, and S. Petie Davis, 2 nd edition, Environmental Management Systems: An Implementation Guide for
Small and Medium-Sized Organizations, NSF 2001,, 6/25/02, p. 12.)
Preliminary What is current compliance effort? What
Review portions of EMS are in place? What are key
environmental aspects and how effectively are
they being addressed.
Budget and Use preliminary review to develop budget and
Schedule schedule. Identify key activities to be
performed and resources needed for these.
. Include milestones and periodic reviews.
Resource Ensure top management authorizes allocation
Approval of all key resources
Progress Involve everyone in sharing progress through
Barriers to Implementing Formal
Denial of need
We are different / unique
Too difficult to do
Not enough time
Policy Resistance
Policy Resistance
(Sterman: Business Dynamics Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World, McGraw-Hill, 2001)
Policy resistance is
“the tendency for interventions to be delayed, diluted, or
defeated by the response of the system to the intervention
itself (Meadows, 1982)” (p. 5)
Unintended consequences
“You cannot meddle with one part of a complex system from
the outside without the almost certain risk of setting off
disastrous events that you hadn’t counted on in other remote
parts. If you want to fix something you are first obliged to
understand … the whole system … Intervening is a way of
causing trouble.” (Thomas, 1974, p. 90) (p. 8)
Improvement Paradox
(Repenning and Sterman, Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened, California Management Review, 43 (4),
Summer 2001, 64-88)
Provide Resources
Show how change
– matches who we are and
– what we do
SACS & ISO 14001 Process
SACS ISO 14001
Basic Structure •Steering Committee •Assigned by MGT
•Must Do •Should
Continual Improvement
Checking and
corrective action
and operation
EMS Requirements (continued)
(ANSI/ISO 14001 - 1996)
4.3 Planning
4.3.1 Environmental aspects
The organization shall establish and maintain (a) procedure(s) to identify the
environmental aspects of its activities, products or services that it can control
and over which it can be expected to have an influence, in order to determine
those which have or can have significant impacts on the environment. The
organization shall ensure that the aspects related to these significant impacts
are considered in setting its environmental objectives.
Continual Improvement
Checking and
corrective action
and operation
EMS Requirements (continued)
(ANSI/ISO 14001 - 1996)
Personnel performing the tasks which can cause significant environmental impacts
shall be competent on the basis for appropriate education, training and/or
EMS Requirements (continued)
(ANSI/ISO 14001 - 1996)
4.4.3 Communication
Continual Improvement
Checking and
corrective action
and operation
4.0 EMS Requirements (continued)
(ANSI/ISO 14001 - 1996)
The audit programme, including any schedule, shall be based on the environmental
importance of the activity concerned and the results of previous audits. In order to
be comprehensive, the audit procedures shall cover the audit scope, frequency and
methodologies, as well as the responsibilities and requirements for conducting
audits and reporting results.
ISO 14001 EMS Model ANSI/ISO 14001-1996, vi i
Continual Improvement
Checking and
corrective action
and operation
4.0 EMS Requirements (continued)
(ANSI/ISO 14001 - 1996)
The management review shall address the possible need for changes to policy,
objectives and other elements of the environmental management system, in the
light of environmental management system audit results, changing
circumstances and the commitment to continual improvement.
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