De-recruitment / Separation
By Prof. Stuti Jain
Symbiosis Law School, Noida
Meaning- Separation
According to Yoder, separation is a negative
recruitment. It may be In the form of resignation,
dismissal or discharge, suspension, retrenchment or
Meaning- Separation
Separation is a situation when the service agreement of
an employee with his/her organisation comes to an end
and employee leaves the organization.
Voluntary Involuntary
Professional reasons Employees may seek separation when they decide to seek better positions,
responsibilities and status outside the present organization.
Health problems Major health problems crippling the employees may make them invalid or unfit to
continue in the profession.
Personal reasons The important personal reasons for voluntary separation are relocation for family
reasons like marriage of the employees and health crisis of family members, maternity and child-
Behavioural problems An employee's objectionable and unruly behaviour within the organization
may also lead to his involuntary separation from the organization.
Caring and
unpaid work Policy context
Labor market
Retirement on Superannuation
Voluntary Retirement
Compulsory Retirement as a measure of punishment
Compulsory Retirement due to Administrative Reason
Death While in Service
Retirement due to invalidation on Medical Ground
The process of a corporation reorganizing or
restructuring their business by cost-cutting, reduction
of workforce, or reorganizing upper-level
The goal is to get the company molded properly to
achieve the maximum profit.
The term rightsizing is often used by companies
instead of downsizing because it sounds less drastic.
Retrenchment means permanent termination of an
employee’s services for economic reasons.
Retrenchment occurs on account of surplus staff, poor
demand for products, general economic slowdown,
It is important to note that termination of services on
account of retirement, winding up of a business,
illness or on disciplinary grounds does not constitute
Retrenchment is mainly seen in plantations, agricultural services,
forestry and logging, food products, manufacture of machinery and
cotton textile. The reasons pointed out behind retrenchment were
mainly financial stringency and lack of demand for their products.
The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 makes it obligatory for
organisations employing 100 or more employees to give three months’
notice to the employee to be retrenched and also seek prior approval
of the Government.
In other organisations, employee must be served one month’s prior
notice in writing indicating the reasons for retrenchment. He/she
should be paid compensation equal to 15 days’ wages for every
completed year of service. As and when there is need for employing
people in future, the retrenched employee must be given preference.
Dismissal is where the employer chooses to require the employee to
leave, generally for a reason which is the fault of the employee.
Dismissal is termination of service of an employee as a punitive measure.
Reasons for Dismissal-
A. unsatisfactory performance or misconduct.
B. Persistent failure on the part of employee to perform up to the
C. specified standard is considered as unsatisfactory performance
D. Wilful violation of rules and regulation by the employee is treated as
Exit Interview
About the Unit- Exit Interview
Conclusion- Exit Interview