Lkas 23
Lkas 23
Lkas 23
Objectives and Scope
• Biological assets
• Inventories that are manufactured, or otherwise
produced, in large quantities on a repetitive basis.
Borrowing costs are interest and other costs
incurred by an entity in connection with the
borrowing of funds.
Borrowing costs may include:
Interest expenses calculated using the effective
interest method (LKAS 39)
Finance charges in respect of financial lease
(LKAS 17)
Exchange differences arising from foreign
currency borrowings
Amortization of loan issue costs
Qualifying Asset
Qualifying Assets
• Specific borrowings:
To the extent that an entity borrows funds specifically for
the purpose of obtaining a qualifying asset, the entity
shall determine the amount of borrowing costs eligible
for capitalisation as the actual borrowing costs
incurred on that borrowing during the period less any
investment income on the temporary investment of
those borrowings.
Generally Borrowed Funds
• To the extent that an entity borrows funds generally and uses it for
the purpose of obtaining a qualifying asset, the entity shall
determine the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation
by applying a capitalisation rate to the expenditures on that asset.
• The capitalisation rate shall be the weighted average of the
borrowing costs applicable to the borrowings of the entity that are
outstanding during the period
• For a period, the amount capitalized should not exceed borrowing
costs incurred
Commencement of Capitalization
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