Voice Recognition
Voice Recognition
Voice Recognition
Feature matching
It involves the actual procedure to identify the unknown
speaker by comparing extracted features from his/her voice
input with the ones from a set of known speakers.
In this final step, we convert the log Mel spectrum back
to time. The result is called the Mel frequency
cepstrum coefficients (MFCC). The cepstral
representation of the speech spectrum provides a good
representation of the local spectral properties of the
signal for the given frame analysis.
Speaker Verification is also called as Feature Matching
or Pattern Matching. Vector Quantization Method
(VQ) is used for high accuracy and ease of
Vector Quantization:
VQ is a process of mapping vectors from a large
vector space to a finite number of regions in that
space. Each region is called a cluster and can be
represented by its center called a codeword . The
collection of all codeword's is called a codebook .
Clustering the training Vectors:
After the enrolment session, the acoustic vectors
extracted from input speech of each speaker provide
a set of training vectors for that speaker. As
described above, the next important step is to build
a speaker-specific VQ codebook for each speaker
using those training vectors. There is a well-know
algorithm, namely LBG algorithm [Linde, Buzo and
Gray, 1980], for clustering a set of L training vectors
into a set of M codebook vectors.
Banking by Telephone
Database Access Service
Voice Dialling
Telephone Shopping
Information Services
Voice Mail
Security Control for Secret information Areas
Remote Access to Computer
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