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No Identity Admission To ER Diagnosis Treatment

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No Identity Admission to ER Diagnosis Treatment

2. Mr. Ricardo / 42. Admitted in Abcess Hepar + Treatment from ER:

Y.O / / April 18th 11.30 Anemia (9.7) • IVFD NACL 0.9% 10 tpm
PM • Inj. Omeprazole 1x40mg
• Inj. Cefobactam 3x1 gr
• Inj Metronidazole
• Complete Blood Count
Consult to Digestive:
• Hospitallized
Mr. Ricardo / 42. Y.O / /
Admitted in April 18th 11.30 PM

Chief Complained : abdominal pain

History :
He came with complained of pain at the abdomen since 3 weeks ago. At the beginning, pain came
at the right upper abdomen and felt intermittently with stabbing sensation accompanied by fever. The
fever felt intermittent. He also complained yellowing of his eyes and skin. He complained anorexia
and loss of weight.
He had history of being alcoholic since 10 years ago.
There was no history of abdominal trauma, hepatitis, surgery, Dark stool before. His house didn’t
located near a river and his drinking source didn’t bring from the river.

History of Past Illness: Hepatitis (-), HT (-), DM (-)

History of Family Illness: HT (-), DM (-), tumor (-)
Vital Sign
• GCS : E4 V5 M6
• BP : 120/80
• HR : 85x/ m
• RR :22x/ m
•T : 37.8o C
• CRT : <3 second
• SpO2 : 99% without O2 supplementary
Physical Examination
•Eye: pale conjungtiva (+/+), sclera icteric (+/+), pupil equal 3 mm|3 mm.
Head/Neck •Neck: Lymphn Node Enlargement -/-

• I : symmetric respiratory movement, retraction (-)

• P : symmetric VF
Chest • P : sonor at all lung fields
• A : symmetric VBS, no ronchi, no wheezing

• I : distention (+), mass (+), darm countur (-), darm steifung (-), scar (-)
• A : bowel sound (+) 4-5x/minute, metalic sound (-)
• P : hypertympanic (+)
Abdomen • P : Tenderness (+) at right upper quadran, defands muscular (-), liver (+) palpable
20cm x 10cm x 2cm, Regular border, soft, mobile , spleen not palpable, skin turgor

Extremities • warm (+), edema pitting pretibial (+/+),

Digital Rectal Examination
I : mass (-), Haemorrhoid (-), Fistule (-)
- Spincter ani tone : normal limit
- Mucosa slippery
- Ampulla was not collapse
- Mass (-) rectum hard to evaluate because fecal material
- Fecal material hard consistency  brown greenish colour, blood (-)
- Handschoen: Faeces (-), Blood (-)
Clinical Pictures
Clinical Pictures
Laboratory Finding in Suaka Insan Hospital on April
17th 2020
Examination Result Normal Value
Hemoglobin 9.2 14,00-16,00 g/dl
Leukosit 18.7 4,0-10,5 thousand/ul
Eritrosit 3.13 3,90-5,50 million/ul
Hematokrit 27.1 37,00-47,00 vol%
Trombosit 160 150-450 thousand/ul
RDW-CV --- 11,5-14,7 %
MCV 86.7 81,0-99,0 fl
MCH 29.4 27-31pg
MCHC 33.9 33.0-37.0
Uric Acid 5.3 3.6-7.0
Total Cholesterol 53 <200
HDL 10 >35
LDL 27 <150
Trigliseride 78 <150
Laboratory Finding in Suaka insan Hospital on April 17th
2020 Examination Result Normal Value
Alkaline Phospatase - 40-150
RBG - 108
Albumin 2.2 3.5 – 5.2
Biltot 9.69 0.2 -1.2
Bilirubin Direct 8.09 0.0 – 0.2
SGOT 257 0-46 U/l
SGPT 75 0-45 U/l
Ureum 82 10-50 mg/dl
Creatinin 0.4 0,7-1,4 mg/dl
Natrium 128 135-146 mmol/l
Kalium 3.7 3,4-5,4 mmol/l
Chlorida 96 95-100 mmol/l
Laboratory Finding in Siaga Hospital on April 18th
Examination Result Normal Value
Hemoglobin 8.9 14,00-16,00 g/dl
Leukosit 16.5 4,0-10,5 thousand/ul
Eritrosit 2.95 3,90-5,50 million/ul
Hematokrit 27.2 37,00-47,00 vol%
Trombosit 198 150-450 thousand/ul
RDW-CV 17.5 11,5-14,7 %
MCV 92.2 81,0-99,0 fl
MCH 30.2 27-31pg
MCHC 32.7 33.0-37.0
PT 9.1 7.9-10.3
INR 0.98
APTT 26.7 20-30.3
Laboratory Finding in Siaga Hospital on April 18th 2020
Examination Result Normal Value
Alkaline Phospatase --- 40-150
RBG --- 108
Albumin --- 3.5 – 5.2
Biltot 6.08 0.2 -1.2
Bilirubin Direct 4.97 0.0 – 0.2
SGOT 63 0-46 U/l
SGPT 95 0-45 U/l
Ureum 30 10-50 mg/dl
Creatinin 0.9 0,7-1,4 mg/dl
Natrium --- 135-146 mmol/l
Kalium --- 3,4-5,4 mmol/l
Chlorida --- 95-100 mmol/l
Laboratory Finding in Ulin Hospital on April 18th
Examination Result Normal Value
Hemoglobin 9.2 12,00-16,00 g/dl
Leukosit 17.0 4,0-10,5 thousand/ul
Eritrosit 2.99 3,90-5,50 million/ul
Hematokrit 27.3 37,00-47,00 vol%
Trombosit 219 150-450 thousand/ul
RDW-CV 18.6 11,5-14,7 %
MCV 91.3 81,0-99,0 fl
MCH 30.8 27-31pg
MCHC 33.7 33.0-37.0
Gran% 90.2 50-70%
Limfosit% 6.1 25-40%
Gran# 15.4 2.50-7.00 thousand/ul
Limfosit# 1.0 1.25-4.0 thousand/ul
Laboratory Finding in Ulin Hospital on April 18th 2020
Examination Result Normal Value
Alkaline Phospatase 340 40-150
RBG 108 108
Albumin 2.7 3.5 – 5.2
Biltot 10.75 0.2 -1.2
Bilirubin Direct 9.90 0.0 – 0.2
SGOT 254 0-46 U/l
SGPT 88 0-45 U/l
Ureum 77 10-50 mg/dl
Creatinin 1.32 0,7-1,4 mg/dl
Natrium 131 135-146 mmol/l
Kalium 3.9 3,4-5,4 mmol/l
Chlorida 108 95-100 mmol/l
Covid Screening , April 18th 2020, Siaga
USG Abdomen, April 11th 2020, Suaka Insan Hospital
Thorax Xray PA, April 11th 2020, Suaka Insan Hospital
CT Scan Thorax Non Contrast, April 13th 2020, Suaka Insan Hospital
CT Scan Thorax Non Contrast, April 13th 2020, Suaka Insan Hospital
CT Scan Abdominal Non Contrast, April 16th 2020, Suaka Insan Hospital
CT Scan Abdominal Non Contrast, April 16th 2020, Suaka Insan Hospital
Multi lobulated liver Abcess + Anemia (9.7)
Treatment from ER: Consult to Digestive:
• IVFD NACL 0.9% 10 tpm • Hospitallized
• Percutaneus abscess
• Inj. Ceftriaxon 2x1 gr drainage
• Inj Metronidazole 3x500mg
• Inj. Omeprazole 1x40mg
• Complete Blood Count

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