Tetanus: Oleh: Riz Sanfebrian Adiatma
Tetanus: Oleh: Riz Sanfebrian Adiatma
Tetanus: Oleh: Riz Sanfebrian Adiatma
Riz Sanfebrian Adiatma
• Tetanus is an acute, often fatal, disease caused by an exotoxin
produced by the bacterium Clostridium tetani. It is characterized by
generalized rigidity and convulsive spasms of skeletal muscles.
• C. tetani is a slender, gram-positive, anaerobic rod that may develop a
terminal spore, giving it a drumstick appearance.
• The spores are widely distributed in soil and in the intestines and
feces of horses, sheep, cattle, dogs, cats, rats, guinea pigs, and
• C. tetani produces two exotoxins, tetanolysin and tetanospasmin.
• Anaerobic conditions allow germination of
spores and production of toxins
• Toxin binds in central nervous system
• Interferes with neurotransmitter release to
block inhibitor impulses
• Leads to unopposed muscle contraction
and spasm
Clinical Features
Lebih dari 10 th Y N Y N
Luka lain : luka lebih dari 6 jam, bentuk irreguler, kedalaman lebih
dari 1 cm, luka tembak, luka bakar, frostbite, crush injury, terdapat
jaringan mati, sangat kotor