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Sales Trainning

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Sales training is a process of providing the sales
force with specific skills for performing their
task better and helping them to correct
deficiencies in their sales performance .
Sales training provides the necessary skills to
the salespeople to perform a job better and
correct any lacunae in the sales force while
executing their job responsibilities.
Training and development are processes that are
closely related and serve specific purposes in
an organisation.
Training is the act of increasing the knowledge
and skill of an employee for doing a
particular job.
Development refers to the processes and
strategies by which a sales organization
provides the sales force with abilities that the
organisation will need in the future.
□ Improve the performance of the salespeople.
□ Identifying customer needs.
□ Qualifying opportunities.
□ Demonstrating value.
□ Overcoming objections.

1. Sales training enhances the confidence level

of salesman.
2. Complaints against salesmen also
become less.
3. Sales training maximizes customer
1. Training is a slow process.
2. Training is time consuming.
3. Training is expensive.
4. Shortage of efficient trainers.
□ Induction or Orientation Training : In this
method ,training is given to those salesmen who
have been just appointed. He may be taken to the
various sections and departments and introduced to
the employees there.
□ On the Job Training: In this method, a new
experienced employee is given some kind of
instructions from experienced employee who may
be a supervisor. In this method, the trainee
learns the maximum amount of rules and
regulations about the job.
□ Job Rotation: This method involves movement
of trainee from one job to another to gain
knowledge and experience from different job
□ Off the Job training: In this method, the
trainers learn their job roles from the actual work
□ Case Study: In this method, the trainees are given
the situation in the form of a case study, and are
required to solve it as per their learning from
training program.
□ Conferences: In this method, conferences are
held at a selected location where sessions are
presented with some entertainment so that the
trainees keep their motivation level high.
□ Role Play: Role play is an innovative method
of sales training used by many organisations for
training their sales force. Role play tries to extend
the sales trainees experience by presenting them
with a commonly encountered situation and asks
them to place themselves in the role of the parties
□ Participative Training: This method helps
in the cross fertilization of ideas, beliefs,
attitudes, knowledge and experiences
between different people who have worked in
different environment.
□ Sensitivity Training: Also known as T-group
training. This method is used to describe a type
of laboratory training which sets out to
promote more effective interpersonal
relationships in an organisation.
Two theories of sales
training are there:
□ Conditional Theory
□ Cognitive Theory
□ Conditional Theory: This theory is based
on the assumption that there is a desired
response to a stimulus. This theory believes in
the laws of associations such as assimilation,
frequency, intensity, individual differences and
a cause effect relationship. This theory is based
on the assumption that when any action causes
satisfaction, it will be associated with a
particular situation and the same act shall be
repeated when a similar situation arises.
Example: Pavlov conducted experiment with a
dog to propound the classical conditioning
theory. Whenever the dog felt hungry, it
salivated. Every time food was served to the
dog, the experimenter sounded a bell in front
of the dog. After some time, each time the bell
was sounded, the dog started salivating.
□ Cognitive Theory: It may involve reading,
lectures, audio-visual presentations, case problems
etc. Affective learning such as attitude, values, are
best learned through field trips, open discussions
and role plays.
A successful sales training programme should be
designed by taking into account the three
components of learning- the cognitive, the affective
ant the sensory motor components of behaviour. In a
typical sales training programme, a salesperson is
expected to have the knowledge of the company,
product, knowledge of the market.

Training need assessment

1. Training Needs assessment: The first step in the
training process is to assess the need for training
the employees. The need for training could be
identified through a diagnosis of present and future
challenges and through a gap between the
employee’s actual performance and the standard
The needs assessment can be studied from two
perspectives: Individual and group. The individual
training is designed to enhance the individual’s
efficiency when not performing adequately. And
whereas the group training is intended to inculcate
the new changes in the employees due to a change
in the organization’s strategy.
2. Deriving Instructional Objectives: Once
the needs are identified, the objectives for
which the training is to be conducted are
established. The objectives could be based on
the gaps seen in the training programmes
conducted earlier and the skill sets developed
by the employees.
• 3.Designing Training Programme: The next
step is to design the training programme in line
with the set objectives. Every training
programme encompasses certain issues such as:
Who are the trainees? Who are the trainers?
What methods are to be used for the training?
What will be the level of training? etc.Also, the
comprehensive action plan is designed that
includes the training content, material, learning
theories, instructional design, and the other
training requisites.
• 4.Implementation of the Training Programme:
Once the designing of the training programme is
completed, the next step is to put it into the action.
The foremost decision that needs to be made is
where the training will be conducted either
in-house or outside the organization.
Once it is decided, the time for the training is set
along with the trainer who will be conducting the
training session. Also, the trainees are
monitored continuously throughout the training
programme to see if it’s effective and is able to
retain the employee’s interest.
5.Evaluation of the Training Programme: After
the training is done, the employees are asked to
give their feedback on the training session and
whether they felt useful or not. Through feedback,
an organization can determine the weak spots if
any, and can rectify it in the next session. The
evaluation of the training programme is a must
because companies invest huge amounts in these
sessions and must know it’s effectiveness in terms
of money.

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