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Comparing the learning strategies used by extravert and introvert ESL

learners in Australia
Siqi Han (u3199842) and Fransisca Budayanti (u3199464)
Tesol and Efl Program, University of Canberra

Introduction b. Learning strategy Conclusion

There are many international students in There are many definition of learning strategy (see Rubin, 1975; -The research in personality and learning strategy does
Oxford, 1999; Weinsten et al, 2000; Cohen, 1998). Rubin (1975) not always show a clearly defined relationship. Personality
Australia who study English courses to
perhaps gave more general and comprehensive definition; variable seems consistently more related to
meet the language requirement of conversational (communicative) skill rather than to
learner strategy as the techniques or devices which learner
universities. Successful learning is grammatical accuracy (Lightbown and Spada, 2018). The
may use to acquire knowledge.
expected in order to obtain required score Instrument such as MSLQ (Motivated Strategies for Learning relationship was more consistent when the studies were
to enter the Australian Universities. Questionnaire), SILL (Strategy Inventory for Language conducted in finding correlation between extravert trait
Personality is one of many factors in ID Learning), Language Strategy Use Inventory and RSCvoc (Self and communication skill.
that explain differential success in L2 Regulating Capacity in Vocabulary Learning Scale are -This study is an attempt to relate the personality trait and
learning. Common perception is that developed to assess learners’ learning strategy. This research learning strategy with both qualitative and quantitative
will use the SILL (Oxford, 1990). data in order to explore more the relationship between
people who has extraverted trait learn
individual differences in second language acquisition.
better than the introverted. However, the Research question/interest -Despite the contradictory results, many researchers still
findings related to introvert and extravert What learning strategies do the introvert and extravert learners believe that personality trait have important influence in
in language learning are mixed. The recent apply to support their language learning? language learning (Lightbown & Spada, 2018; Dornyei,
studies in extravert and introvert in L2 has Are the strategies the introverts used different to the strategy 2005; Dornyei 2015; Larsen-Freeman, 1991).
of the extraverts? If any, what are the differences?
started to explore how these traits are -The findings will hopefully benefit both the learners and
Which learning strategies are most effective for introverted and the teachers. The learners’ awareness of their personality
affecting the learners learning strategy. extraverted learners respectively ?
Many other studies attempted to relate the will lead to awareness of how they will learn best to
achieve success in their L2 learning. Teachers can apply
learning strategy to other ID factors. The
different material, activity and task to adjust with
aim of this study is to investigate the learners’ learning strategy and personality in order
learning strategies used by learners with improve learners’ L2 learning and outcome.
extravert and introvert trait at UC College
in Canberra, Australia, and to compare the
differences of the two types of learners.

Burger, J. M. (2004). Personality (6th ed.). CA, USA:
Wadsworth/Thompson Learning.
Literature review Dornyéi, Z. (2005). The psychology of the language learner:
Methodology Individual differences in second language acquisition.
a. Introvert and extravert
Two instrument – the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire NJ, USA: Routledge.
-“A trait is a dimension of personality used to (EPQ) and the Strategy Inventory for Second Language Dornyéi, Z., & Ryan, S. (2015). The psychology of the
categorize people according to the degree to Learning (Oxford, 1990) will be used in this study. language learner revisited. Oxon, UK: Routledge.
which they manifest a particular characteristic Eysenck, H. J., & Eysenck, M. W. (1968). Personality and
(Burger, 2004).” The EPQ will be analyzed on the basis of strategy individual differences: A natural science approach. NY,
classifications suggested by Oxford (1990). Interview will be USA: Plenum Press.
-Typical extravert is someone who is sociable, conducted to collect qualitative data on learners’ learning
take chances, has many friends, enjoy social Griffiths, C. (2008). Lessons from good language learners.
strategy. Furthermore, in order to study which learning Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
activities, apt to become conventional and strategies are most effective for the two different types of
outgoing. Larsen-Freeman, D., & Long, M. H. (1991). An introduction
learners, a data collection on the students’ English academic to second language acquisition research. Essex, UK:
-On the other hand, introverts are quiet, scores is needed. Pearson Education Limited.
retiring, keep feeling under close control, The participants are 20 students from UC College, and in order Lightbown, P. M., & Spada, N. (2018). How languages are
reliable and has high ethical standard. They to ensure the diversity and representativeness of samples, learned (4th ed.). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
are reserved and distant except to intimate they are chosen from different level of English classes. The Matthews, G., Deary, I. J., & Whiteman, M. C. (2003).
friends (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1968; Mathew et gender and nationality mix is also desired in the selection of Personality trait (2nd ed.). NY, USA: Cambridge
al, 2003; Michael et al, 2004). samples. University Press.
-Trait researchers are interested in predicting Mischel, W., Smith, R. E., & Shoda, Y. (2004). Introduction
how people score with a certain trait will to personality: toward intergration (7th ed.). NY, USA:

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