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Motivation and Attitude

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International Conference on Research in Social Sciences, Humanities and Education (SSHE-2016) May 20-21, 2016 Cebu (Philippines)

Motivation and Attitude of Students towards

Learning English Language
Nathalie Ann C. Alaga

Abstract - Motivation and positive attitude have been widely Ellis (1997) emphasizes reasons that individuals who are
viewed researchers as key factors that influence in the success of motivated to integrate both linguistic and non-linguistic
learning English language. This study aimed to determine the outcomes of the learning experience will attain a higher
level of motivation and attitude towards learning English degree of L2 proficiency and more desirable attitudes.
language. Thus, this study also sought to determine the
The internal state is some degree of positive/negative or
relationship between respondents’ profile variates and their level
of motivation and attitude. Notable results revealed that the favorable / unfavorable reaction towards an object. Some
respondents’ level of motivation was moderately high and researchers (e.g.Stern 1983, pp.376-7) distinguish three types
respondents have a positive attitude towards learning English of attitudes in second language learning situation: (a)
language. Attitudes towards the community and people who speak the
L2 ( group specific attitudes), (b)Attitudes towards learning
Keywords – motivation, attitude, English language the language concerned; and (c) Attitude towards languages
and language learning in general.' These attitudes are
I. INTRODUCTION influenced by the kind of personality the learner possesses -
Learners’ motivation and positive attitude during the for example whether they are ‘ethnocentric’ or ‘authoritarian’.
instructional episodes is vital in ensuring that the learners They may also be influenced by the particular social
persist adequately to successfully acquire the second environment/milieu/ within which the language learning
language. As such, attitudes and motivation play an important process takes place. Different attitudes, for instance, may be
role in language learning as they would appear to influence found in monolingual versus bilingual contexts (Ellis 1985).
students’ success or failure in the language acquisition. Brown (2000) uses the term ‘attitudes’ to refer to the set of
In second language acquisition, Schumman (1978) as beliefs that the learner holds towards members of the target
mentioned by Ellis (1986) lists ‘attitudes’ as a social factor on language group and also towards his own culture.
a par with variables such as ‘size of learning group’, and Research shows and from the theories stated above, it
‘motivation’ as an effective factor alongside ‘culture shock’. dominantly affirms that motivation and attitude play an
Gardner and Lambert (1972) define ‘motivation’ in terms of important role in influencing the learners’ acquisition process
the second language learner’s overall goal orientation, and of the second language. According to various studies, even in
‘attitude’ as the persistence shown by the learner in striving tertiary level second language learners faced problems in
for a goal. Gardner (1979) suggests that attitudes are related to terms of acquiring English language. Poor performing tertiary
motivation by serving as supports of the learner’s overall students revealed to have a higher chance to fail in their
orientation. Brown (1981) identifies three types of motivation academic performance especially in English classes. Such
that attributes second language: 1. global motivation, which concern has been one of the major academic problems of
consists of a general orientation to the goal of learning the English teachers in Samar State University since mostly of
second language; 2. situational motivation, which varies college students still cannot acquire the English language
according to the situation in which learning takes place; 3. adequately. The main reason of the emergence of this study is
task motivation, which is the motivation for performing from the complaints raised by English teachers indicating that
particular learning tasks. Savignon (1976) claims that attitude most of college freshmen students cannot attain the desired
is seen to be vital factor in the process of second language level of proficiency in English language. Grognet (1998)
acquisition. affirms the above situation when he stated that students who
Lifrieri (2005) emphasizes that "attitudes are important, but found to have poor English communication and linguistic
insufficient conditions for linguistic attainment (ibid, P.14)". skill, need to develop linguistic skill necessary to express their
Only when works together with motivation proper do ideas in English. Low motivation and negative attitude are
attitudinal tendencies related to the levels of student's crucial in language growth. Taking into consideration that
engagement in language learning, and to attainment”. Krashen English language is the most spoken and written language and
(2002) contends that learners with high motivation, self- therefore, it is considered as the universal language.
confidence, a good self - image, and a low level of anxiety are As cited by Tahaineh, et. al (2013), according to Gardner &
well equipped for success in second language acquisition. Lambert (1972), a better awareness of the importance of
students' motivations and attitudes might help EFL curriculum
and instruction designers to invent language teaching
programs that generate the attitudes and motivations which
lead to the production of more successful EFL learners.
Nathalie Ann C. Alaga, Department of Language, College of Arts and Besides, it can help material writers invent and instructors
Sciences, Samar State University, Catbalogan City, Samar, Philippines pick up tasks that tackle students' motivation and attitudes

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International Conference on Research in Social Sciences, Humanities and Education (SSHE-2016) May 20-21, 2016 Cebu (Philippines)

(Midraj et al., 2008). The major area of investigation will be wants to learn a language in order to pass an examination, to
done on attitude, motivation, and usage level in relation to use it in one's job, to use it in holiday in the country, as a
second language acquisition of selected freshmen students of change from watching television, because the educational
Samar State University. system requires it, (Wilkins, 1972)". Instrumental motivation
From the study conducted by Tahaineh, et. al (2013) on is generally characterized by the desire to obtain something
Jordanian Undergraduates' Motivations and Attitudes practical or concrete from the study of a second language
towards Learning English in EFL Context findings showed (Hudson, 2000).
the respondents’ greater support of instrumental reasons for Palencia (2009) stretched out the factors that affect English
learning the English language including utilitarian and language performance of the students - respondents are on
academic reasons, However, regarding the integrative reasons, their attitude and motivation on learning the language,
the results provided evidence that learning English as a part of learning strategies and learning styles. Generally, the student
the culture of its people had the least impact in students' – respondents revealed to have positive attitude and
English language motivation, whereas their attitudes towards motivation towards English language as they believe that
the target language community and its members were English language could be useful for job opportunities in the
generally found to be highly positive. Finally, the study future.
reported some pedagogical implications that would help tap As cited by Ellis (1986), Gardner and Lambert (1972)
the students’ motivation orientations and attitudes. Qashoa found that an integrative orientation was related to successful
(2006) conducted study on examining the students’ learning of French in schools in both Canada and USA, but
instrumental and integrative motivation for learning English, that instrumental motivation was more important in the
and recognizing the factors affecting learners’ motivation. Philippines. It has been explicated that the role of the second
The findings showed that students have a higher degree of language plays in the learner’s community. Where the second
instrumentality than integrativeness. Also, the results language functions as a ‘second language’ an instrumental
indicated that difficulties with the subject (English) aspects motivation is more effective.
such as vocabulary, structures and spelling were found to be In this study, motivation and attitude levels towards
the most demotivating factors for the students. Another study learning English language were determined and analyzed in
was that of Al-Quyadi (2000) who looked at Sana'a the attainment of proficiency in the second language teaching
University English majors’ motivation and attitudes towards and learning process.
learning English and results showed that the students had a
Statement of the Problem
high level of both instrumental and integrative motivation
toward the English language. With regard to their attitudes, This study determined the motivation and attitude towards
the findings indicated that the students had positive attitudes learning English of selected freshmen students of Samar State
towards the English language and the use of English in the University SY 2015 - 2016.
Yemeni social and educational contexts. Vaezi (2008) Specifically, the study sought to answer the following
claimed that Iranian students had very high motivation and questions:
positive attitudes towards learning English and they were 1. What is the student - respondents’ level of motivation
more instrumentally motivated. Whereas, Moiinvaziri (2008) towards learning English?
claimed that students in her study were highly motivated in 2. What is the student - respondents’ level of attitude
both instrumental and integrative orientations. towards learning English?
There are two main types of motivation namely, 3. Is there significant relationship between the student –
instrumental versus integrative motivation. Researchers (e.g. respondents’ profile variates and level of attitude and
Gardner, 1983, p.203; Wilkins, 1972, p.184) have explained motivation towards learning English?
and clarified what is meant by an 'integrative motivation' as:
"learning a language because the learner wishes to identify II. METHODOLOGY
himself with or become integrated into the society of the This section discusses the methodology employed by the
target language". In other words, a learner is integratively researcher in this study. Among the items that are discussed in
motivated when s/he learns a language because s/he wants to detail are research design, respondents, instruments, data
"know more of the culture and values of the foreign language gathering procedure and the statistical treatment of data.
group, to make contact with the speakers of the languages…to
live in the country concerned. It is believed that students who Research Design
are most successful when learning a target language are those This study employed descriptive research design in
who like the people that speak the language, admire the determining the motivation, and attitude levels of the student
culture and have a desire to become familiar with or even – respondents towards learning English.
integrate into the society in which the language is used. This
form of motivation is known as integrative motivation, which
is believed to underlies successful acquisition of a wide range The respondents of this study are the selected freshmen
of registers and a native - like pronunciation (Finegan, 1999). students of College of Arts and Sciences, Samar State
Gardner defines instrumental motivation as "learning a University who are currently enrolled in the school year 2015
language because of someone e or less clearly perceived – 2016; 2nd semester.
utility it might have for the learner (ibid, 1983, p. 203) ". In
other words, a learner is instrumentally motivated when s/he

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Instruments almost every day”, “When I have a problem understanding

The researcher used two instruments which are: Attitude something in my English class, I always have my teacher for
and Motivation Test Battery (AMTB) and Language Attitudes help”, I really work hard to learn English” and I make a point
survey instrument. of trying to understand all the English I see and hear”. These
A. The Attitude and Motivation Test Battery (AMTB) was statements entailed that the motivational intensity of the
adopted from Gardner and Lambert (1985) which includes student – respondents in learning English is moderately high.
items measuring all factors that affect attitude and motivation. It was also appeared that both instrumental and integrative
The said instrument consists of 64 statements with 6 – point motivation significantly occurred on the motivation level of
likerts. the student – respondents. The student – respondents strongly
B. Language Attitudes instrument determined the attitude agreed that they are motivated to “learn English to get a job
level of the student – respondents towards learning English easily”, “Carry the tasks more efficiently”, “English is a
language. This instrument was adopted from Dweik, et. al, university requirement” and “I hope to further mu education”.
(2014) and consists of 12 statements with a 5 – point likerts. These would imply that the student – respondents have a high
Since the above mentioned instruments were adopted from instrumental motivation which is also synonymous to their
researchers from their previous studies, there is no need for a integrative motivation which the student – respondents also
pilot – testing to evaluate the validity of the instruments. slightly agreed on the statements which characterized by the
use of integrative motivation. The following are the
Data Gathering Procedure statements which measure the degree of integrativeness: “If
The researcher used random sampling selection to thirty Philippines had no contact with English – speaking countries,
(30) freshmen students coming from the different programs of it would be a great loss”, Studying English is important
College of Arts & Sciences which are BS Psychology, BS because it will allow me to become more at ease with people
Information Technology, BS Information System and BS who speak English” and “Studying English is important
Applied Statistics. because I will be able to interact more easily with speakers of
The selected 30 student – respondents were given the English”.
survey instruments to answer. The researcher, being the Gardner (1983) and Wilkins (1972) defined 'integrative
English teacher of the respondents facilitated the making of motivation' as: "learning a language because the learner
test schedules for accurate data gathering. The tabulation and wishes to identify himself with or become integrated into the
analysis of data followed after the administration of the society of the target language". It is believed that students
survey instruments. Then, the researcher sought the help of a who are most successful when learning a target language are
statistician for tallying and statistical processing using the those who like the people that speak the language, admire the
Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS). culture and have a desire to become familiar with or even
integrate into the society in which the language is used. This
Statistical Treatment of Data form of motivation is known as integrative motivation, which
The following are the statistical tools used in the treatment is believed to underlies successful acquisition of a wide range
of data. of registers and a nativelike pronunciation (Finegan, 1999,
Frequency count. This was used to describe the student - p.568).
respondents’ level of motivation and attitude towards learning A learner is instrumentally motivated when s/he wants to
English. learn a language in order to pass an examination, to use it in
Mean. This was used to find the average of the student – one's job, to use it in holiday in the country, as a
respondents’ level of motivation and attitude towards learning change from watching television, because the educational
English. system requires it, (Wilkins, 1972, p.184)". Instrumental
Percentage. This was used in the analysis of the student - motivation is generally characterized by the desire to obtain
respondents’ level of motivation and attitude towards learning something practical or concrete from the study of a second
English. language (Hudson 2000).
Generally, result showed that majority of the student –
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION respondents have a moderately high motivation in learning
This section capitalizes the findings, analyses and the English in terms of their degree of instrumentality, interest in
interpretation of results, thereby answering the specific learning the foreign language, parental encouragement which
questions. also considered as one of the most important factors in
learning English language with the support of the parents to
. I. Student - Respondents’ Level of Motivation towards their children. It has been found out that if a child is being
Learning English supported in any means in his or her process in learning
As reflected in table 1, almost all the student – respondents English, the more that a child will be able to acquire
answered “slightly agree” with a grand mean of 4.13 on the proficiently the English language. Motivational intensity,
statements given below and this meant that the student – integrative and instrumental motivation are also being
respondents tend to have a moderately high motivation possessed by the student – respondents. Although, based from
towards learning English. the result, it would infer that the interest and desire of the
Item numbers 34, 39, 41, 42 and 45 which state “When I student – respondents towards learning English is not at their
am studying English, I ignore distractions and pay attention to best and varied factors could be determined that would affect
my task”, I keep up to date with English by working on it their motivation level in learning English.

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According to Brown (2000) it is easy in second language Positive attitude towards learning English possessed by the
learning to claim that a learner will be successful with the second language learners is highly significant and relevant in
proper motivation. In language acquisition process, the process of achieving their aim to communicate effectively
motivation sees a high significance in the learning progress of using English language. If there is an absence of it, then low
every learner especially Filipino students considering that motivation will occur and so failure in learning English
they are second language learners. If students have a low language will also take place.
motivation in learning their second language, then, students Besides, they believed that English is an international and
might fail in learning and acquiring the second language. important language and that everyone needs to learn it.
Krashen (2002) hypothesizes the ‘affective filter’ that consists Learners, who appear to possess a more positive attitude in
of various psychological factors, such as anxiety, motivation, the language learning situation, outperform other learners
and self-confidence, which can strongly enhance or inhibit with a less positive attitude towards the language learning
second language acquisition. situation (Gardner and MacIntyre 1993). Such socio-
psychological factors should be considered very well, as they
II. Student – Respondents’ Level of Attitude towards
play an important role in motivating learners of English.
Learning English
As depicted in table 2, majority of the student – respondents III. Significant Relationship of the Student – Respondents
“agreed” with the statements that measure the attitude level of Profile Variates and Level of Attitude and Motivation
the respondents towards English language with the grand towards Learning English Language
mean of 3.56. It would imply that the student – respondents The results revealed in table 3 that in terms of sex, grade,
tend to have a positive attitude towards learning English parents’ occupation, parents’ educational background and
because they perceive English language as a useful language language/dialect used at home of the respondents found to
than their first language. Moreover, student – respondents have a significant relationship to their level of motivation and
positively see English language as important language as they attitude towards learning English. Meanwhile, for the
can express their emotions and feelings if they are using secondary school graduated from of the respondents disclosed
English, they also believe that English is an official language that there was a significant relationship towards attitude and
of mostly of the countries and mostly spoken by many people motivation battery test. On the contrary, the secondary school
from different places. Student – respondents agreed that they graduated from of the respondents revealed not to have a
can communicate effectively using the English language and significant relationship on the attitude towards English
it should be used in instruction at school and lastly, majority language.
of the student - respondents “disagreed” on the statement “It Gardner and Lambert (1972) emphasized that, although
is the language I hate the most”. Therefore, the student- language aptitude accounts for a considerable proportion of
respondents have a high positive attitude towards learning individual variability in language learning achievement,
English. motivational factors can override the aptitude effect. In certain
Karahan (2007) avers that “positive attitudes let the learner language environments, as Gardner and Lambert point out,
have positive orientation towards learning English language”. where the social setting demands it (e.g. when the LI is a local
Researchers, teachers and learners agree that a high vernacular and the L2 is the national language), many people
motivation and a positive attitude towards second language seem to master an L2, regardless of their aptitude differences.
and its community help second language learners to acquire According to Dailey (2009) it would appear that there is a
the language effectively (De Bot, et. al, 2005). factor of outside pressure that motivates one to learn an L2.
Dweik, et. al, (2014) result revealed from their study that Whether it is to please parents, receive a reward, or fulfill
Arabic and English are used side by side in different domains. some pragmatic goal, the student is motivated to satisfy some
It also indicates that English symbolizes their Canadian external pressure. Noels et al. link extrinsic and instrumental
identity and is considered a good instrument for achieving motivation by suggesting that they both desire to [learn] a
their educational and financial aspirations. second/foreign language because of some pressure or reward
According to Tahaineh, et. al (2013) attitudes differ in from the social environment (such as career advancement or a
intensity or strength. Language attitude is an important course credit), internalized reasons for learning an L2 (such as
concept because it plays a key role in language learning and guilt or shame), and/or personal decisions to do so and its
teaching. As added to the statement of Tahaineh (2013), Oller value for the chosen goals (2001, in Liu, 2007:128).
(1979, p.138)"Attitudes are merely one of types of factors that This also links to Dornyei’s idea of the ought-to self where
give rise to motivation which eventually results in attainment there are external pressures of what an individual should
of proficiency in a second language". become. These external, short-term goals could be detrimental
Attitudes may play a very crucial role in language learning to furthering language learning seeing as though an individual
as they would appear to influence students’ success or failure is only studying to satisfy some outside source. This
in their learning. Gardner and Lambert (1972) in Attitudes and comparative analysis has produced four key factors of
Motivation in Second Language Learning postulate the theory motivation. First, a positive attitude towards the L2
in brief: This theory, maintains that the successful learner of a community. Second, a real enjoyment of language learning.
second language must be psychologically prepared to adopt Third, a desire for self-improvement and a clear image of
various aspects of behavior which characterize members of one’s future self. The fourth is a negative aspect where
another linguistic-cultural group. external pressures are the cause of a loss of motivation. The
issue now seems to be how we as teachers can encourage in

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International Conference on Research in Social Sciences, Humanities and Education (SSHE-2016) May 20-21, 2016 Cebu (Philippines)

our students the first three factors and guard against the strategies, needs and wants of the students towards learning
fourth. English language.
As added by Dailey (2009) young learners, a parental figure
can be a major factor of whether or not a student is motivated V. RECOMMENDATIONS
to learn an L2. Parents have the power to instill in their This section presents the recommendations of the study.
children a positive future self-image, set examples for their 1. A classroom environment that encourages the learners to
children to have a positive attitude towards the L2 be relaxed, motivated and self-confident in acquiring the
community, and not apply excessive external pressure on their English language successfully. In order to attain the language
children. However, this is not always the case and teachers teaching - learning process to be more motivating experience,
must do this instead. At any rate, teachers must be in charge English instructors/professors should develop English
of the second key factor in encouraging enjoyment in learning learning programs which maintain learners' interest and have
the language. Learning an L2 is often different then learning obtainable short term goals.
another school subject. For instance, in FL environment 2. Positive attitudes toward should be developed through
parents may be less likely to speak the L2. Therefore, the designing English language activities that would lead the
parents might not be able to help the student with his or her learners to participate and develop their skills. The varied
homework, which could cause a lack of involvement in the instruction methodologies and activities should meet the
language by the parent, and may lead to low motivation from needs and positive attitude of learners in order to become
the student. successful and fluent speakers of the target language.
3. A learner's motivations and positive attitude towards
IV. CONCLUSIONS learning English are the leading predictors of their success in
Based on the aforementioned results, the following learning the language. Therefore, based from the
conclusions were considered: aforementioned results of this study, English
instructors/professors should take into consideration these
1. Based on the result discloses on table 1, the level of factors in designing English language curriculum and syllabi.
motivation of the student – respondents towards learning The curriculum and syllabi should contain the most important
English is moderately high since majority of the student – principles, approaches, methodologies, strategies, techniques,
respondents answered “slightly agree” on the statements that activities and materials to promote a well – designed
measure their motivation. This led to a conclusion that the classroom instruction environment that would develop the
student – respondents are motivated to learn the English learners’ motivation and positive attitude towards learning
language to succeed in their academic performance, personal English.
interest and for their future career. Both instrumental and
integrative motivations are being characterized by the student VI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
– respondents. It also concluded that the student – respondents
The researcher would like to extend her gratitude and
have a desire and interest in learning the English language in
appreciation to those who have helped her in the success of
many reasons and situations where in there is a need for them
her paper.
to learn and use effectively the English language.
2. The level of attitude of the student – respondents towards REFERENCES
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Legend: Weighted Mean Value Description Interpretation

1.00 – 1.50 1 SD Strongly Disagree/Very low
1.51 – 2.50 2 MD Moderately Disagree/Low
2.51 – 3.50 3 SD Slightly Disagree/Average
3.51 – 4.50 4 SLA Slightly Agree/Moderately High
4.51 – 5.60 5 MA Moderately Agree/High
5.61 – 6.00 6 SA Strongly Agree/Very High

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International Conference on Research in Social Sciences, Humanities and Education (SSHE-2016) May 20-21, 2016 Cebu (Philippines)


Statement Total WM Interpretation
1(SD) 2(D) 3(N) 4(A) 5(SA)

I believe that English language is

1. more useful than my first language 1 8 12 9 30 3.93 A

2. more prestigious than my first language 2 9 11 8 30 3.83 A

3. more important than my first language in my studies 1 1 11 10 7 30 3.70 A

4. important because it is the language of my present identity 1 2 8 11 8 30 3.77 A

5. the language in which I express my emotion freely 2 2 9 11 6 30 3.57 A
6. the language of my homeland 1 5 14 9 1 30 3.13 N

7. the official language of the co entry and therefore it should

3 2 10 9 6 30 3.43 N
be used everywhere

8. important to other children in order to communicate

1 2 9 10 8 30 3.73 A
effectively in English
9. Important to be used for instruction at school 1 1 5 8 15 30 4.17 A
10. uniting me with all fellow students 2 1 9 9 9 30 3.73 A
11. the language that I hate most 9 9 8 1 3 30 2.33 D
12. the language that I am proud of 3 3 9 9 6 30 3.40 N
Total 42.73
Grand-Mean 3.56 A


Weighted Mean Value Description Interpretation

1.00 - 1.50 1 SD Strongly Disagree/Very Low

1.51 - 2.50 2 D Disagree/Low
2.51 - 3.50 3 N Neutral/Average
3.51 - 4.50 4 A Agree/High
4.51 - 5.00 5 SA Strongly Agree/Very High

http://dx.doi.org/10.17758/URUAE.UH0516002 9
International Conference on Research in Social Sciences, Humanities and Education (SSHE-2016) May 20-21, 2016 Cebu (Philippines)


Attitudes and Motivation Battery Test Attitude Towards English Language

r –value p-value Interpretation r -value p -value Interpretation

-.377* 0.048 S -.388* 0.038 S

-0.165 0.393 NS -0.057 0.767 NS
Grade -0.107 0.588 S .923** 0 S

Average Monthly Income 0.113 0.552 NS 0.087 0.648 NS

.774** 0.00 S .819** 0.00 S
Mother Occupation
.886** 0.01 S .843** 0.00 S
Father Occupation
.930** 0.02 S .951** 0.00 S
Mother Educational
.923** 0.03 S .791** 0.00 S
Father Educational
.657** 0.04 S 0.134 0.079 NS
School Graduated From
.583** 0.05 S .500** 0.005 S
Language/Dialect used at home

http://dx.doi.org/10.17758/URUAE.UH0516002 10

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