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Introduction To Sacred Scriptures

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Introduction to Sacred

God’s various ways of revealing himself
including the people’s responses were
recorded and compiled as sacred scriptures
.Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit ,
the writer’s so inspired that what they wrote
through human words became the Words of
God is revealing his
intentions, his will and his
love to us. This makes the
Sacred Scriptures the
foundation for how we live
and what we believe.
Sacred Scripture- is the
authoritative source of
their knowledge of God
as He journeys with
Israelites and now
journeying with them
Inspired word :
2 Tim 3:16(Mt. 19-20;Mt. 12:1-5)

All scripture is inspired by God and is

useful for teaching, for refutation, for
correction, and for training in
righteousness.so that one who belongs to
God may be competent, equipped for
every good work.
Inspired word:
2 Tim3: 16-17
Paul instructs Timothy to be steadfast to
what he has been taught and to
All scripture is inspired by God. God is
the principal author, with the writer as
the human collaborator.
Church Teaching:
1. Biblical Inspiration
according to Dei Verbum (chapter 3,11) those
divinely revealed realities which are contained
and presented in Sacred Scripture have been
committed to writing under the inspiration of
the Holy Spirit. God as their author and have
God as theirG
been handed on as such the Church herself.
1). in composing the sacred books, God chose
men and while employed by Him.
2.They made use of their powers and abilities,
so that with Him acting in them and through
3. as true –authors, consigned to writing
everything and only those things which he
4. since everything asserted by the inspired
authors or sacred writers must be held to be
asserted by the Holy Spirit, it follows that the
book of scripture must be acknowledged as
teaching solidly, faithfully and without error
that truth which God wanted put into sacred
writings .
5. For the sake of salvation. Therefore “
all Scripture is divinely inspired and has
its use for teaching the truth and
refuting error, for reformation of
manners and discipline in right living, so
that the man who belongs to God may be
efficient and equipped for good work of
every kind.”
Biblical Inspiration-means that the
sacred and canonical books of the Old and New
Testaments, whole and entire, were written
under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, so that
we can call God their “Author” and the Bible “
the word of God”.
2. Canon of the Bible
The Greek kanon means primarily a reed, or
measuring-rod; by a natural figure it was
employed by ancient writers to denote a rule
or standard.
Thus Vat. II stipulates the canon of the bible as
Jn. 20;31;2 Tim. 3:16;2 Peter 1:19-20, 3:15-16.
“The canon of the Scripture is
divided into the books written
before Jesus”
The Old Testament and New
O.T – 46
N.T -27
3. Interpretation of the biblical
To answer the problem on how to faithfully
and accurately interpret the Sacred
Scriptures, the Filipino Catholic is clear
through church’s documents as follows:”
the task of giving an authentic interpretation
of the word of God has been entrusted to the
living teaching office of the Church alone”
Four factors play a significant part
in interpreting Scripture:
1.the inspired human author’s intention
2. the text itself
3. the reader of the text
4. the common horizon connecting the original
community context of the text with our
community reading today.(CFC) .
There are two approaches of
interpreting the sacred scripture:
Exegesis- is the exposition or explanation of
a text based on a careful, objective analysis.
The word exegesis literaly means “to lead out
of”. That means that the interpreter is led to
his conclusions by following the text.
Exegesis….is an act of love, it means loving the
one who speaks the words enough to want to
get the words right.
Eisegesis- interpretation of a passage based
on a subjective, non-analytical reading.The
word eisegesis literally means “to lead into”
which means the interpreter injects his own
ideas into the text, making it mean whatever
he wants.
Missionary Response:
As hearers of the word of God, we are strongly
encouraged to:
- read prayerfully the Bible and reflect on the
messages of the bible in our lives
-practice the values gained from reading the
bible with our families and schoolmates
honestly and humbly
-share the word of God by giving book marks
with inspiring messages of the bible to our
family, friends and schoolmates.

The Hebrew Bible, also known as Mikra(“what
is read”) or TaNaKh, an acronym reffering to
the traditional Jewish division of the bible into
Torah(teaching), Nevi”im(prophets), and
Ketuvim(writings), is the founding document
of the people of Israel, describing its origin,
history and visions of a just society.
Five books of Moses, retells the
story of how the family of Abraham
and Sarah became the people of
Israel, and how they came back
from exile in Egypt, under the
leadership of of Moses.
Torah- includes both the narrative
of the formation of the people of
Israel and the laws defining the
covenant that binds the people of
Nevi’im- presents Israel’s history as a
nation on its land.a kingdom, a
capital and a temple are built and
eventually destroyed.
Ketuvim, means simply ‘writings”
which hardly does justice to the
variety of religious expression found
-poetry of temple ritual
-private prayer
-national tragedy
God, the father’s journey with his
people in these three Jewish
division -in the Torah
-the story of Abraham,Moses and
-God’s call to the prophets Isaiah,
Jeremiah,Hoses, Amos and
Jonah(response and God’s call
Inspired Word:
Abraham:Gen. 12:1-3,Gen. 15:1-18, Gen. 21:
-God calls Abraham from his country.
-”the Father of a multitude of nations.”
Moses: Exodus3
God calls Moses at eh time when Moses has
chosen the path of a father and a shepherd of
sheep.-(trust and faith in God fulfilled his
mission with God)
Exodus Ex. 14:10-28, 20:1-17
Passover lamb in Hebrew depart.
-God opens the way for his people and saves
them,while their enemies drown in the sea.
The biblical passages presented
here are the stories of Abraham,
Moses and the two foundational
event in the Old testament.
Those passages relate how God
journeyed with his people and
how the people responded and
cooperated with God.

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