Chapter 8-Flow in Pipes02
Chapter 8-Flow in Pipes02
Chapter 8-Flow in Pipes02
V1 m V2 m
• Laminar flow: characterized by
smooth streamlines and highly
ordered motion.
• Turbulent flow: characterized by
velocity fluctuations and highly
disordered motion.
• The transition from laminar to
turbulent flow does not occur
suddenly; rather, it occurs over some
region in which the flow fluctuates
between laminar and turbulent
flows before it becomes fully
Reynolds Number
• The transition from laminar to turbulent flow depends on the
geometry, surface roughness, flow velocity, surface
temperature, and type of fluid, among other things.
• British engineer Osborne Reynolds (1842–1912) discovered
that the flow regime depends mainly on the ratio of inertial
forces to viscous forces in the fluid.
• The ratio is called the Reynolds number and is expressed for
internal flow in a circular pipe as
Reynolds Number
• At large Reynolds numbers, the inertial forces are large
relative to the viscous forces Turbulent Flow
• At small or moderate Reynolds numbers, the viscous forces
are large enough to suppress these fluctuations Laminar
• The Reynolds number at which the flow becomes turbulent is
called the critical Reynolds number, Recr.
• The value of the critical Reynolds number is different for
different geometries and flow conditions. For example, Recr =
2300 for internal flow in a circular pipe.
Reynolds Number
• For flow through noncircular
pipes, the Reynolds number is
based on the hydraulic diameter
Dh defined as
• Ac = cross-section area
• P = wetted perimeter
• The transition from laminar to
turbulent flow also depends on
the degree of disturbance of the
flow by surface roughness, pipe
vibrations, and fluctuations in the
Reynolds Number
• This equation is known as Poiseuille’s law, and this flow is called Hagen–
Poiseuille flow.
Pressure Drop and Head Loss Poiseuille’s law
• In the above cases, the pressure drop equals to the head loss,
but this is not the case for inclined pipes or pipes with variable
cross-sectional area.
• Let’s examine the energy equation for steady, incompressible
one-dimensional flow in terms of heads as
• Or
• From the above eq., when the pressure drop = the head loss?
Pressure Drop and Head Loss Inclined Pipes
• The average velocity and the volume flow rate relations for
laminar flow through inclined pipes are, respectively,
• Note that > 0 and thus sin > 0 for uphill flow, and < 0 and
thus sin < 0 for downhill flow.
Laminar Flow in Noncircular Pipes
• The wall dampens any eddy motion, and thus the flow in this
layer is essentially laminar and the shear stress consists of
laminar shear stress which is proportional to the fluid
• It is viewed as a universal velocity profile for turbulent flow in
pipes or over surfaces.
Turbulent Velocity Profile (Overlap layer)
• Note from the figure that
the logarithmic-law
velocity profile is quite
accurate for y+ > 30, but
neither velocity profile is
accurate in the buffer
layer, i.e., the region 5 <
y+ < 30. Also, the viscous
sublayer appears much
larger in the figure.
Turbulent Velocity Profile (Turbulent layer)
• A good approximation for the outer turbulent layer of pipe flow
can be obtained by evaluating the constant B by setting y = R – r
= R and u = umax, an substituting it back into Eq. 8–46 together
with k = 0.4 gives
• Since p is the same for all branches, head loss in all branches
is the same
Piping Networks and Pump Selection
• Head loss relationship between branches allows the following
ratios to be developed