Facility Location1revised
Facility Location1revised
Facility Location1revised
K S Sangwan
BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus
BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus
Facility location
Facility location
•Climate X
Desirable Sites AVAILABLE
Skill needs, response time
Source: Utdallas.edu/~metin
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Evaluation of Plant locations
It is Very difficult to make a final decision as to the choice for a
plant Location.
• One Location may have the advantage from a market standpoint
• Another may be closer to the material supply
• Third may provide a better labour supply
Wi = annual weight shipped from facility i
xi, yi = coordinates of existing facility i
x, y = coordinates of the new facility at centre of gravity
1xi, yi2 = coordinates of existing facility
1x, y2 = coordinates of proposed site
The load-distance technique is applied by computing a load-
distance value for each potential facility location.
The implication is that the location with the lowest value
would result in the minimum transportation cost and thus
would be preferable.
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Cost analysis