Afriboom SL 3D Project Plan
Afriboom SL 3D Project Plan
Afriboom SL 3D Project Plan
NOVEMBER, 7 2019
In consonant with the above statement, AFRIBOOM SL contracted to locate a very good spot area for a small scale mining licence
EMV consortium to do a day field ground truthing exercise in order for alluvial gold mining.
to look into; This would have been a very difficult work to do if you do not
the geological evidence of the presence of gold, have a place in mind.
the extent of depletion of the deposit and But in this case we had a place and all we needed to do was to
carry out a desk study in order to know the geological history of
evaluate how accommodative both the local authorities and the place.
community people are.
This history included both the exploration and mining history of
As we aim to send our application for a small scale mining license the Ranongor hill in Laminaya community Sanda Loko
and further go in for an exploration license, we therefore need a good chiefdom in Karene district.
area with economic deposit.
The quantity and quality of geology information needed to After the national government, the next important
ascertain the best point for this operation would have been authorities to consider for a successful mining is the
inadequate with just one day field ground truthing. local authorities and community people without whose
Because of this reason,, consultative meetings were held consent your operation will not commence.
with various stake holders and institutions in Sierra Leone.
We therefore held a consultative meeting with the local
The first institution considered was the National authorities and community people of Liminaya, with
Mineral Agency (NMA). We checked the coordinate of the likes of the Paramount chief, the section chief, town
the place at the NMA cadastral office for availability chief and representatives and elders.
and were found to be the former exploration property
of African Mineral Resources Company (AMR).
According to the Mine and Mineral Act 2009,
exploration and mining license cannot be awarded for
an area already covered by another mining or
exploration license. Therefore one of our most
consultative meetings was held with the AMR
The Country Director of ARM, Mr. Salim Sillah has
As stated by the locals of the community, gold was But when it comes to exploration, from desk studies and
discovered in this community since the 1930s, and much from public domain there is not much known historical
has not been done here in terms of mining, from field record of recent or past exploration work undertaken by any
evidence, other exploration company despite African Mineral
Resources (AMR).
the swamps at the base of the hills had served as a
depositional basin where most of the weathered product They had been the owner of the exploration license for this
eroded from the top settled. place for a period of about seven (7) years. During their
seven (7) years period, as confirmed by locals in the
And all of the swamps have been mined out completely by
community, they conducted an intensive alluvial exploration
artisanal miners. So no major mining has been done, except
programs starting from reconnaissance survey, soil
in 2018 when some Chinese brought in 6 excavators for a
sampling, surface mapping, test pitting, trenching, bulk
period of 5 months targeting the base of the hill, but their
sampling and auger drilling.
operation was ended as they were illegal miners.
They (AMR) later took a Small Scale Mining License
In the field, lots of manual and very few mechanical old pits
brought a processing plant for a trial mining, but that lasted
were seen, three of them were observed as will be seen later.
for about 3 months due to the poor performance of the
plant. I think in the near future, we will need some of their
advice and data, if got reasonably because we must QAQC
it in line with AFRIBOOM exploration paradigms.
The small scale mining project area is situated in The project area is characterized by two major
Laminaya community under Sanda Loko chiefdom in drainages; Mabole draining from the northern southern
the Karene district, Northern Province of the Republic boundary of the proposed license and the Kwikwiya
of Sierra Leone. which drains draining from the southern boundary.
The proposed license area lies approximately 99km These two tributaries are very important for this
north of Makeni city. operation since the relevant of constant water supply in
alluvial gold mining is highly important . These
Access to this location is on a good tar road which is
drainages are mainly over, second and third orders.
36Km from Makeni to Gbendembu, with the entire
Most of the hills here are covered by savanna wood
remaining 63Km from Gbendembu to Laminaya.
There is currently good mobile network coverage in the
entire Laminaya community.
The West African craton composed mainly of The Marampa Group, probably of late Archaean or
Archaean granite-greenstone terrain (Williams 1978), early Proterozoic age (Hurley et al. 1971), also lies in
is bounded on the west by a westward dipping zone of tectonic contact with the late Precambrian to
intense, ductile shear deformation which has been Cambrian sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the
interpreted as a possible Archaean suture or terrane Rokel River Group (Allen 1969).
boundary (Williams 1979, 1988).
The western side of the country is occupied by the
To the west of this shear zone lie granulite facies Freetown basic igneous complex. Next lying to it is
metamorphic supracrustal of the Archaean Kasila the Bullom group which is the youngest group.
Group (Williams & Williams 1976).
Immediately to the east of the shear zone, klippen of
mainly greenschist facies, recumbently folded meta-
sediments and volcanic rocks the Marampa Group, lie
on Archaean granite-greenstone terrain.
The license area in Laminaya is located on the Loko Granite, Granodiorite, Augen gneiss and within the
hill range under the Sula Group. amphibolite sequence there are thin layers of
pyritiferous talk schists, talc-chlorite schist, quartzite,
From desk study and field evidence, the lithology of
the granite-greenstone terrain was deposited,
deformed and metamorphosed in the Liberian event. The gold mineralization is through hydrothermal
process and by sulphides of iron, copper and arsenic.
It has been subdivided into the Sonfon and Tonkolili
Formation (Mac Farlane et al., 1974). Tis location is The mineralization is structurally controlled.
under the Sonfon Formation which consist
predominantly of amphibolities of varying grain sizes
and compositions sometimes pillowed and either
massive or finely layered.
A one day field visitation was taken to the proposed The black sand is from hill and is composed of magnetite,
mining and exploration site this is followed by successive chromite, ilmenite, garnet and cassiterite.
early visit.
It accompanies gold and it helps you to know the
Part of the desk study done on the Loko hill geology under efficiency of your placer mining.
the Sula Group was confirmed by the presence of Granite,
Grades as high as 1 carat/head pan and even 4 carat/ head
Granodiorite, schist, quartzite and even gold from a local
pan have all been recorded. From profile observed in the
gold’s pan.
old pits it is a deeply weathered saprolite sometimes to a
Much was not done during this visit; it was more of a depth of 14m.
closed observation on the diggings,
Desk top and field observation shows a striping ration of
Soil profile of the diggings using desk study and locals’ 2.5m : 1m overburden to gravel ratio in the Southern
report as a reference. Some of the drainages observed on deposit and 8m: 2.5m in the Northern deposit.
the flat are mined out but one can still see lot of the black
Old pit 1 is located further down south of the It feels talcky free of quartz grain when unmixed. It
proposed mining license. It has a depth of 14m and a has a light yellow brown to light green brown colour,
dimension of 8x7m. Such a pit was dug without safety
However, the smoky quartz also which is the
standards therefore it was risky to stay around such
hydrothermal fluid vein that brings the gold contains
gold. The local miners confirmed this by grinding it
It has the first 1m which composed of colluvium layer and panned it to extract the gold.
which is actually deflated bed rock and is said to be
composed of fine (as in grain size) grain of gold.
Beneath this layer you have the saprolite which is a
highly weathered zone making the entire 13m and the
mineralized zoon(mostly weathered pyritiferous talk
schists, talc-chlorite schist) which the locals call ‘’The
This pit is located closed to old pit 1 and they are The first 1m which composed of colluvium layer and
similar in terms of depth and profiles. beneath it is the saprolite which is a highly weathered
making the entire 13m the mineralized zone.
The gold content and grade at the two pits might be
different since this mineralization is vein controlled,
so it depends on where the mineralized vein passes.
According to the geologist who has been working Next beneath it is the saprolite which is the
AMR Gold, he pointed to this particular point as a mineralized zone and they called it ‘The gravel’ and is
very high grade zone. This point was again about 2m thick. It holds more gold and of coarse
recommended by the locals who from experience said grain. Nugget of two to four carats is common as they
is a very high grade area, and the only problem there reported. One of the local reported that he found a
for them to dig to a depth was difficult because it is nugget of 75 carat.
covered by a hard pan (lateritized).
That is why old pit 3 was dug by an excavator. It has
a 1m thick colluvium layer which is actually deflated
bed rock and is said to be composed of very fine grain
of gold and the laterite which also contain gold but is
hard to grind, and it thickness varies from 0.5 to 2m in
some places, and it is only around this area that find
laterite cover.
This report documents the processes gone through We have to get the small scale mining license going
before the application for a small scale mining license make sure we send samples for assay after which we
so as to avoid future disputes with national and local will set an exploration paradigms that will aid in the
authorities, other institutions and individuals. Part of location of the source of gold in the soil anomaly, and
the aim of the report is to ascertain a geologically detail mapping to cover it, followed by soil sampling,
viable and economic deposit of gold that will be test pitting, auger drilling, trenching, and bulk
mined at small scale and later follow by an sampling in order to get our owned inferred resources.
exploration license.
I therefore recommend we file in for a small scale
mining license to get the process start and do a
thorough investigation for the availability of
exploration license at this very location with the
proposed size on map on figure 4.