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Radar and Navigation

Systems ETT 06104

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Maximum Unambiguous Range
Simple form of Radar Equation
Radar Block Diagram and Operation Radar
Frequencies and Applications
Prediction of Range Performance
Minimum Detectable Signal
Receiver Noise
Modified Radar Range Equation
Maximum unambiguous range:

Once the transmitter pulse is emitted by the radar,

sufficient time must elapse to allow any echo signals to
return and be detected before the next pulse is
Therefore, the rate at which the pulses may be transmitted
is determined by the longest range at which targets are
If the pulse repetition frequency is too high, echo signals
from some targets might arrive after the transmission of
the next pulse, and ambiguities in measuring range might
Echoes that arrive after the transmission of the next pulse
are called second-time-around (or multiple-time-around)
Maximum unambiguous range…

Such an echo would appear to be at a much shorter range

than the actual.
The range beyond which targets appear as second-time-
around echoes (or the farthest target range that can be
detected by a Radar without ambiguity) is called the
maximum unambiguous range
R unambig. = C /2fp
Where fp = pulse repetition frequency, in Hz. (PRF)
TR = 2R/C where R= Range of target
TR increases with Range R and in extreme case Echo pulse
merges with next Transmitted Pulse. Then TR becomes equal to
TP Where TP= Pulse repetition period
TR max = TP= 2 R max /C and so R max = CTP/2 = C/2fP = R
Therefore R unambig is directly proportional to the Pulse
period TP ( or Inversely proportional to the PRF fp)
Simple form of Radar Equation:

The radar equation

Relates the range of a Radar to the characteristics of the
transmitter, receiver, antenna, target, and environment.
Useful as a means for determining the maximum
measurable distance from the radar to the target
It serves both as a tool for understanding radar operation
and as a basis for radar design.
Derivation of the simple form of radar equation:

If the power of the radar transmitter is denoted by Pt and if

an isotropic antenna is used (one which radiates uniformly
in all directions) the power density (watts per unit area) at a
distance R from the radar is equal to the transmitter power
divided by the surface area 4πR2 of an imaginary sphere of
radius R with radar at its centre, or
Power density from anisotropic antenna = Pt /4πR2
Radars employ directive antennas to direct the radiated
power Pt into some particular direction.
The gain G of an antenna is a measure of the increased
power radiated in the direction of the target as compared
with the power that would have been radiated from an
isotropic antenna.
It may be defined as the ratio of the maximum radiation
intensity from the given antenna to the radiation intensity
from a lossless, isotropic antenna with the same power
Derivation of the simple form of radar equation: …

The radiation intensity is the power radiated per unit solid

angle in a given direction.
Then the power density at the target from an antenna with
a transmitting gain G is given by
Power density from directive antenna = Pt.G/4πR2

The target intercepts a portion of the incident power and

reradiates it in various directions. The measure of the
amount of incident power intercepted by the target and
reradiated back in the direction of the radar is denoted as
the radar cross section σ, and is defined by the relation
Power density of echo signal at radar = (Pt .G/4πR2)(σ)
/4πR2 )
Derivation of the simple form of radar equation: …

The radar cross section σ has units of area.

It is a characteristic of the particular target and is a
measure of its size as seen by the radar.
The radar antenna captures a portion of the echo power.
If the effective area of the receiving antenna is denoted as
Ae , then the power Pr . received by the radar is given by
Pr = (Pt .G/4πR2).( σ/4πR2 ). Ae
= (Pt .G. Ae. σ)/ (4π)2.R4
The maximum radar range Rmax is the distance beyond
which the target can be detected.
It occurs when the received echo signal power Pr just
equals the minimum detectable signal Smin.
Rmax = [ (Pt .G. Ae. σ)/ (4π)2. Smin ]1/4 ……(1)

NB. This is the fundamental form of the radar equation.

Derivation of the simple form of radar equation: …

Antenna theory gives the relationship between the

transmitting gain and the receiving effective area of an
antenna as:
G = 4π Ae /λ2
Since radars generally use the same antenna for both
transmission and reception, the above relation between
gain G and affective aperture area Ae can be substituted
into the above equation, first for Ae and then for G, to give
two other forms of the radar equation.
Rmax = [ (Pt .G . λ . σ)/ (4π) . Smin ] ……(2)
2 2 3 1/4

Rmax = [ (Pt . Ae . σ)/ 4π. λ . Smin ] …….(3)

2 2 1/4

These three forms (eqs.1, 2, and 3) illustrate the need to

be careful in the interpretation of the radar equation.
The correct relationship depends on whether it is
assumed the gain is constant or the effective area is
constant with wavelength.
Limitations of the simple form of Radar equation:

Does not adequately describe the performance of

practical radar. Many important factors that affect range
are not explicitly included.
In practice, the observed maximum radar ranges are
usually much smaller than what would be predicted by the
above equations, sometimes by as much as a factor of
There are many reasons for the failure of the simple radar
equation to correlate with actual performance and these
will be explained subsequently in the modified Radar
range equation.
Radar block diagram and operation:

Fig : Block diagram of a pulse radar.

Radar block diagram and operation: ...

The transmitter is an oscillator, such as a magnetron, that

is “pulsed” (turned on and off) by the modulator to
generate a repetitive train of pulses.
The magnetron has been the most widely used of the
various microwave generators for radar.
A typical radar for the detection of aircraft at ranges of 100
or 200 nmi employs a peak power of the order of one
megawatt, an average power of several kilowatts, a pulse
width of several microseconds, and a pulse repetition
frequency of several hundred pulses per second.
The waveform generated by the transmitter travels via a
transmission line to the antenna, where it is radiated into
Radar block diagram and operation: ...

A single antenna is generally used for both transmitting

and receiving.
The receiver must be protected from damage caused by
the high power of the transmitter.
This is the function of the duplexer.
The duplexer also serves to channel the returned echo
signals to the receiver and not to the transmitter.
The duplexer consists of two gas-discharge devices, one
known as a TR (transmit-receive) and the other as ATR
The TR protects the receiver during transmission and the
ATR directs the echo signal to the receiver during
reception. Solid- state ferrite circulators and receiver
protectors with gas-plasma TR devices and/or diode
limiters are also employed as duplexers.
Radar block diagram and operation: ...

The receiver is usually of the super heterodyne

The first stage normally is a low-noise RF
amplifier, such as a parametric amplifier or a
low noise transistor.
The mixer and local oscillator (LO) convert the
RF signal to an intermediate frequency IF.
Typical IF amplifier center frequencies are 30
or 60 MHz and will have a bandwidth of the
order of one megahertz.
Radar block diagram and operation: ...

The IF amplifier should be designed as a matched filter

i.e., its frequency-response function H(f) should
maximize the peak-signal-to-mean-noise-power ratio
at the output.
This occurs when the magnitude of the frequency-
response function |H(f| is equal to the magnitude of
the echo signal spectrum |S(f)|, and the phase
spectrum of the matched filter is the negative of the
phase spectrum of the echo signal.
In a radar whose signal waveform approximates a
rectangular pulse, the conventional IF filter band pass
characteristic approximates a matched filter when the
product of the IF bandwidth B and the pulse width τ is of
the order of unity, that is, Bτ = 1.
Radar block diagram and operation: ...

After maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio in the IF

amplifier, the pulse modulation is extracted by the second
detector and amplified by the video amplifier to a level
where it can be properly displayed, usually on a cathode-
ray tube (CRT).
Timing signals are also supplied to the indicator to provide
the range zero.
Angle information is obtained from the pointing direction of
the antenna.

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