SM - HUL Financials
SM - HUL Financials
SM - HUL Financials
• Current ratio computed is greater than 1, it means that the company has adequate
current assets to settle its current liabilities.
• Debt to equity ratio is greater that 1 for 3 years, the company’s assets are more
funded by the debt.
• High operating profits resulted that the company has effective control of costs, or that
sales are increasing faster than operating costs.
• Increasing ROA shows that the company has a solid performance as far as finance
and operation of the company is concerned and earning more money on less
Inference (Contd)
• Gross profit has been increasing year by year, it indicates HUL efficiently uses labor
and supplies in the production process
• Higher EPS shows a sign of better earnings, strong financial position and therefore
shows reliable for the investors to invest in the company.
• Net Income above 20% which makes them more advantage over their competitor
and protect themselves during hard times.
Recommended strategies
• Diversification strategy
• Integration strategy
As the company performance is good, defensive strategy and intensive strategy is not
Integration strategies allows a firm to gain control over distributors, suppliers and
Horizontal integration: since, the increased in last year sales in very less at 1.6 %, so only
way to increase the sales would be to go for HI
Not vertical integration, because HUL’s profit margin is increasing on you. These shows
the costs are under control
Diversification strategy allows a firm to enter additional line of business that are
different from current products, services and markets.
Related diversification in health and beauty care because the 45% revenue share is from
this category
Unrelated diversification in food and refreshments as this segment only has 19%
revenue share