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For Extradosed Douuble Deck Bridge

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Analysis and Design of Optional Extradosed Double Deck Girder Bridge for Abay River bridge

Elias Fekadu
July 28, 2020

Result and Discussion

My deepest gratitude and thank go to Mr. Alemayehu Gola (advisor of the
Project) for inspiring me to do the project on this fascinating topic and advising
me on works. 

My greatest appreciation is to the staff of Digital & Electronics Library, AAiT and
Google , for kindly updated with latest, relevant and valuable books and journals.

I would like to express my warmest gratitude to work staffs for their support with
sharing materials and ideas during the preparation of this Project work.

At last and most, my deeper gratitude extends to Mr. Daniel and other work
colleagues for allowing me to work with enough time and motivation.
 With a current population of 300,000 and Continuous rising, Bahir-dar will
become one of the largest cities in Ethiopia and in Africa also.
The rising population growth and urbanization, result, proposing of
additional bridge, In response to this problem, the city is planning to build
about 380 m of transit tracks to reduce pressure on city roads, but
For a demand of rapid transit and flow without conflicting, it is also better
to consider a bridge with train crossing.
This is a project with analysis and design of Extradosed Double Deck
Bridge with,
 center span of 180 m, side span of 100 m. The main girder, designed as a
steel truss structure with double decks. The upper and lower decks each
accommodate four lanes of highway traffic as well as pedestrian path on
their upper deck and it will carry Rail transit on the lower deck.
General Objective
Design of optional crossing over Abay Bridge with enough current and future
traffic consideration and rail line consideration.

Specific objective
 To assess the point of consideration to state the bridge type,
 double deck Extradosed Girder Bridge Modeling, Design and
 Designs of structural Components of the bridge, i.e. Cables, Steel
Girders, Pylon and other.
 Literature Review and Detail study on characteristics, and overview of
extradosed double decked Bridge.
 Material definition, section definition, grid definition and Modeling
 Dead and Live load components has been considered automatically, based on
AASHTO and AREMA load and combination recommendations,
 Definition of material properties, section properties and loading properties,
the modeling has been run for analysis only with dead load, the deflection
requirement has been checked, and
Again loadings has been made and deflection requirements has been checked
and section verification has been made again and again to make the sections
not only efficient, but also to get economical section,
 Automatic section verification, cable design, Top flange design and pylon
The Scope is limited to give General Design of Extradosed double deck bridge,
and it is only limited to obtaining reaction load and stress’s on the bridge
components, design of sections, i.e. truss girder section, composite deck section,
pylon, cable requirements.

It didn’t consider design of connections, Earth quake consideration, design of

foundation requirement, design of staged construction for cable stayed bridge,
the preferred cable type selection, optimum structural components design, and
cable anchor mechanism.
Loads on Bridges
• Permanent Load;- has been considered automatically from the
software by giving all input variables
• Live Load
• Dynamic Load (Impact and Wind Loads)
Combination For Truck (LRFD Method)
η [1.25D1 + 1.50D2 + 1.25D3 + 1.75 (LL + IM)]
Combination for Rail
Design Code
Euro code 3 - 2005
Functional Requirements

• Bridge Structural Type: Extradosed double deck Girder

• Span Arrangement: 100+180+100=380m
• Stay Cable Arrangement: Semi-harp system
• Stay Cable: Strand Cables
• Pylon Type: Reinforced Concrete A-Shaped Column
• Pylon Height: 60m
• Assumed Navigation Clearances: 4m Above H.H.W.L
• Bridge Width: 21 m
Extradosed Double deck Girder bridges have 5 main
components: -

 Pylon

 Deck

 Cables

 Truss Girder
Assumed and Verified Bridge sections
1. Pylon;- The Pylon is the main support of the bridge. And it link’s the deck to the pylon,
Pylon Bottom Pylon Top
2. Deck;- has upper and lower Deck components

Top Deck Property; - 300 cm concrete flange , with 21.00-

meter width (Consists of 4 lanes of highway traffic- 2 lanes in
each direction, 2 sidewalks of width equals 2.0 m, one in each
side, and an island of width equals 1 meters on the median for
cables supporting margin)
Bottom Steel Girder property; - 6.6 m width between the steel
girders for one-way train crossing of Assumed Cooper E80 load,
Providing 170mm thick ballast and a standard tie 2.45m long and
205mm wide spaced at 610mm (ch.15,
providing concrete deck thickness of 300mm (ch.15, Use
f’c= 30 MPa and M270 Grade 345 steel.
3. Cables;- In this bridge we have 8 cables lied in each side of A shaped pylon
on the median plan of the deck. The distance between the cables is 10 cm on the
deck link and 2 meters at its link to the pylon on the top.
Cable Material Properties: Fu = 17.7 T/Cm^2, Fy= .89* 17.7 = 15.7 T/Cm^2, E =
1950 T/Cm^2, Diameter = 15.7 mm, Diameter of the first two cables 7cm, the
second three cables 10 cm and the rest three cables are 12 cm from the pylon side
to outside sequence
Modeling Steps (Using SAP 2000 V. 20 Bridge Program)
1) Drawing the layout Grid lines of the bridge.
2) Defining the bridge and Girder sections, first assumed and then designed.
 longitudinal girder sections,
 upper lateral bracing,
 lower lateral bracing,
 slab
 Cable
3) Drawing the bridge and other sections with previously defined sections.
4) Defining and drawing the pylon.
5) Defining and drawing the rigid links to link the deck sec. to cables as one unit.
6) Defining springs and releases. At joints and at end supports.
7) Analysis of the model to get the deformation due to dead load.
8) Defining the cables (Diameter & Pretension Force) which achieve deformation
equals to zero.
9) Defining the design vehicle and vehicle class.
10) Defining All Cases of Moving Load.
11) Solving due to moving load and getting deformation.
12) Defining the wind loads, the Earth quake force is not considered hence Bahir-
dar is located in Zone III.
13) Defining load combinations.
14) Design the bridge for applied load cases i.e traffic loads, wind
loads, impact loads, lane loads, to make within the deflection
requirement limit.
15) Checking and verifying the assumed bridge structural
components, with trial and error iterations for economical and
elegant look.
16) Design of cables and final Pylon Design.
Deformation due to dead load only
is obtained to be 80.8 cm at mid span section
Pre tension force estimation of the cables
The 1st group of cable consists of 2 cables (the nearest cables to the pylon) This
group has cables of diameter equals to 7.00 cm, and a tension force of 340 ton
of its end,
The 2nd group of cable consists of 3 cables. Cables with diameter of 10.00 cm,
and a tension force of 450 ton of its end,
The 3rd group of cables consists of the next 3 cables. These are cables with
diameter of 12.00 cm, and a tension force of 620 tons of its end,
Deformation after pre tension forces only with dead load becomes 3.2 cm at end nodes, after this the section
is made to be analyzed per pylon for sake of simplicity and to reduce analysis load on the machine.
Result due to dead load only
 The Max Sway from D.L. equals to17.6 cm.
The Moment Diagram: Max Moment = 6402.09 KNm.
The Shear Force Diagram: Max Shear = 2157 KN.
The Normal Force Diagram: Max axial compression force in deck
=61.29 KN.
Reaction for pylon Column = 5516 KN.
Loadings and Combination
Moving Load Model’s: Consists of concentrated and distributed load. Truck
60ton, Truck40ton and Truck 20ton. Uniform 0.25t/m^2 for The rest of road width
Uniform 0.5t/m^2 for Pavements and Median and Train Loading.

The maximum mid span deflection has been obtained to be 2.4cm after all
loadings and combinations.
Deflection Limits
The maximum allowable live load deflection at the center of the main span should
be, maximum of the deflection requirement of the highway and rail way, so for the
median span of 180m.

 Highway deflection limit 1/500 of the main span, which is 100,000/500, 200
mm which is measured along the centerline of the bridge.
 Railway Deflection Limit, 1/680 of the main span, which is 100,000/680,
147.7mm which is measures along the centerline of the bridge,
So, the deflection requirement will governed by the railway is greater than the
design output of the software 24.01 mm.
Final Design of cable: Subjected to Tension with Small Compression Values:
Design of pylon: pylons designed as Columns subjected to Axial
Force and Biaxial Moments.
Design of Concrete beams: The concrete beam used to support the top and
bottom deck of the bridge section, with 0.4m width and 0.6m depth, with minimum
reinforcements requirement of 0.8% of gross area of the concrete section, so, 5 bar with
Dia. Of 16mm on the top and 5 bar with Dia. Of 16mm at the bottom is proposed.
Hence there’re is no more force is transferred to the beams.
Automatically verified section parameters
Stringers; - are longitudinal beams that receives a load directly from composite
section of the top flange and transfer to cross beams, these stringers lied beneath
both the highway and rail way slab of the bridge.
Cross beam; - these are lateral steel beams that receive stresses from the stringers
and transfer to the top chord of the girder sections, these are the biggest in size
parts of the bridge with 1m in depth and 20m spans. The cables are installed on
this sections.
Top bracing; - these are parts of the bridge, that are made to increase the lateral
stiffness of the bridge by connecting the corners of the cross beams, it reduces
lateral deflection of the bridge
Top chord; - the top truss girder member of the bridge which receive all loads
from the top and resist part of the load from cable by bending as a truss girder
Diagonals; - are members that connects the top chord part of truss girder with the
bottom chord to act as one girder, it transfers part of load from the top chord to the
bottom one
Bottom chord; - a bottom part of truss girder
Floor Beams; - are parts of the second rail deck components which acts to
transfer loads to the truss girder by receiving from bottom stringers, these parts
acts as cross beam member of the top deck.
Bottom bracing; - are bracings which connects the floor beams diagonally, for
stiffening deck section of the bridge to resist lateral loads, and it is similar in
section with the top bracing.
Recommendation for optimum design for cost and general characteristic of
combined highway and railway Extradosed double deck box girder bridge
design includes,
 Proper measuring and assumption of number of cables used inside a group
of strands, and over all span cable requirement.
 Selection of adequate diameter and strength requirement of cables,
 Proper Span length and depth proportioning of the box girder
 pylon number selection, proportioning of height, size and other.
 Weight parameter of construction materials and quality parameters.
 Construction methodologies and others.
1.We can use pre stressed tendons inside the longitudinal Girders to
achieve the tensile stresses and get Small effective cross section.
2. We can do camber for Pylon and the deck to prevent high
deflections for the deck and lateral Displacements of the pylon.
3.We can recommend optimization of bridge structural components for
better cost and elegance.

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