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Seminar On Biomedical Waste Management: By:-Gamit Nikita

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Seminar on

biomedical waste
By:- Gamit Nikita
Biomedical waste is generated from biological
and medical sources and activities such as the
diagnosis, prevention or treatment of
diseases.medical facilities generate waste hazardous
chemicals and radioactive materials.While such
wastes are normally not infectious that require
proper disposal.
Hospitals are the institutions responsible for taking
care of public health which encompasses both
patients care as well as maintenance of a clean and
healthy environment congenital to the good health
and prosperity of all its working members. Hospital
waste management is a part of hospital hygiene and
maintenance activities.
• Wastes:
" Something which is not put into proper usage a
t a given time."
• Biomedical waste:
" Any waste which is generated during the diag
nosis, treatment or immunization of human beings or
animals or in research activities pertaining there to o
r in the production or testing of biological.
Objectives Of BMW managemen
• To minimize the production/generation of infective
• Recycle the waste after treating to the extent possi
• Treat the waste by safe and environment friendly/a
cceptable methods.
• Adequate care in handling to prevent health care-a
ssociated infections.
• Safety precautions during handling of BMW.
Classification of BMW
Infectious waste

Pathological waste Genotoxic waste

Sharps Chemical waste

Wastes with high Pressurized
Content of heavy container

Radioactive waste
Classification of Biomedica
l waste:
1. Infectious wastes:-
Infectious waste suspected to contain Pathogens (Bact
eria,Viruses, parasites,Or fungi)
in sufficient quantity to cause diseases in susceptible host
This category includes:-
• Cultures and stocks of infectious agents from laboratory
• Wastes from surgery on patients with infectious disease
Classification conti....
2. Pathological wastes:-
It consists of tissues, organs,body parts, human
fetuses, and animal carcasses, blood , body fluids.

3. Sharps:-
These are the Items that could cause cut or pu
ncture wounds includings;
 Needles
Scalpel and other blades
Infusion sets
Broken glass and nails.
Prickers etc.
4. Pharmaceutical Wastes:-
It includes expired,unused, spiltand contaminate
 Pharmaceutical products
 Drugs
 Vaccines
5. Genotoxic wastes:
Genotoxic waste is highly hazardous and may have;
 Mutagenic
 Teratogenic or
 Carcinogenic properties
It raises serious safety problems, both inside the hospit
als and after disposal, and should be given special attenti
It includes certain cytostatic drugs,vomits,urine, or fec
es from patients treated with cytostatic drugs,chemicals,
and radioactive materials.
6. Chemical wastes:
It consist of discarded,
 Solids
 liquids and
 Gaseous chemicals
Chemical waste may be hazardous or non h
azardous.It is considerd to be hazardous if it
has atleast one of the following properties;
 Toxics
Corrosive( acid and base)
 Flammable
 Reactive
 Genotoxic
7.Wastes with high content of heavy metals:
It represents a subcategory of hazardous chemic
al waste, and is usually highly toxic.
It includes;
 Batteries
 Broken thermometers
 Blood pressure gauges
8. Pressurized container:
Many types of gas are used in health care, and are
often stored in pressurized cylinders, cartridges, and a
erosol cans.
Most common gases used in health care includes;
 Anesthetic gases
 Ethylene oxide
 Oxygen
Compressed air
9. Radioactive wastes:
It includes the X-rays , α and β particles, and
Y - rays emitted by radioactive substances.
Sources of Biomedical waste
 House hold waste
 Industries
 Education institutes
 Research centers
 Blood banks
 Clinical laboratory
 Health care establishments; hospitals,clinics,home
care centers etc
 Bio tech institutions
Steps in the management of
bio medical waste:
Survey of waste

segregation of
hospital waste

Collection and
categorization of waste

Storage of waste ( not

beyond 48 hrs)

Transportation of

Treatment of waste
Methods of Disposal Of biome
dical waste and their Segreg
Waste category Type of waste Treatment or
disposal methods

Category 1 Human anatomical Incineration/ deep

waste burial

Category 2 Animal waste(animal Incineration/ deep

organ ,body fliud ,tissues burial

Category 3 Microbiology and bio Autoclaving/Microwavin

technology Waste g/incineration
Category 4 Waste sharps DisinfectIng/autoclavin

Category 5 Discarded medicine Incineration/destructio

and Cytotoxic drugs n And drugs disposal in
secured land fills

Category 6 Soiled Incineration

wastes( contaminated /microwaving/autocl
by blood and any aving

Category 7 Solid waste ( iv set, Disinfecting by

tube,catheter ,ryles chemical/microwaving
tube etc) &mutilation/Autoclavin
Category 8 Liquid Disinfecting by
waste(laboratory, chemical/descharge
washing cleaning, into drains
Housekeeping etc)

Category 9 Incineration Ash Disposal in municipal

( From incinerated landfills
waste material)

Category 10 Chemical Descharge into drains

waste(Chemicals used for liquid/Secured
in disinfecting like landfills if solid
insectisides etc)
Colour coding for segregatio
n of Biomedical waste:
Colour Waste Treatment
Yellow Anatomical waste, Incineration/Deep
Soiled cotton /linens burial
/dressing/tissues etc
Red Disposable Autoclaving/microwavi
things/tube,iv line,iv ng/chemical treatment
set, syringes ,catheter
Black general waste, rapers, Disposal in secured
plastic begs,papers etc landfill
White Sharps: Chemical treatment
needles,prickers,scalp &destruction/shreddin
Container/Blue els,blades etc /glass g
Role of nurse in Biomedical
waste management:
 Regular visit to all wards and high risk unit.
 Ensuring that samples ( blood, stool, urine etc) are col
lected and dispose safely.
 Monitoring and supervising the staff weather they are
doing safe disposal of waste as colour coded.
 Prevention of hospital acquired infections by followin
g universal precautions.
 Use PPE ( personal protective equipment) while handl
ing waste.
 Avoid needle stick injuries.
Collect waste when bin is 3/4th full.
 Aviod using common lift to move a waste.
 Avoid spillage.
 Clean spills with disinfectant.
Precautions taken during Bi
omedical waste management:
① Never overload bins used for storing biomedical w
② General waste to be put in black container.
③ Display the biohazardous symbol and the types of
waste to be put in each container as per schedule.
④ Never transfer sharps directly from person to per
⑤ Do not inhale chemicals directly.use always mask.
• After completion of seminar the group is able to un
derstand about the definition, objectives,sources , c
lassification according to category and colour codin
g,methods of disposal of waste, steps of BMW, role
of nurse in BMW and last precautions taken during
• Refuse disposal can not be solved without public ed
ucation.individual participation is required.municip
alty and government should pay importance to disp
osal of waste economically.Thus educating and moti
vating oneself first is important and then preach ot
hers about it.start disposing waste first from within
our home then out side home,then neighborhood t
hen street,area, city and then the nation and the w
• https://www.biomedical waste management.com
• https://www.role of nurse in bmw.net.com
• Basavanthappa BT" Nursing theories,1st edition,20
07,jaypee brothers publication,new delhi,page no.-
• What are the other methods used for disposing the

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