Chess Powerpoint
Chess Powerpoint
Chess Powerpoint
Is a recreational game but also a sport,which is
played on a board.
This games is one of the most popular and well-
known among board game all over the world,
being considered a strategy and intelligence game,
and a good player must already advance what the
moves his opponent will make.
History of chess
The origin of the chess is something that is
debated and there is not really a consensus on its
origin or even the history of chess,from the old to
the present.
Some say that versions of the chess and its board
date back from Ancient Egypt or Dynastic China,
but its most supported origin is that it first
appeared in India around the 6th century, at the
time it would have the name of Chaturanga.
Over time, it eventually reached Persia and its
name eventually changed,being now called
Xantranje, probably having other rules as well.
It eventually spread throughout Europe slowly and
it took about 500 years for Xantraje to begin to
look more like the chess we know today
Chess Game
The game of Chess aims to give the “mate” in the king of
the opponent player. This happen in the following
The king can not move to any house (they are all in the
attack line of the opponent’s pieces);
No part can stand in front and protect the king;
The piece you are attacking cannot be captured;
If any of these conditions arise, the the “mate” or
“checkmate” will occur and the game ends, winning the
Board and Chess Pieces
The chessboard is composed of squares of white and
black color (8 squares of length on each side), being
the always alternating.
The pieces also have the same colors and each color
corresponds to the pieces and each corresponds to
the peces of the player.
The board should be positioned so the last house on
the right side of the row closest to each player is a
white square.
The game of chess consists of the following pieces:
The pieces have their own order to be placed on the
board(Follow the positions that are represented in the
Note: The position of the King and Queen changes
depending on the player, following the rule:
When you can get one of your pawns to reach the end of the board (on the
first line of the opponent),the pawn must be replace by another piece
(being a bishop, tower, queen or horse),and is usually chosen the queen
since it is the most powerful piece of the game.
It exist of a movement between the king and the queen,who change
positions at the same time, in an attempt to defend the king by taking it
from the center of the board and move the tower to a better position of
To make this move, certain condition
must be met:
The king could not have moved;
The tower could not have been moved;
The way between the tower and the king must be clean
The king can not stand in a position that is in the line
of attack of the enemy.
This is a special way for the pawn to move and can take
the opponents move and can take the opponents pawn
that passed next to him when he is in the 5 row counting
from his field.