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AVR Microcontrollers

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AVR Microcontrollers

 Introduction to AVRs
 AVR Architecture & Instruction Set
 Focus on Atmega128 AVR
 AVR Programming
Why Microcontroller?

Purpose ?
• Microcontrollers are important part of
Embedded systems
• To understand Structure & working of
• For Designing good Embedded system
complete understanding of
microcontrollers required
Integrated chip that typically contains integrated CPU,
memory (RAM ROM), I/O ports on a single Chip.

System on a single Chip

Designed to execute a specific task to control a single


Smaller & Specified (design cost)

Differs from Microprocessor
general-purpose chip
Used to design multi purpose computers or devices
Require Multiple chips to to handle various tasks
AVR Microcontroller

AVR stand for?

Advanced Virtual RISC,

the founders are Alf Egil Bogen Vegard Wollan RISC

AVR architecture was conceived by two students at

Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH)[1] and further
refined and developed at Atmel Norway, the Atmel
company founded by the two chip architects.
AVR Microcontroller

AVR Micro controllers is Family of

RISC Microcontrollers from Atmel.

There are multiple architectures

RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer)

CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer)
RISC Microcontroller

Reduced Introduction Set Computer

Till 1980 Trend was to build increasingly complex

CPUs with complex set of instructions like (CISC)

Instruction execute in single cycle

“Architecture which reduces the chip complexity by

simpler processing instructions”.

RISC architecture CPUs capable of executing only a very limited

(simple) set of instructions.
RISC Microcontroller

CISC Approach

Complete the task in few assembly line code

TASK multiply 2:3, 5:2 locations numbers
and put output in 5:2 location

Command: MULT 2:3, 5:2

MULT is what is known as a "complex instruction."

Instruction does`t complete in one cycle execution.

Processor hardware that is capable of understanding

and executing a series of operations.
RISC Microcontroller

RISC Approach

RISC processors only use simple instructions

that can be executed within one clock cycle.
"MULT" command divided into three separate
LOAD A, 2:3
LOAD B, 5:2
STORE 2:3, A

Single Cycle Execution

RISC Microcontroller
Reduced Instruction Set Computers Advantages

• Fast Execution of Instructions due to simple instructions

for CPU.
• RISC chips require fewer transistors, which makes them
cheaper to design and produce.
• Emphasis on software
• Single-clock,reduced instruction only
• Register to register: “LOAD" and "STORE“
are independent instructions
• Spends more transistors on memory registers
AVR Microcontroller
The AVR is a Harvard architecture CPU.

Harvard Architecture

• Computer architectures that used physically

separate storage and signal pathways for their instructions
and data.

• CPU can read both an instruction and data from

memory at the same time that makes it faster.

von Neumann architecture

CPU can Read an instruction or data from/to the memory.

Read, Write can`t occur at the same time due to same

memory and signal pathway for data and instructions.
AVR Microcontroller

Harvard Architecture

Harvard Architecture diagram

AVR Microcontroller

A series of 8-bit RISC microcontrollers from Atmel.

All AVR microcontrollers share same instruction set and a

basic CPU (Harvard) architecture.

It has 32 8-Bit general purpose registers.

Mostly instruction Execute in Single clock cycle. Which

makes it faster among 8 bit microcontrollers.

AVR was designed for efficient execution of compiled C

AVR Microcontroller

AVR is a family of 8-bit microntrollers with a large range of

variants differing in:

- size of program-memory (flash)

- size of EEPROM memory
- number of I/O pins
- number of on-chip features such as uart and adc

Smallest microconroller is the ATTiny11 with 1k flash ROM,

no RAM and 6 I/O pins.
Large such as the ATMEGA128 with 128k flash, 4KB RAM,
53 I/O pins and lots of on-chip features.
AVR Microcontroller
AT90S2313 Microcontrollers
This is a microcontroller of AVR series from Atmel.

High-performance and Low-power RISC Architecture

It is a low voltage (2.7V - 6V),

high performance CMOS 8-bit micro controller based on the
AVR RISC architecture that already discussed .

Since it is a microcontroller from AVR series ,it is also using

Harvard Architecture that already discussed
AT90S2313 Architecture
AT90S2313 provides the following features:

• 2K bytes of In-System Programmable Flash

• 28 bytes EEPROM
• 128 bytes SRAM
• 15 general purpose I/O lines
• 32 general purpose working registers
• flexible Timer/Counters with compare modes
• internal and external interrupts
• A programmable serial UART
• ~ one 8 bit timer/counter
• ~ one16-bit timer/counter
• ~ Analog Comparator
• ~ on chip oscillator and clock circuitry
AVR Architecture

• Registers
• Instruction Set
• I/O ports
• Memory (flash & RAM & ROM)
AVR Architecture
Registers: Two types of registers
GERNEL purpose & SPECIAL purpose registers

GERNEL purpose
32 general purpose registers having storage capacity of 8-Bits
Named as R0,R1,R2 to R31.
Register 0 to 15 & 16 to 31 are different.
Can store both Data & Addresses.

SPECIAL purpose: Three registers      

Program counter
      Stack Pointer
Status Register
AVR Architecture
Pointer Register
Three 16-bit address registers pairs of registers 26 to 31
have extra meaning in AVR assembly.
X (r27:r26), y (r29:r28), z (r31:r30).
pointer Sequence
Read/Write from address X,
don't change the pointer
AVR Architecture

status register (SREG) that contains

It is 8-bit long each bit has a different meaning.


I: Global Interrupt Enable/Disable Flag, SREG7

T: Transfer bit used by BLD and BST instructions, SREG6
H: Half Carry Flag, SREG5
S: For signed tests Instruction Set, SREG4
V: Two's complement overflow indicator, SREG3
N: Negative Flag, SREG2
Z: Zero Flag, SREG1
C: Carry Flag, SREG0
AVR Architecture
Stack Pointer (SP)

16-bit stack pointer (SP) holds address in data space of

area to save function call information.

Register Architecture
AVR Architecture


There are two separate


Program Memory (Flask


Data Memory
AT90S2313 Memory Architecture


Program Memory (Flask


2K Bytes of flash memory

128 Bytes of In-System

Programmable EEPROM

program memory holds

interrupt function addresses,
16 bit and double word (32
bit) opcode, and static data
AT90S2313 Memory Architecture
Data Memory
Used for data and is separate from the program
128 Bytes of SRAM
Register reassigned the 32 Data Space addresses
($00 - $1F),
I/O memory space contains 64 addresses for CPU
peripheral functions such as
control registers,
A/D converters and other I/O functions. I/O
memory can be accessed directly or as the Data
Space locations those of the Register File, $20 -
Stack is effectively allocated in the general data
SRAM, and consequently the stack size is only limited
by the total SRAM size and the usage of the SRAM.
AT90S2313 instruction Architecture

AVR Instruction SET

118 Powerful Instructions – Most Single Clock Cycle Execution

All arithmetic operations are done on registers R0 - R31
Mostly instructions take one cycle for execution

Rd: Destination (and source) register in the Register File
Rr: Source register in the Register File
AT90S2313 instruction Architecture

Instruction add R23, R11

Be encoded as the 16-bit opcode 0x0EEB.

Bit pattern : 0000 1110 1110 1011

Three components.
5 red bits 00011 distinguish this as an add instruction.
5 blue bits 10111 indicates register 23 is the first
operand register.
The 5 green bits 01011 indicates register 11 is the
second operand register.
All add Rd, Rr instructions follow this pattern.
AVR AT90S2313 I/O Pins

General Purpose I/O Ports

Ports are simply the gates through which the CPU interacts
with the outside world
Each port has 3 control registers associated with it,
DDRx, PORTx, and PINx

The DDR (Data Direction Register) bit tells a leg to act as an

input (0), or output (1).
The PORT (Pin Output / Read Tweak)
The PIN (Port INput) register is read only,

I/O and Packages

– 15 Programmable I/O Lines
AVR AT90S2313 I/O Pins

Port B is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port.

Three I/O memory address locations are allocated for the Port B,
Data Register (Read/Write) PORTB, ($38),
Data Direction Register (Read/Write) DDRB, ($37)
PortB Input Pins (read-only, )– PINB, ($36).

All port pins have individually selectable pull-up resistors.

AVR AT90S2313 I/O Pins

Port B Data Register – PORTB

Port B Data Direction Register– DDRB

Port B Input Pins Address –PINB

AVR AT90S2313 I/O Pins

Three I/O memory address locations are allocated for the Port D:
Data Register (read/write)– PORTD, $12($32),
Data Direction Register (read/write)– DDRD, $11($31)
Port D Input Pins(read-only) – PIND, $10($30).
AVR AT90S2313 I/O Pins

Port B Data Register – PORTB

Port B Data Direction Register– DDRB

Port B Input Pins Address –PINB


– Up to 10 MIPS Throughput at 10 MHz

The AVR is a Harvard architecture CPU, The AVR is a

Harvard architecture CPU,

Program Memory Is separated from data Memory

Program memory is accessed with a single level pipelining

(Fetch & execute).
AVR AT90S2313 Extra factures

Peripheral Features

– One 8-bit Timer/Counter with Separate Prescaler

– One 16-bit Timer/Counter with Separate Prescaler,
Compare, Capture Modes and 8-, 9-, or 10-bit PWM
– On-chip Analog Comparator
– Programmable Watchdog Timer with On-chip Oscillator
– SPI Serial Interface for In-System Programming
– FullDuplexUART
AVR AT90S2313 Extra factures

• Special Microcontroller Features

– Low-power Idle and Power-down Modes
– External and Internal Interrupt Sources
• Specifications
– Low-power, High-speed CMOS Process Technology
AVR Studio

Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for writing

and debugging AVR applications for windows

AVR Studio provides a project management tool,

source file editor, chip simulator and In-circuit
emulator interface for the powerful AVR 8-bit RISC
family of microcontrollers.

Download site: AVR Studio 4


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