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Amity School of Business: Public Relations & Corporate Image

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Amity School of Business

Amity School of Business

Public Relations & Corporate Image

Module V
Research in Public Relations

Amity School of Business

Areas in PR Research
• Public opinion research
• Media Tracking
• Content analysis
• Campaign examination
• Benchmark Studies
Amity School of Business


– Is a collective expression of opinion of many

individuals bound into a group by common aims,
aspirations, needs, and ideals
– People who are interested or have a vested self
interest in an issue
– Self-interest is one of the common denominator.

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– The Event: Opinion is highly sensitive to events that have an

impact on the public at large or a particular segment of the
– PO does not anticipate events. It only reacts to them
– Unless people are aware of an issue, they are not likely to
be concerned or have an opinion

Public Opinion research
Amity School of Business

The principle approaches to the study of public opinion may

be divided into 4 categories:

1. quantitative measurement of opinion distributions;

2. investigation of the internal relationships among the
individual opinions that make up public opinion on an issue;
3. description or analysis of the public role of public opinion;
4. study both of the communication media that disseminate
the ideas on which opinions are based and of the uses that
propagandists and other manipulators make of these
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• PR is an important tool to build public

opinion about the organization.

• Public opinion and surveys: Research in

the form of public opinion surveys may be
used to gather data to evaluate program
goal attainment.

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– Highly interested in the subject or issue, better
informed on the issue than the average person,
avid consumers of mass media, early adopters
of new ideas, able to get other people to act.
• Formal : elected officials
• Informal : those having clout with peers
because some special characteristics

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• - Two step flow

Source – message-channel – message - receiver

• - Multi-step model
source – message – channel – Opinion Leader –
message – receiver.
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• Media Tracking enables you to manage your public

relations campaigns and monitor brand, product, or service
exposure across thousands of traditional and social media

• Provides clients with documentation, analysis, or copies of

media content of interest to the clients.(Services tend to
specialize by media type, size, geography, publication,
journalist, editions or content type)

• Covers all media types including print, online, TV and radio.

PROPAGANDA Amity School of Business

• What is propaganda?
It is the deliberate and systematic attempt to shape
perceptions, manipulate cognition, and direct behavior to
achieve a response that furthers the desired intend of the
• Techniques
- Plain folks
- Testimonial
- Card-stacking
- Transfer
- Glittering generalities
- Name-calling
Amity School of Business

• Propaganda is the spreading of information

in support of a cause. It’s not so important
whether the information is true or false or if
the cause is just or not — it’s
all propaganda.

• information, especially of a biased or

misleading nature, used to promote a
political cause or point of view.
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• frequency of news sources
• types of news sources
• median size of article over time
• top sources and many more quantitative
• the impact of media relations and publicity

(Qualitative measures include tone, prominence,

dominance, messages and spokespersons)
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• ClipMetrics is today's most affordable media
tracking, evaluation, and analysis service — the
most effective and time-efficient way to measure
your local, national and global press coverage.
ClipMetrics' new media tracking service for PR
measurement automatically aggregates and
analyzes viewership/readership data for all your
news clips — and then instantly displays media
analysis reports and evaluations in dozens of
precise, colorful, and easy-to-understand charts
and graphs for whatever time period you select
Amity School of Business

Content Analysis
• Content analysis is a summarising, quantitative analysis of
messages that relies on the scientific method (including
attention to objectivity, intersubjectivity, a priori design,
reliability, validity, generalisability, replicability, and hypothesis
testing) and is not limited as to the types of variables that may
be measured or the context in which the messages are
created or presented.

• Content analysis is a technique for systematically describing

written, spoken or visual communication. It provides a
quantitative (numerical) description. Many content analyses
involve media - print (newspapers, magazines), television,
video, movies, the Internet.
Amity School of Business

• Content analysis is "a wide and heterogeneous

set of manual or computer-assisted techniques
for contextualized interpretations of documents
produced by communication processes strictiore
sensu (any kind of text, written, iconic,
multimedia, etc.) or signification processes
(traces and artifacts), having as ultimate goal the
production of valid and trustworthy inferences.”

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• According to Dr. Klaus Krippendorff, six

questions must be addressed in every content
1. Which data are analysed?
2. How are they defined?
3. What is the population from which they are drawn?
4. What is the context relative to which the data are
5. What are the boundaries of the analysis?
6. What is the target of the inferences?

Amity School of Business

Benchmark Studies
• Benchmarking is the process of comparing
one's business processes and performance
metrics to industry bests and/or best
practices from other industries.
• Dimensions typically measured are quality,
time and cost.
• Improvements from learning mean doing
things better, faster, and cheaper.
Amity School of Business

Benchmark Studies

• referred to as "best practice benchmarking" or

"process benchmarking", it is a process used in
management and particularly strategic
management, in which organizations evaluate
various aspects of their processes in relation to
best practice companies' processes, usually within
a peer group defined for the purposes of
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Types Amity School of Business

• Financial benchmarking -
• Benchmarking from an investor perspective-
• Benchmarking in the public sector -
• Performance benchmarking -
• Product benchmarking -
• Strategic benchmarking -
• Functional benchmarking -
• Best-in-class benchmarking -
• Operational benchmarking 
• Energy benchmarking -

PR-audit Amity School of Business

• PR-audit is a special kind of research that helps

determine quality of PR in the enterprise, company or
organization; to find out strength and weaknesses of
public relations. 

This research can be carried out only by specialists with

great practical experience on the basis of special
techniques. Confidentiality can be maintained regarding
the process and results of the audit (at client's request
confidential can be the fact of PR-audit). 

Amity School of Business

Both internal and external audits may be used.

• Internal audits involve evaluations by superiors or

peers within the firm to determine the performance
of the employee (or his or her programs).
• External audits are conducted by consultants, the
client (in the case of a PR agency), or other parties
outside the organization.

Amity School of Business

PR-audit is often conducted in the following cases: 

• company changes its business strategy, positioning in the market
• the company had restructurization or change of top management
• the company or brand face new challenges
• company aims to systematize the work in the field of PR
• company wants to improve their PR-activity

Amity School of Business

PR-audit is often conducted in the following cases: 

• company wants to identify further priorities in PR
• company wants to get an independent assessment of the effeciency of
own PR-activities
• company wants to evaluate the effectiveness of PR-agency or PR-
• In any case, the objective of PR-auditing is to improve communications
with Target Audiences; to improve the efficiency of PR-activities. 

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PR-audit carried out by qualified consultants in the form of

field and laboratory researches. 

Following areas of public relations can be can be

studied during the audit: 

Media Relations
• Strategic planning
• Internal PR
• Anti-crisis PR
• Reputation PR

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• Obtained results are presented in charts, graphs

and conclusions, as well as recommendations
for further improvement of PR-activities.

• Often for the purpose of adjustment and

correction of weaknesses in PR, special
trainings for staff are carried out, or developed
strategic and tactical documents. 

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