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Chapeter 4

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Reinforced Concrete -I

(CENG 3502)

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Chapter -4


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4.1 Introduction
 A beam resists loads primarily by means of internal
moments M, and shear V.
 Flexure determines the size of the section and
arrangement of reinforcement.
 The amounts of flexural reinforcement must ensure a
gradual a ductile failure, whenever to occur, giving
warning to the occupants.
 Then proportion the beam for shear, (the sudden and
brittle failure).
 Design for shear → the shear strength equals or exceeds
the flexural strength at all points in the beam.

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 Shear failure in concrete beams has a complex nature and
occur in several ways, however, the real concern is with
the diagonal tension stress resulting from the combination
of shear stress and longitudinal stress.

 A typical failure mode, for a simply supported beam is

illustrated in Fig. 4.1.

Fig. 4.1 Typical failure mode due to shear for a simply supported beam
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4.2 Basic Theory
Shear and Diagonal Tension in Homogenous Elastic Beams
 Consider a rectangular beam made of homogenous, isotropic, and
elastic material (Fig. 4.2a).
 From the principle of classical mechanics, the normal stress f and
the shear stress v in a cross section at a distance y from the neutral
axis can be written as:

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Fig. 4.2 Stress trajectories in rectangular homogenous beam
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 Fig. 4.2b and d show the internal stresses acting on the
infinitesimal elements 1 and 2.

 Fig. 4.2c and e a combined pair of inclined compression

stresses and a pair of inclined tension stresses that act at
right angles to each other & are known as principal

 Their values are given by:

 And their inclination  by:

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 The shear stresses v and the bending stresses f change both along
the beam and vertically with distance from the neutral axis, and so
do α and t .

 Figure 4.2e shows the inclinations of these principal stresses for a

rectangular beam uniformly loaded.

 Figure 4.2f shows the stress trajectories lines at any point, drawn in
the direction in which the particular principal stress, tension or
compression, acts at that point.

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Shear and Diagonal Tension in Reinforced Concrete Beams
 Exact distribution of shear stresses over the depth of cross section is not clear.

 The shear stress distribution is maximum at the neutral axis and remains
constant below the neutral axis (figure 4.3).

 Shear flow in the tension zone of concrete will be constant up to tension steel
& become zero there.

Fig. 4.3 Shear stress distribution in Reinforced concrete beam

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Depending on configuration, support conditions, and load
distribution, a given location in a beam may have a large moment
combined with a small shear force or the reverse, or large or small
values for both shear and moment (Fig. 4.4)

Fig.4.4 Typical
locations of critical combinations of shear and moment

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 At a location of negligibly small flexural stresses ,
diagonal cracks called web-shear cracks form mostly at
or near the neutral axis where the shear stresses are
maximum and propagate from that location (Fig. 4.5a).

Fig. 4.5 Diagonal tension cracking in reinforced concrete


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 At a location of negligibly small shear stresses, vertical
cracks called flexural cracks form at the bottom of the beam where
the flexural stresses are larger and propagate to ward the neutral axis
(see Fig 4.5 b).

 When both the shear force and bending moment have large values,
the situation is d/t:
 Flexural tension cracks form first in a well proportioned and
reinforced beam,
 Presence of longitudinal reinforcement control and kept their width
and length small.
 When the diagonal tension stresses at the upper end of one or more
of these cracks exceeds the tensile strength of the concrete, the crack
bends in a diagonal direction and continues to grow in length and
width (see Fig. 4.5b) and are called flexural shear cracks and are
more common than web-shear cracks.
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 In order to prevent this diagonal crack, inclined reinforcement
(bent up bars) or vertical reinforcement (stirrups), which are
called shear reinforcements are provided as shown in figure

(b) Shear reinforcement in the form of bent-up bars and stirrups

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Fig. 4.6 Shear reinforcement

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4.3 Behavior of Diagonally Cracked Beams:
 Consider the part of the beam to the left of the crack shown in
solid lines below.
 There is an external up ward shear force Vext = R1 – P1 acting

on this portion.

Fig. 4.7 Forces at a diagonal crack in a beam without web reinforcement


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 It may be seen that the total external transverse force Vext,
is resisted by the combination of:
1. A shear force across the uncracked portion of the
concrete Vcz
2. A dowel force transmitted across the crack by the flexural
reinforcement Vd

3. The vertical component of inclined shearing force

transmitted across the inclined crack by means of
interlocking of the aggregate particles Viy

 Thus for equilibrium:

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 Neglecting the forces Vd and Vi, which decreases with
increasing crack opening, one has, with very little error,

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4.4 Reinforced Concrete Beams with shear reinforcement
 If design shear force is greater than the shear strength of concrete, there must be
web reinforcement to withstand the excess shear, w/c are free of stress prior to
crack formation.

 Most frequently, web reinforcement consists of vertical stirrups, fig. 4.8.

Fig. 4.8 Forces at a diagonal crack in a beam with vertical stirrups

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Equilibrium in the vertical direction requires:
Vext = Vcz + Vd + Viy + Vs
Where Vs = nAvfs, is the vertical force in the stirrups
n = the number of stirrups traversing the crack
Av = cross sectional area of the stirrup
= twice the area of one bar for U- shaped stirrups.
 n = p/s, where: s=spacing and p = horizontal projection of
the crack.
 After the formation of inclined cracks, the stirrups yield,
the dowel action Vd and aggregate interlock force Viy will
fall off rapidly due to widening of cracks. 
Thus; Vext = Vc + nAvfs
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 The diagonal crack form at about 45o from the horizontal,
hence the horizontal projection of the crack is assumed
equal to d, the effective depth of the cross-section.

 For inclined web reinforcement, the forces acting on the

portion of such a beam between the crack and the near by
support are shown in Fig. 4.9.

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Fig. 4.9 Forces at a diagonal crack in a beam with incline web
 As in the case of vertical stirrups shear failure occurs,
when the stress in the web reinforcement reaches the
yield point.

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 The vertical component of the force in one bar or stirrup
is Avfssinα, so that the total vertical component of the
forces in all bars which cross the crack is:

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4.5 Truss model for shear analysis and design
 It is physical model for the behavior of beams with web

 Consider the following beam with inclined cracks.

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 Fig.4.10b shows the structural action of the beam,
 The main steel provides the tension chord,
 The concrete top flange act as the compression chord,
 The stirrups provides vertical tension web members (sum
all of the stirrups cut by section a-a), and
 The concrete between inclined cracks acting as a 45o
compression diagonals (all concrete struts cut by section

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Fig. 4.11 Basis of compression field theory
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 Figure 4.11b illustrates that the net shear V at a section a
distance x from the support is resisted by the vertical
component of the diagonal compression force.

 The horizontal component of the compression in the struts

must be equilibrated by the total tension force ΔN in the
longitudinal steel. Thus with reference to Fig. 4.11b & e:

Where ө is the angle of inclination of the diagonal struts.

 From Fig.4.11c, the diagonal compressive stress in a web
having width bw is:

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 The tensile force in the vertical stirrups, each having area
Av and assumed to act at the yield stress f y, can be found
from Fig. 4.11d. with stirrups assumed to be at uniform
spacing s,

Location of maximum shear

 In a beam loaded on the top flange and supported on the
bottoms as shown in Fig.4.12 the closest inclined cracks
that can occur adjacent to the supports will extend outward
from the supports at roughly 45o.
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 Loads applied to the beam within a distance, d, from the support
will be transmitted directly to the support by the compression fan
above the 45o cracks and will not affect the stresses in the stirrups
crossing the cracks.
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4.6 Design of Beam and Slabs for Shear as per EBCS 2,
1. The ULS in shear is characterized by either diagonal compression
failure of the concrete or failure of the web reinforcement due to
diagonal tension.
2. Resistance to diagonal tension is obtained as the sum of resistances
of the web reinforcement and of the concrete section.
3. The critical section for shear is at a distance d from the face of the
supports. Sections closer than d shall be designed for the shear at d.

Limiting values of ultimate shear force

 In order to prevent diagonal compression failure in concrete, the
shear resistance VRD of a section shall not be less than the applied
shear force VSD.
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Where bw is the minimum width if the web
Shear resistance of concrete
 The shear force Vc carried by the concrete in members with
out significant axial forces shall be taken as:

k1 = (1 + 50p) ≤ 2.0 & k2 = 1.6 - d ≥ 1.0 (d in meters).
 For members where more than 50% of the bottom reinforcement is
curtailed, k2 = 1.0
p = As/bwd
 As is the area of the tensile reinforcement anchored beyond the
intersection of the steel and the line of a possible 45o crack starting
from the edge of the section ( see Fig. 4.13)
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Fig. 4.13 As to be introduced in equation 4.14

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Design of shear reinforcement
1. In beams bent-up bars shall not be used as shear reinforcements &
at least 50% of the design shear force VSD shall be resisted by
vertical stirrups.
2. The angle between the reinforcement and the longitudinal axis of
the beam shall not be less than 45o for inclined stirrups.
3. When shear reinforcement perpendicular to the longitudinal axis is
used, its shear resistance Vs may be calculated as:

4. When inclined stirrups are used, the shear resistance of the stirrups
may be calculated as:

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5. When shear reinforcement consists of a single bar or a single group
of parallel bars, all bent up at the same distance from the support,
the shear resistance of the reinforcement may be calculated as :

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4.7 Bond, Anchorage and Development Length
4.7.1 Bond
 For RC to behave as intended, bond forces should developed on the
interface between concrete and steel, such as to prevent significant
slip from occurring.

 Bond transfer is basically due to:

 Adhesion between the concrete and the reinforcing steels.
 Frictional resistance and interlock between the bar deformations
and the surrounding concrete.
 Mechanical anchorage effect of the ends of the bars ( hook or

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Figure 4.14 Bond stresses due to flexure (a) beam before loading; (b)
unrestrained slip between concrete and steel; (c) bond forces acting
on concrete; (d) bond forces acting on steel
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 When plain bars are used with provision of end anchorage in the
form of hooks, a broken bond forms over the entire length between
anchorages & act as a tied arch (Fig. 4.15).

Figure 4.15 Tied arch action in a beam with little or no bond

 To avoid the development of wide cracks, deformed bars are used

(projecting ribs bearing increased bond strength).

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4.7.2 Bond Stress Development
Bond stress in reinforced concrete members arise from two distinct
 From anchorage of bars (anchorage bond)
 From the change of bar force along its length due to change in
bending moment along the member (flexural bond).

Flexural Bond
Are developed between tension reinforcement and concrete in
flexural members.

 Consider a short length of a beam below (Figure 4.16).

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 The moment at one end will generally differ from that at
the other end by a small amount dM.

Figure 4.16 Forces and stresses acting on elemental length of beam:

(a) Free body sketch of reinforced concrete element; (b) free body
sketch of steel element

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 Assuming that concrete does not resist any tension
stresses, the change in bar force becomes,

 this is the bond force at the contact surface b/n bar &
 Summing horizontal forces,

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 u ,s*
 u ,s*
Actual distribution of flexural bond stress:
 s2

Figure 4.17 Variation of

steel force and bond stress in
reinforced concrete member
subjected to pure bending:
(a)cracked concrete segment;
(b)bond stresses acting on
reinforcing bar;
(c)variation of tensile force
in steel;
(d)(d) variation of bond
stress along steel.

Figure 4.18 Effect of flexural cracks on

bond stresses in beam (a) beam with
flexural cracks; (c) variation of tensile
force T in steel along span; (d) variation
of bond stress u along span
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4.6.3 Ultimate Bond Strength and Development Length
For reinforcing bars in tension, two types of ultimate bond failure

 The direct pull out of the bar, (occurs when ample confinement is
not provided by the surrounding concrete).
- This ocours when relatively small diameter bars are used
with sufficiently large concrete cover distances and bar spacing.

The splitting of concrete along the bar (cover, confinement or bar

spacing is insufficient to resist the lateral concrete tension resulting
from the wedging effect of the bar deformations).
-The latter is more common than the former.

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4.8 Detailing Provision as per EBCS-2, 1995
Bending of Bars
1.The minimum diameter to which a bar is bent shall be such as to
avoid crushing or splitting of concrete inside the bend of the bar, and
to avoid bending cracks in the bar.
2.For bars or wires, the minimum diameter of the mandrel used
should be not less than the values given in the following Table.

Table 4.1 Minimum diameter of bend

Bar size Main reinforcement Stirrups and ties
Ø ≤ 16 5Ø 4Ø
16 < Ø ≤ 25 6Ø 6Ø
25 < Ø ≤ 32 8Ø -
Ø > 32 10Ø -

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Concrete Cover to reinforcement
A minimum concrete cover shall be provided in order to ensure:
 the safe transmission of bond forces
 that spalling will not occur
 an adequate fire resistance
 the protection of steel against corrosion
It is measured for extreme fiber to surface of main rfmt (with

to transmit bond forces safely, and to ensure adequate

compaction, the concrete cover should never be less than:
Ø or Øn ( ≤ 40mm), or
(Ø + 5mm) or (Øn + 5mm) if dg> 32mm

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Table 5.2 Minimum Cover Requirements for Concrete Members
Type of Exposure Dry environment: Humid Sea water and/or
Interior buildings of environment: aggressive chemical
normal habitation Interior environment:
or offices components (e.g. Components
(Mild) laundries); exterior completely or
components; partially submerged
components in non in sea water;
aggressive soil components in
and/or water saturated salt air;
(Moderate) aggressive
Minimum cover
15 25 50

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Basic Anchorage Length

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Thank you!

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