L 2 Milling-01.09.2-15
L 2 Milling-01.09.2-15
L 2 Milling-01.09.2-15
Machining terms
• Chatter – interrupted cutting usually at some frequency
• Down milling – cutting speed in same direction as part feed
• Up milling – cutting speed in opposite direction as part feed
• Peripheral milling – tool parallel to work
• Face milling – tool perpendicular to work
• Ideal roughness – geometrically determined roughness
• Machinability – machining success determined by tool life, surface
• Optimal machining – parameter choices that increase machining
throughput or reduce operational costs
Machining operations on lathe
(other than normal
Facing Taper Contour Form
Peripheral Face
Face milling operations
N (rpm) = v/( D)
Feedrate in in/min:
fr = N nt f
f = feed per tooth
nt = number of teeth
MRR is
MRR =w d fr
Milling time analysis
Slab milling:
Approach distance, A :
A= d (D-d)
Tmm = (L + A)/frr
Face milling:
Machining time:
Tmm = (L + 2A)/frr
Milling time analysis - example
Problem statement:
Solution? Numbers?
Full face A = O = D/2
Feedrate in in/min fr = N nt f
N (rpm) = v/( D)
Tolerance by process
Surface finish by process
Surface finish by geometry
Ideal roughness,
Ri = f2/(32 NR)
NR = tool nose radius
Actual roughness,
Ra = rai Ri (about 2 x Ri )
Machinability is a
measure of
machining success
or ease of
Suitable criteria:
• tool life or
tool speed
• level of forces
• surface finish
• ease of chip
Machinability - example
Problem statement:
A series of tool life tests is conducted on two work materials under
identical cutting conditions, varying only speed in the test procedure.
The first material, defined as the base material, yields the Taylor tool
life equation
v T0.28 = 1050
and the other material (test material) yields the Taylor equation
v T0.27 = 1320
Determine the machinability rating of the test material using the
cutting speed that provides a 60 min. tool life as the basis of
comparison. This speed is denoted by v60.
Machinability - example
The base material has a machinability rating = 1.0. Its v60 value can
be determined from the Taylor tool life equation as follows:
v60 = 1050/600.28 = 334 ft/min
The cutting speed at a 60 min. tool life for the test material is
determined similarly:
v60 = 1320/600.27 = 437 ft/min
Th - part handling time Co (Cg) – operator (grinder’s) cost rate/min
Tc = Th + Tm + Tt/np
Tm = D L/(v f)
Tmax = (1 - n) Tt /n
Minimum cost per unit - turning
Ch = CoTh
Cm = CoTm
Ctp = Ct /np
Cc = Co Th + Co Tm + Co Tt /np + Ct /np
Problem statement: