Solar Thermal Energy
Solar Thermal Energy
Solar Thermal Energy
• People used black painted boxes to trap solar heat to heat up the water.
• Klerence Kemp designed the world’s first commercial solar water heater.
• Flooded Absorber type solar collector two layers of metal sheets stamped
together to provide larger area of heat exchange with a marginal boost in the
• Used in residential and district heating system where it may prevent excessive
cost of heating.
• Flat plate collectors have a peak power output of 1.7 KW for an area of 2.26
square m with a nominal flow rate of about 1.6 L/min
Evacuated Tube Collectors
• Evacuated tube heat collectors use air and vacuum as the insulating material.
• The vacuum in the tubes can be maintained for about 25 years. Due to its
insulation characteristics, it is the most efficient of all the low temp. solar
Solar Air Heaters
• Transfer heat to the air by convection to the surface.
• Solar air heat is also used in process applications such as drying laundry, crops
(i.e. tea, corn, coffee) and other drying applications
• They are easy to build but they are not as efficient as water heat collectors and
thus require a large area for the required heats
Medium Temperature Solar Heat Collectors
• These collectors produce higher temperatures than the low temperature solar
• These are used in drying wood for construction and wood chips as a fuel.
• These collectors are also used to distill the water in places where drinking
water is not easily available. These devices are called solar still.
Solar cooker
Solar cooker has the following types:
• They can be used to, stir-fry vegetables, make soup, bake bread, and
boil water in minutes.
Advantages and Limitations of Solar Cooker
• Solar cookers use no fuel. This saves cost.
• Solar cookers are less useful in cloudy weather and near the poles.
• Some solar cookers, especially solar ovens, take longer to cook food than a
conventional stove or oven.
• Some solar cooker designs are affected by strong winds, which can slow
the cooking process
High Temperature Solar Collectors
• High temperature solar collectors like mirrors and lenses are used to
concentrate a large amount of solar energy to small area to produce
heat thereby producing electricity or high temperature heat.
1. Parabolic Trough
2. Dish Sterling
3. Solar Power Tower
4. Fresnel Reflector
Parabolic Trough
• Parabolic trough is a type of solar thermal collector that is straight in one
dimension and curved as a parabola in the other two.
• A Dewar tube, which runs the length of the trough at its focal line,
acquires heat from it.
• The mirror is oriented so that sunlight which it reflects is concentrated on the
tube, which contains a fluid which is heated to a high temperature
• Thermal oil runs through the tube to absorb the concentrated sunlight
• Two solar parks using the Stirling Energy Systems or SES systems, are
currently being developed in US with a capacity of 1.4GW.
• It has the following components
• Tracking system: Tracking system works such that there is never a shadow over the
concentrator, which reduces the collector efficiency. Thus it has a two axial tracking
• Horizontal and vertical movement of the concentrator are actuated with the help of
• Receiver: The receiver is the link between the concentrator and the stirling engine.It is
of two types. Solar only receiver which only operates during the daytime and the
other is the gas burner type, to provide power in the night.
• It is often coupled with a thermal energy storage system to store the heat
energy. This energy can be used in night time to produce power.
• The receiver : It is a cylindrical tube wall heat exchanger that heats molten
nitrate salt from 290°C (550°F) to 565°C (1050°F)
• Thermal Salt Storage: It stores high temperature nitrate salt 565°C (1050°F) from
the receiver for use by the steam generator, and stores low temperature nitrate
salt 290°C (550°F) from the steam generator for use by the receiver
• The Steam Generation System (SGS) uses thermal energy from the hot nitrate
salt to produce superheated steam.
Fresnel Reflector
• Linear Fresnel reflectors use long, thin segments of mirrors to focus sunlight
onto a fixed absorber located at a common focal point of the reflectors.
• AREVA Solar (Ausra) has finished construction of the 5 MW Kimberlina Solar
Thermal Energy Plant in Bakersfield, California.