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Primary Care of Burns

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The Principles for the Provision

of Primary Care for Burns

Natalie Alcantara group 2 – C7116
• Definition of WHO (World Health Organization): A burn is an injury to the skin or other organic
tissue primarily caused by heat or due to radiation, radioactivity, electricity, friction or contact with
• Thermal (heat) burns occur when some or all of the cells in the skin or other tissues are destroyed by:
• hot liquids (scalds)
• hot solids (contact burns), or
• flames (flame burns).
An estimated 180 000 deaths every year are caused by burns – the vast majority occur in low- and
middle-income countries.
Degree of burns
• First-degree burns (superficial burns) are mild compared to other burns. They cause 
pain and reddening of the epidermis (outer layer of the skin).
• Second-degree burns (partial thickness burns) affect the epidermis and the dermis
(lower layer of skin). They cause pain, redness, swelling, and blistering.
• Third-degree burns (full thickness burns) go through the dermis and affect deeper
tissues. They result in white or blackened, charred skin that may be numb.
• Fourth-degree burns go even deeper than third-degree burns and can affect your
muscles and bones. Nerve endings are also damaged or destroyed, so there’s no feeling
in the burned area.
Types of burns
• Friction burns. When a hard object rubs off some of your skin, you have what’s called a friction burn. It’s both an
abrasion (scrape) and a heat burn. These are common in motorcycle and bike accidents. Carpet burn is another type of
friction burn.
• Cold burns. Also called “frostbite,” cold burns cause damage to your skin by freezing it. You can get frostbite by being
outside in freezing temperatures. It can also happen when your skin comes into direct contact with something very cold
for a prolonged period of time.
• Thermal burns. Touching a very hot object raises the temperature of your skin to the point that your skin cells start
dying. Very hot metals, scalding liquids, and flames all cause thermal burns. Steam can, too.
• Radiation burns. Sunburn is a type of radiation burn. Other sources of radiation, like X-rays or radiation therapy to treat
cancer, can also cause these.
• Chemical burns. Strong acids, solvents or detergents that touch your skin can cause it to burn.
• Electrical burns. If you come into contact with an electrical current, you can get this type of burn.
Burn injuries affect 3,2% of South Africans
annually and 50% of the patients are less than
20 years old. Burns are one of the
commonest causes of traumatic death in
children up to the age of four years and the
third most common up to 18 years of age.
These burns typically occur over weekends,
at night and 75% occur at home.

• Local injury:
• A burn results in three zones of injury. The
central zone is a zone of necrosis that represents
the area of maximum energy transfer and
immediate cell death. This is surrounded by a
zone of stasis that represents an area of impaired
circulation and is potentially salvageable. The
outer zone is a zone of hyperaemia where the
least amount of energy transfer has occurred.
Body reaction to the burn

• Haemodynamic changes:
• Thermal injury alters endothelial integrity and function. The subsequent systemic inflammatory response syndrome
(SIRS) is mediated through the widespread release of inflammatory mediators, primarily from the zone of
hyperaemia. This results in obligatory isotonic fluid loss from the intravascular spaces into the burnt area. The
capillary changes occur very rapidly and are maximal within the first 3–12 hours following small burns and up to
24–48 hours after larger burn injuries. This fluid loss can be as much as 4,4 ml/kg/hr.
• Susceptibility to infection:
• The burnt patient is prone to microorganism invasion because of impaired local defense mechanisms (loss of outer
skin barrier, presence of dead tissue and impaired local blood flow) and impaired systemic immune defenses due to
a decrease in phagocyte and lymphocyte function, compounded by impaired humoral and cell-mediated immunity.
Body reaction to the burns
• Hypermetabolic response:
• Although the thermal insult occurs immediately, the systemic response to
inflammatory mediators reaches a peak five to six days after the injury.
Increased metabolic rates are often encountered in burns and may be as
high as 50 to 100% above normal in major burns. This response is
characterised by gluconeogenesis, severe protein catabolism, lipolysis and
fat redistribution. Essential protein sources can be exhausted within three
to five weeks, making nutritional supplementation essential either
enterally or parenterally.
Estimation of total burn surface area (TBSA)
• The assessment of the burnt area is critical to the
management of the patient and needs to be accurately
determined. It is inherent to the successful fluid
resuscitation and transfer protocols involved.
Traditionally the ‘Rule of Nine’ is used for all patients
older than 10 years. The child figure represents an
infant up to one year. For every year thereafter the head
decreases in relative size by approximately 1% and each
leg gains 1⁄2%. Thus adult proportions are gained at
about 10 years of age. An alternative method to use is
the patient’s open hand that represents 1% of the body
surface area.
Acute Burn Management
• Definitive management must occur during the first 24 hours. Immediately after first aid has been
applied, the principles of primary and secondary surveys should be implemented.
• Primary survey
• A. Airway maintenance with cervical spinal control
• B. Breathing and ventilation
• C. Circulation with haemorrhage control
• D. Disability and neurological status
• E. Exposure and environmental control
• F. Fluid resuscitation proportional to burn size
Acute Burn Management
• A. Airway maintenance with cervical spinal control
• The detection of respiratory insufficiency is paramount during the initial examination as it is a major cause of
early mortality. The cervical spine must be protected. Clear the airway by removing foreign material and
ensure an open airway. All major burns must receive high flow oxygen for 24 hours.
• The history of flame burns sustained in an enclosed space and loss of consciousness at the scene are good
predictors of potential respiratory injury. Clinically the presence of burns on the face, either by flames or hot
water, carbonaceous sputum or nasal discharge, a hoarse voice, confusion, stridor and finally, any of the
routine signs associated with respiratory distress mandate very careful assessment, and early intervention.
Signs of carbon monoxide intoxication range from nausea and fatigue to confusion, seizures and coma. These
patients characteristically look ‘cherry red’, a sign that is often absent, the pulse oximetery is misleading as
carboxyhaemoglobin is mistaken for oxygenated haemoglobin – giving normal oxygen readings. Hundred per
cent oxygen should be administered via a non-rebreathing face mask.
Acute Burn Management
• B. Breathing and ventilation
• Expose the chest and ensure that chest expansion is adequate and equal. Exclude associated
injuries. Encasing eschars may restrict chest excursions and may necessitate early
escharotomies. A respiratory rate of more than 20 per minute is a danger sign.
• C. Circulation with haemorrhage control
• A thorough assessment of the haemodynamic status should be made. Bleeding sites should be
stopped with direct pressure. The pulse, capillary refill and blood pressure all need to be
assessed (the blood pressure being the last of the indices to fall) on an ongoing basis. Large
bore lines must be inserted preferably through unburned tissue, but can be through burn
wounds if necessary. Intraosseous needles can also be used in younger patients.
Acute Burn Management
• D. Disability and neurological status
• The level of consciousness should be determined. The patient could either be alert, responsive to vocal stimuli,
responsive to painful stimuli or unconscious (AVPU).
• E. Exposure and environmental control
• The aim is to determine the body surface area burnt and the depth of the wound. All the clothes and jewellery should be
removed. Children are at risk from developing hypothermia due to the large surface to mass ratio. Concomitant injuries
must also be identified and managed.
• F. Fluid resuscitation proportional to burn size
• The patient should be assessed for shock and if present, a crystalloid fluid volume of 20 ml/kg of Ringer’s lactate
solution should be given immediately. This should be followed up until the shock has been corrected. Fluid therapy
thereafter consists of two components, namely ongoing fluid loss replacement and maintenance fluid that in children
should contain 5% glucose.
Acute Burn Management
First Aid
• The burning process should be interrupted as soon as possible. Remove smouldering or hot
clothing immediately and ensure an open airway. The burn wound should be cooled with
running, cold tap water at 16 °C for 20–30 minutes. Ice should not be used as it may
deepen the burn. In large burn wounds caution must be taken not to induce hypothermia of
the patient. Copious irrigation with water must be used for chemical burns until the pain
has disappeared. Burnshield (Melaleuca Alternifolia Hydrogel) can be applied de novo or
following cooling and the wound can then be dressed with a clean dressing or cling wrap
followed by a light crepe bandage to hold the dressings in place. Cooling serves to halt the
burning process and prevents the area of coagulation from spreading, thus limiting the size
and depth of the burn. It can still be effective up to three hours after the injury.
Pain relief
• Burns are exceptionally painful and apart from
the humane value of providing analgesia, it
serves to diminish the systemic inflammatory
reaction, by modulating the sympathetic
response and hence cytokine secretion. It also
serves to diminish long-term psychosocial
scarring. There are three components to be
considered, namely acute, procedural and
chronic pain. Pain management is an integral
part of the programme and must be initiated
from the beginning.
Futher managment
• Secondary survey
• A general history including details of the mechanism of the injury and pre-existing diseases and allergies
should be recorded, as well as a repeated examination of the patient from head to toe. If transfer is
contemplated, consent and the necessary documentation including medical records, calculated fluids and
medications, urine output and vital signs must accompany the patient.
• Special Investigations
• Investigations are directed toward monitoring the efficacy of resuscitation, and the multiple changes in the
haematological, biochemical and bacteriological spheres during the emergent period. Radiology will
include the cervical spine and the pelvis. Laboratory investigations include carboxyhaemoglobin levels,
acid base status and lactate, all of which will provide evidence of end organ perfusion. A urine
examination for concentration, specific gravity and myoglobin will aid the resuscitation process.
Tranfer Procedure
• Burn patients are usually stable immediately after injury and transfer can be safely undertaken once initial therapy has been instituted, the patient stabilised and a
decision made about which facility or hospital the patient should be transferred to. All escharotomies identified in the secondary survey should ideally be
performed prior to transfer. Early consultation for advice and transfer are essential in the management of the burns patient.Transfer is indicated for the following:
• • Patients with burns greater than 5% TBSA
• • Burns of special interest – face, hands, feet, genitalia, perineum and major joints
• • Electrical burns
• • Chemical burns
• • Inhalation injury
• • Circumferential burns
• • Pre-existing medical conditions
• • Associated trauma
• • Suspected child abuse
• • Any patient that cannot be managed at the referring facility
• Small superficial or partial thickness wounds can be treated with a semi-permeable occlusive dressing, e.g. Omiderm® and left until healed,
or a hydrocolloid dressing, e.g. Granuflex® and changed every four days. Large or deep burns require antiseptic dressings and definitive
surgical management at a burns centre. Options for antiseptic dressings include the following:
• • Silver sulfadiazine (Flamazine®): This antiseptic has an excellent spectrum of activity with low toxicity, and ease of application with
minimal pain. It is effective for at least 24 hours. The use of silver sulfadiazine is frequently associated with the development of a ‘pseudo-
eschar’ within two to four days, which can lead to errors in the evaluation of burn depth by the inexperienced observer.
• • Povidone-iodine (Betadine®): Povidone has a wide antibacterial spectrum and is inactivated by wound exudate. It has a half-life of 12 hours
and needs to be applied twice daily.
• • Mupirocin (Bactroban®): It has excellent broad spectrum anti-microbial activity, predominantly against Gram-positive organisms and
Methicillin resistant Staphylococci (MRSA). It is insensitive to Pseudomonas and can be applied daily.
• • Chlorhexidine (Hibitane®): Chlorhexidine has a broad spectrum anti-microbial action, effective especially against Pseudomonas infection.
It is often combined with Mupirocin to broaden the antibacterial spectrum. It should be changed daily.
• • Acticoat: Nanocrystalline silver has made a significant difference to the treatment of burn wounds. It liberates silver (AG°) at a
concentration ten times the MIC for more than 150 organisms. It is applied topically and removed every third to fourth day.
• https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/burns
• https://www.webmd.com/pain-management/guide/pain-caused-by-burns#
• https://www.webmd.com/first-aid/types-degrees-burns#1
• And articles

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