Bi 3325
Bi 3325
Bi 3325
• Writers or Writings
• Clement Papias
• Shepherd of Hermas Barnabas
• Ignatius Didache
• Polycarp
• At time the apostle John was writing
Revelation on Isle of Patmos, Clement
was a leader in the church at Rome.
• Assumed responsibility for answering an
appeal from church at Corinth for advice
on how to restore harmony.
• Sent a letter (c. 95-96) urging
demonstrating the Christian graces and
obedience to the elders and deacons
(some were rebelling).
• Made frequent reference to both OT and
NT Scripture, esp. to Paul’s epistles.
• Because this is the earliest extrabiblical
Christian writing, it has attained a place of
prominence among the writings of the
Apostolic Fathers.
• Toward the end of the 2nd c. it attainted
almost canonical status in some churches.
Second Clement
• This work probably written ca. the same
time as the Shepherd of Hermas (i.e., not
likely written by Clement of Rome).
• Not an epistle but a homily (sermon),
probably given in Corinth or Rome—the
oldest complete Christian sermon known.
• Emphasizes virtuous living, mercy to
others, need for repentance, and the
Christian life as warfare.
The Shepherd of Hermas
• Ca. 50 years later another Roman,
Hermas, wrote a work known as the
Shepherd of Hermas.
• The work appears to be a composite work
written in stages between c. 90 & 150.
• Hermas a slave (possibly Jewish) freed by
his mistress Rhoda in Rome.
• Later he married and became wealthy.
The Shepherd of Hermas
• During a persecution he lost his property
and was denounced by his own children.
• Later he & his family did penance.
• The work consists of 5 Visions, 12
Mandates, and 10 Similitudes, all of which
purport to be revelations.
• Revelator in Visions 1-4 was a woman
representing the church, & in Vision 5 thru
Similitude 10 was the angel of repentance
in the guise of a shepherd (hence the
The Shepherd of Hermas
• The Visions focus especially on the last
days and refer to the imminence of the
great tribulation several times.
• The Mandates and Similitudes provide
teaching on Christian behavior and
principles respectively and served as a
textbook for catechetical instruction in the
2nd & 3rd centuries.
• It made a claim to inspiration.
The Shepherd of Hermas
• Central theme concerns the possibility of a
second repentance for sins.
• Repentance and forgiveness of sins
associated with baptism.
• Apparently some at this time were
postponing baptism in order to take care of
as many sins as possible; what was to be
done with postbaptismal sin (in their view)
was problematic.
The Shepherd of Hermas
• SofH presents the possibility of a second
repentance & forgiveness of sins
committed after baptism.
• The writing presents an early form of a
dogma of penance and a penitential
• Bishop of Antioch of Syria; the most
famous of the Apostolic Fathers.
• C. 110 was arrested by Roman authorities
for his Christian profession and sent to
Rome for judgment and expected
martyrdom in the arena.
• Along the way he wrote letters to various
churches; the letters were designed to
promote unity in the churches addressed.
• Unity was to be accomplished by:
– Rooting out heresies that denied the full
divine-human personality of Christ.
– By subjection to a local bishop.
• Thus Ignatius gave impetus to the power
of bishops, but only over local
• Also he did not elevate the position of the
bishop of Rome over that of other bishops.
• Does seem to be the first to speak of a
Catholic (universal) church.
• Is no evidence that his view on the ruling
bishop was a commonly held view in the
church at this time.
• He held that the church could not baptize,
celebrate the Eucharist (Lord’s Supper), or
perform a marriage without the bishop.
• Actually, there was no church without the
bishop, according to him.
• In Asia Minor (modern Turkey) two
Apostolic Fathers were active: Polycarp
and Papias.
• Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna (modern
Izmir), is interesting to moderns because
he was believed to be a disciple of the
apostle John.
• Of several of his writings, only his letter to
the Philippians remains.
• He emphasized in the letter faith in Christ
and the necessary outworking of that faith
in daily life.
• Unlike Ignatius, he does not write about
church organization and discipline.
• In the letter he quoted from 13 NT books
and knew of a collection of Paul’s letters.
• Was martyred in Smyrna (c. 155-156).
• He claimed to have served Christ 86
• A staunch defender of orthodoxy, he
devoted much of his energy to combating
• The Martyrdom of Polycarp, written by his
church within a year after his death, is the
first Christian account of martyrdom.
• Bishop of Hierapolis in Phrygia, wrote c.
• His Interpretations of the Saying (Oracles)
of the Lord has been lost, but parts survive
in the writings of Irenaeus & Eusebius.
• The fragments deal with the life and
teachings of Christ & attempt to preserve
information obtained from those who had
known Christ.
• Bishop of Hierapolis in Phrygia, wrote c.
• His Interpretations of the Saying (Oracles)
of the Lord has been lost, but parts survive
in the writings of Irenaeus & Eusebius.
• The fragments deal with the life and
teachings of Christ & attempt to preserve
information obtained from those who had
known Christ.
• These are especially interesting for their
historical reference, such as the statement
that Mark got the information for his gospel
from Peter.
• His comments on the apostolic age cannot
be quickly dismissed because he too was
a “hearer of John” the apostle.
• He wrote one of the earliest statements on
a literal material millennium when the
earth will be miraculously fruitful.
• Works assigned to the period of the
Apostolic Fathers also originated in North
• Barnabas is generally considered to have
been written in Alexandria—probably by
• Like much of the other literature of
Alexandria, this epistle is quite allegorical
in nature, engaging in gross typology and
• The basic problem of the epistle concerns
the necessity of a Christian’s keeping the
law of Moses.
• It holds that such was not necessary—the
work of Christ was sufficient.
• It becomes so anti-Jewish as almost to
deny a historical connection between
Judaism and Christianity.
• The Didache, or Teachings of the Twelve
(Apostles), is also believed to have originated in
Alexandria (though some think it came from
Syria), probably during the 1st half of the 2nd
• A church manual, divided into 4 parts, it treats
Christian ethics (chaps. 1-6), liturgical matters
(baptism, fasting, the Eucharist, chaps. 7-10),
the ministry and church government (chaps. 11-
15), and the Second Coming and end of the
world (chap. 16).
• Baptism is to be performed by immersion if
possible, otherwise by threefold affusion.
• Believers should live a life of
preparedness in view of the return of
The Apologists
Justin Martyr
The Apologists
• The purpose of the Apologists was entirely
different from that of the Apostolic Fathers.
• Apologists sought to win legal recognition
for Christianity and to defend it against
various charges leveled by the pagan
• In constructing this defense, they wrote in
a more philosophical vein than the
Apostolic Fathers.
The Apologists
• A generation of Christians from a higher
social class and with more extensive
education had arisen.
• As they wrote their defenses they had at
hand two literary forms already in use in
the Roman world: the legal speech
(apologia) delivered before judicial
authorities and later published, and the
literary dialogue.
The Apologists
• In seeking to win a favorable position for
Christianity, the Apologists tried on the
one hand to demonstrate the superiority of
the Hebrew-Christian tradition over
paganism, and on the other to defend
Christianity against a variety of charges.
• They viewed this superiority as both
temporal and spiritual.
The Apologists
• To support a temporal or chronological
superiority, Justin Martyr claimed that
Moses wrote the Pentateuch long before
the Trojan War (c. 1250 B.C.), thus
antedating Greek history, to say nothing of
Roman history.
• He and other Apologists made much of
fulfillment of prophecy in an attempt to
show that Christianity was not something
new, but merely a continuation or
culmination of the ancient Hebrew faith.
The Apologists
• As to the spiritual superiority of Christianity
over paganism, the Apologists claimed that
noble pagans had obtained their high
ideals from God or Moses.
• Among the charges against which
Apologists defended Christianity were
atheism, cannibalism, immorality, and
antisocial action.
• The first charge (atheism) arose because
Christians refused to worship the emperor
or the Greco-Roman gods.
The Apologists
• The charge of cannibalism arose from a
misunderstanding of the Lord’s Supper.
• The charge of immorality was a result of
assemblies conducted in secret or after
dark and because Christians displayed
great love for each other.
• The antisocial charge related to Christians
finding it necessary to retire from much of
public life because most aspects of public
life were in some way connected with
worship of the gods.
The Apologists
• E.g., one who held public office had to
participate in and even lead the populace
in sacrifices to the ruler or the goddess
Roma, the personification of the state.
• Normally those who attended an athletic
festival or a drama found themselves
acquiescing in a sacrifice to a god before
the event began.
The Apologists
• In an effort to win recognition for their faith,
the Apologists generally took a
philosophical approach.
• Was natural they should do so, because
on the one hand they were trying to
reason out the case for Christianity with
their opponents, and because on the other
hand they often wrote to men who were
themselves greatly interested in
philosophy, e.g., Marcus Aurelius a Stoic
The Apologists
• Because of the philosophical orientation,
the Apologists have been accused of
undue surrender to the world view of
• For e.g., their teachings about Jesus
Christ appear in the form of the Logos
• To philosophers the Logos was an
impersonal controlling and developing
principle of the universe.
The Apologists
• But John used Logos to describe Christ,
without any sacrifice of His deity or the
value of His atoning work.
• On most points the Apologists seem to
have upheld the NT concept of Jesus
Christ, though Justin Martyr, for instance,
sometimes described Christ as being of
inferior rank to the Father.
The Apologists
• The fact that the Apologists placed such
great stress on the Logos demonstrates
that their theology was Christ-centered.
• Though their practice may involve
dangers, it is not innately wrong to make
one’s message intelligible to one’s time.
Apologists—Justin Martyr
• Probably the most dramatic and best
• Born c. 100 A.D. in a small town in
Samaria (though apparently a Gentile), J.
early became well acquainted with the
various philosophical systems.
• But his knowledge of the systems also led
to a realization of their inadequacies.
• C. 132, at point of disillusionment and
searching, an old Christian showed him
the way of faith in Christ.
Apologists—Justin Martyr
• J. became a Christian philosopher,
presenting the Christian message in
philosophical terms.
• J. wrote apologies to the emperor
Antoninus Pius and his adopted son,
Marcus Aurelius, and a dialogue with
Trypho the Jew.
• He sought to defend C. against the
charges of atheism and immorality, and to
demonstrate that Christians were loyal
Apologists—Justin Martyr
• Christ’s kingdom was not of this world so
Rome had no reason to fear insurrection.
• He also sought to prove that the truth was
taught by Christianity alone.
• In the dialogue with Trypho, J. tried to
show that Jesus was the Messiah.
• During his second stay in Rome, he
engaged in a public debate with Crescens
the philosopher.
Apologists—Justin Martyr
• Shortly after (c. 163), he was martyred by
Marcus Aurelius, perhaps at the instigation
of several philosophers close to the
• The later chapters of his first apology are
interesting because of comments on belief
and practice regarding the Lord’s Supper
and baptism.
• He was one of the foremost interpreters of
Christianity between the late 1st & early 3rd
Apologists—Justin Martyr
• Though he is commonly presented as a
Christian philosopher, his focus was Christ
and his final authority the Scripture, the
Word of God.
• He was not afraid to sit in judgment on
• Was one of Justin Martyr’s converts in
• A native of Assyria, T. was a writer skilled
in argumentation.
• His Address to the Greeks ridiculed almost
every pagan practice.
• In last part of the work he argued that
since Christianity was superior to Greek
religion and thought, it deserved to be
• After Justin Martyr’s martyrdom, T. went to
Syria where he founded a group later
called the Encratites—known for their
extreme ascetic practices.
• T. is probably best known for his
Diatessaron (“through the four”), the
earliest harmony of the gospels,
composed about 150-160 A.D.
• A polemicist, T. was sometimes classified
among the Apologists.
• Born in Carthage, North Africa, c. 160, he
seems to have been a lawyer and was
won to Christianity late in the century.
• He wrote a long list of apologetic and
theological works in Latin and Greek.
• His Apologeticus (c. 197), addressed to
the Roman governor of Carthage, refuted
the common charges leveled against
• The Apologeticus also demonstrated the
loyalty of Christians to the empire, and
showed that persecution of Christians was
foolish anyway, because they multiplied
whenever persecuted.
• C. 200, T. was caught up in Montanism.
• Justin, Tatian and Tertuallian were
significant among the Apologists, but
fragmentary or fairly complete writings of
at least a half dozen others do exist.
The Polemicists
Purpose: to attack error (heresy)
The Polemicists
• As Christianity grew older, errors arose
within its ranks—errors that called forth
defenders of the faith and that by reaction
led to the development of Christian
doctrine and the formulation of a NT
• Is significant that in refuting error the
Polemicists appealed extensively to NT
books as the source of true doctrine.
• Thus they gave impetus to the later official
pronouncements on the contents of the NT
The Polemicists
• Their work also gave rise to the concept of
an orthodox catholic church opposed to
• We note the major errors later, we focus
first on the significant defenders or
attackers of orthodoxy.
The Polemicists--Irenaeus
• While most of the Apologists lived in the
East, most of the Polemicists lived in the
• The earliest of the group was Irenaeus,
who wrote Against Heresies c. 185, at
Lyons, France, where he was bishop.
• Against Heresies was primarily aimed at
the philosophical error of Gnosticism.
The Polemicists--Irenaeus
• Book I—a historical sketch of Gnostic
sects presented in conjunction with a
statement of Christian faith
• Book II—a philosophical critique of
• Book III—a scriptural critique of
• Book IV—answers to Gnosticism from the
words of Christ
• Book V—a vindication of the resurrection
against Gnostic arguments
The Polemicists--Irenaeus
• In answering heresy I. stressed the
episcopate, theological tradition, and the
canon of Scripture of the true orthodox
• Thus he contributed to the authority of the
monarchal bishop, to reverence for the
traditional teaching of the church, and to
the rise of an official canon of the NT.
• So he did more than attack the heresies of
his day.
The Polemicists--Irenaeus
• He was also a constructive theologian.
• He has been called the “Father of Church
Dogmatics” because he tried to formulate
the principles of Christian theology and to
provide an exposition of the church’s
• In that connection, his Proof of the
Apostolic Preaching is helpful.
The Polemicists--Hippolytus
• Covering much the same ground as
Irenaeus, Hippolytus also attacked
Gnosticism, as well as other heresies, in
his Refutation of All Heresies (c. 200).
• While he may have borrowed from I., he
significantly supplemented his work.
• H. came into conflict with the dominant
party in Rome because he criticized them
for disciplinary laxity and doctrinal
The Polemicists--Hippolytus
• He linked Callixtus with Noetianism and
Sabellianism—errors of Trinitarian
• H. was the most important 3rd c.
• In addition to his apologetic work, he is
especially known for his Apostolic
Tradition, which provides a picture of
Roman church order and worship about
200 A.D.
The Polemicists--Hippolytus
• Apostolic Tradition deals with baptism, the
Eucharist (the Lord’s Supper), ordination,
and other church practices.
• He also wrote a commentary on Daniel,
the oldest commentary on a biblical book
to survive intact.
• Part of his commentary on the Song of
Songs (Song of Solomon) also remains.
• H. wanted a church of the pure and
opposed forgiving those guilty of serious
sins after receiving baptism.
The Polemicists--Tertullian
• From Carthage.
• T. may be classified with the Apologists if one
emphasizes his Apologeticus or as a Scientific
Theologian if one focuses on his De Anima
(concerning the origin of the soul).
• He is commonly called the founder of Latin
• He is classed with the Polemicists because of
his opposition to paganism, Judaism, early forms
of Unitarianism and Gnosticism.
The Polemicists--Tertullian
• Has been said that he did more than
anyone else to overthrow Gnosticism.
• Like Irenaeus, he held that the true
church, through episcopal and apostolic
succession, possessed the message of
Christ and the correct interpretation of
• One of his most important theological
works was Against Praxeas (c. 210),
which was an early statement of Trinitarian
The Polemicists--Tertullian
• Although he later went into Montanism, he
enjoyed considerable popularity in the
ancient, medieval, and Renaissance
• He carried on his work during the first
decades of the 3rd century.
The Polemicists--Cyprian
• Cyprian, also from Carthage, was
martyred in 258.
• In his polemic activity he is known for his
opposition to Novatianism.
• Novatian (from Rome) held that those who
lapsed during persecution could not be
pronounced forgiven by the church and
restored to fellowship; forgiveness must be
left to God alone.
The Polemicists--Cyprian
• It was not Novatian’s severity of discipline
but his denial that the church had the right
to grant absolution that caused his
• The church was conscious of catholicity
and unity by this time and those who did
not submit to divinely appointed bishops
were regarded as heretics.
• Cyprian, bishop of Carthage, felt duty
bound to condemn Novatian.
The Scientific Theologians
Purpose: to develop scientific methods
of biblical interpretation
Alexandrian Western
Theologians Theologians
Pantaenus Jerome
Clement Ambrose
Origen Augustine
Athanasius Eastern Theologians
Cyril Theodore
John Chrysostom
The Scientific Theologians
• These men sought to apply current
modes of thought to theological
• They also tried to develop scientific
methods of biblical interpretation and
textual criticism.
• The classification of these writers falls
roughly into 3 groups:
1. Those from Alexandria
2. Those from the West
3. Those from Asia Minor and Syria
The Scientific Theologians
• Alexandria:
– Pantaenus
– Clement
– Origen
– Athanasius
– Cyril
– Others
– Were the most speculative in approach and
usually followed an allegorical interpretation
of Scripture.
The Scientific Theologians
• West
– Jerome
– Ambrose
– Augustine