Fathers of The Church
Fathers of The Church
Fathers of The Church
Initially the term applied to the office of bishop but then extended
to all the ecclesiastical writers of the Church as long as they
represented the tradition of the Church.
Letter to Ephesians; Letter to Magnesians;
Letter to Tralles; Letter to Philadelphians;
Letter to Smyrnans; Letter to Polycarp
of Smryna; Letter to Romans
St. Polycarp of Symrna.
• Received a visit and letter from Ignatius
• A teacher of Irenaeus
• Disciple of John the Evangelist
• He tried to settle disputes about the date
to celebrate Easter.
• Responsible for converting many from
Polycarp to the Philipians
Martyrdom of Polycarp
Post-Apostolic Fathers of The Church
Against the Heresies: written against the
Gnostics; contributed to the knowledge
of Gnosticism
St. Athanasius
• Played a prominent role in the theological struggle in the
Council of Nicea (325)
• Opposed Arius (256-336) who maintained that the Son was of
a different substance from that of the Father, and was merely a
creature .
• Formulated the “homousian doctrine” that the Son of God is
the same essence of substance of the Father
Became bishop of Alexandria (328)
Discourses Against the Arians
History of the Arians
Apology Against the Arians
On the Decrees of the Nicene Synod
St. Ambrose
Bishop of Milan (374)
Defended the churches of Milan against Arianism
Friend of Monica, mother of Augustine, and
finally brought
Augustine into the Church
On Faith: a Christian morals manual
On the Sacraments: an exegetical treatise
On the Holy Spirit: an exegetical treatise
Composed many hymns
St. Augustine
Son of Monica (332?-387)
Born a pagan
Converted in 387 and baptized by St. Ambrose of Milan
Ordained a priest in 391
Bishop of Hippo (395)
Combated Manichean heresy (conflict of Good and Evil)
Martin Luther and John Calvin were students of the works of Augustine
Confessions (c. 400): his autobiography
The City of God (413-426): Retractions (428);
Epistles (386-429), On Free Will (388-395)
On Christian Doctrine (397)
On Baptism: Against the Donatists (400)
On the Trinity (400-416); On Nature and Grace (415)
Jerome, St.
Biblical scholar
Ordained a priest in 386
Secretary to Pope Damasus I in 382
Confronted many heresies, especially
The Vulgate: translated the Bible from
Hebrew and Greek into Latin, 383-384,
in Rome
St. Cyril of Alexandria
Against Nestorius
Against Julian the Apostate
Prolific writer
St. Gregory I (“The Great”)
Moralia: a commentary on the Book of Job
Pastoral Care: describes the ideal bishop; instruction on the
practice and nature of preaching
Dialogues: legends of saints of his own time
For many Christians these Fathers of the Church have been
extremely influential on a personal level. By reading their
writings an individual gains a unique insight into the early
followers of Christianity. In particular, their writings confirm
what the Church has always taught and continues to teach
today. The Fathers stand as foundational pillars who always
point back to Jesus Christ and show with their writings and
example what it means to be a Christian.