Days of International Importance: Made by Deven
Days of International Importance: Made by Deven
Days of International Importance: Made by Deven
Made by Deven
World Environment Day: 5THJune
We share our planet with millions of life
forms and hence its necessary for us to
protect it in order to maintain a
balanced ecosystem. The world
Environment Day (WED) is celebrated in
over 100 countries to encourage
awareness and action for the
environment. This day serves as the
‘people’s day’ for making a difference
through positive activities. According to a new UN report on
air pollution in the Asia-Pacific
region, implementing 25
These include organization clean up
technology policies could see up
campaigns, no car days, plastic bans, to 20 per cent reduction in
tree-planting and recycling drives carbon dioxide and 45 per cent
reduction in methane emissions
Effects of World Environment Day
Before After
On this day, communities and individuals around the world work to
increase awareness of the importance of conserving the environment
The positive global impact of environmental regulations and controls
and engage in activities that serve to educate and improve
their environment locally.
International Yoga Day: 21st June
The International Day of Yoga has been
celebrated annually on 21 June since 2015.
Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual
practice which originated in India. The Indian
Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, in his UN
address suggested the date of 21 June, as it is
the longest day of the year in the Northern
Hemisphere and shares a special significance in
many parts of the world.
The first International Day of Yoga created a Daily Yogic practices
record for the largest yoga class, and another can prevent chronic
for the largest number of participating ailments from
nationalities. damaging our body
Effects of International Yoga Day