The Scope & Uses of Air Conditioning Systems
The Scope & Uses of Air Conditioning Systems
The Scope & Uses of Air Conditioning Systems
Conditioning Systems
Definition of Air Conditioning
To the average person, air conditioning simply means
“the cooling of air”.
Air conditioning is the process of treating air in an
internal environment to establish and maintain
required standards of temperature, humidity,
cleanliness & motion.
Control of Conditions
Temperature: Air temperature is controlled by heating
and cooling the air.
Humidity: Air humidity, the water vapor content of
the air, is controlled by the adding or removing the
water vapor from the air (Humidification &
Cleanliness: Air cleanliness, or air quality is controlled
by either filtration, the removal of undesirable
contaminants using filter or other devices.
Motion: Air motion means the air velocity & where the
air is distributed.
Human Comfort
Photographic processing
Computer rooms
Medical facilities
Components of Air Conditioning Systems
Heat always travels from warmer to cooler area.
In winter, there is continual heat loss from the
buildings, in order to maintain the temperature at
comfort level heat must be continually supplied in the
building, the equipment that furnishes the heat
required is called the “heating system”.
Components of Air Conditioning Systems
In summer, Heat continually enters the buildings from
the outside.
In order to maintain the room temperature at the
comfort level heat must be removed from the room.
The equipment used to remove the air is called the
“cooling system”.
Components of Air Conditioning Systems
Most cooling and heating systems have at a minimum
following number of basic components.
1. A heating source that adds heats to the fluid.
2. Cooling source that removes heat from the fluid.
3. A distribution system (a network of ducts or piping)
to carry the fluid to the rooms to be heated or cooled.
4. Equipments (Fans or pumps) for moving the air or
5. Devices (e.g radiation) for transferring heat between
the fluid and the room.
All Water (Hydronic) Air Conditioning Systems
Air conditioning systems that use water as a heating
and cooling fluid are called the all water or hydronic
air conditioning systems.
All Water (Hydronic) Air Conditioning Systems
All Water (Hydronic) Air Conditioning Systems
All Water (Hydronic) Air Conditioning Systems
All-Air Air Conditioning System
All-Air Air Conditioning System
All-Air Air Conditioning System
Unitary & Central Air Conditioning System
Unitary or Package air conditioning system uses
equipment where all or most of the basic components
have been assembled in the factory (e.g room air
Central or Built-up air conditioning system uses
equipment centrally located in mechanical equipment
rooms. Each piece of equipment is installed separately
and connected on the job, rather than manufactured as a
Human Comfort
The purpose of the most air conditioning systems is to
provide a comfortable indoor environment, the system
designer and operator should understand the factors
that affect comfort.