Brain-Computer Interface (Bci) : Shaik - Khaja Mohiuddin 10MSE0050
Brain-Computer Interface (Bci) : Shaik - Khaja Mohiuddin 10MSE0050
Brain-Computer Interface (Bci) : Shaik - Khaja Mohiuddin 10MSE0050
Shaik.Khaja Mohiuddin
1. What is BCI?
2. BCI Disciplines
3. Why BCI?
4. BCI paradigms
5. Applications of BCI
6. Current trends and Future directions
What is a BCI?
A Brain-Computer Interface is a communication system
that do not depend on peripheral nerves and muscles .
BCIs read electrical signals or other manifestations of brain
activity and translate them into a digital form that
computers can understand, process, and convert into
actions of some kind, such as moving a cursor or turning on
a TV.
BCI can help people with inabilities to control computers,
wheelchairs, televisions, or other devices with brain
The 3 major components of BCIs
1. Ways of measuring neural signals from the human
2. Methods and algorithms for decoding brain
states/intentions from these signals
3. Methodology and algorithms for mapping the
decoded brain activity to intended behavior or
Invasive versus Non-invasive BCI
Invasive techniques, which implant electrodes directly
onto a patient’s brain;