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Geography of

 The worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade and

communications integration.
 Globalization implies the opening of local and nationalistic perspectives to a
broader outlook of an interconnected and interdependent and services across
national frontiers.
 Globalization is the process of interaction or integration arising from the of
world views, products and other aspects of culture.
 Large scale globalization has been increasingly used since the mid 1980s and
especially since the mid 1990s.
Globalization process

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

Geographic process

Globalization Small space Networking


Information about Globalization

 Globalization is the extension of social relations across world- space,

defining that world-space in terms of the historical variables ways
that it has been practiced and socially understood through changing
world time.(paul james)
 The journalist Thomas L.Fieldman popularized the term ‘Flat world’.
 Arranging that Globalization trade, outstanding, supply changing and
political forces had permanently change the world.
 Quickening and impact on business.
Information About Globalization


Cultural Neoliberal
Globalization Globalization


Ideological Social
Globalization Globalization

History Of Globalization

There are both distal and proximate causes which can be traced in the
historical factors affecting globalization. Large-scale globalization began
in the 19th century.

1. Archaic: Archaic globalization as phase in the history of

globalization including globalizing events and developments from the
time of the earliest civilizations until roughly the 1600s.
History of globalization

 Trade on the silk road was the significant factor of globalization.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

 Figure: Historical view of globalization in silk road.
Historical of globalization

2. Early modern: Early modern or proto-globalization covers a period of the history of

globalization roughly spanning the years between 1600 and 1800. The concept of proto-
globalization was frist introduced by historians A.G Hopkins and Christopher Bayly. The
term describes the phase of increasing trade links and cultural exchange that
characterized the period immediately preceding the aidvent of high modern globalization
in the late 19th century.
3. Modern: According to economic historians Kevin H.O rouke, Leandro prados de,La escosur
and Guillaume dudin, several factors promoted globalization in the period 1815-1870.
I. The conclusion of the Napoleonic wars brought in an era of relative peace in Europe.
II. Innovations in transportation technology reduced trade costs substantially.
III. New industrial military technologies increased the power of European states and the
united states and allowed these power to forcibly open up markets across the world and
extend their empires.
IV. A gradual move towards greater liberalization in European.
Characteristics of globalization

Globalization is the increasing economic interdependence of

national economic areas.

on Tech
y and
Characteristics of Globalization

1. Increase economic integration.

2. Modify global financial.
3. Transmition of culture.
4. Politics.
5. Media.
6. Internal contents uses and products.
7. Global health is the health of populations.
8. Tourism a popular global leisure activity.
9. International migration.
10. Global work force.
11. Remittances.
12. Global citizenship.
Impact of Globalization in society

Globalization and the use of technology are immense on our society. There are
some impacts:-
I. Institutional changes
II. Organizational change
 Using labor
 Based on technology
III. Localization
 International relationship increase
 Divergence
Impact of globalization in society

IV. Social complexity

 Complex web
 People
 Culture
 Markets
 Beliefs and Politics.
V. Global interaction
 Economic process
 Migration
 Communication
Impact of Globalization in society

Basic needs of globalization


Cultural Society



Development of economy by the help of

1. Developed economics
2. Increasing industrial area
3. Global labour forces increase
4. Widely used trade, financial trade flow, ideas information and in goods and services
5. Increase in trade in goods and services
6. Technology facilitates globalization
7. Outsourcing is good and bad
8. Globalization and population
9. Globalization and disease
10. Education
11. Globalization and regulation
Development of economy by the help of
Globalization is the integration of economics industries markets, culture
and policy-making around the world. After all, globalization focused on
the economic side of the world international capital flow.
3.2 Economic zone and Forum

 Economic zone:- Economic zone are a class of spatial economic zones designated by the
trade and commerce administrations of different countries.
The term special economic zone(SEZ) is commonly used as a generic term to refer to any modern
economic zone. In these zones business and trades laws differ from the rest of the country.
Broadly SEZ’s are located within a country’s national boarders. The aims of the zone included:-
I. Increased trade
II. Increased investment
III. Effective investment
IV. Job creation
V. effective administration.
To encourage business to set up in the zone. Financially libertarian policies are introduce. These
policies typically regard investing, trading quotes, customs and labour regulations.
Economic Zone

An exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is a sea zone prescribed by the united nations conversion
on the law of the sea over which a state has spatial rights regarding the exploration and
use of marine resource, including energy production from water and wind.it stretches from
the baseline out to 200 nautical miles from its coast.
Generally, a states EEZ is an area beyond and adjacent to the terrestrial, extending
seaward to a distance of no more than 200 nautical miles(970 km) out from it coastal
The exception to this rules occurs when EEZ’s would overlapping that is state coastal
baselines are less than 400 nautical miles(740 km) apart. Generally any point within an
overlapping area defaults to the nearest states.
There are many countries in which the trade of international business is happening through
the economy zones. The economic zones in different countries are ranking as below by
area:- France, United state, Australia, Russia, United kingdom, Indonesia,
Canada,Japan,New-Zealand etc.
Economic Forum

Economic forum is based on some basic characteristics. These characteristics are given below:-
I. Transformation
II. Entrepreneurs
III. Effective leadership
IV. Disrupting unemployment
V. Improving the state of the world
There are many economic forums which are established in the world in order to improve the development of economy in
different regions. Some of them are:-
2. OIC
6. IMF
Economic Forum

1. Established in 1985.
2. This organization in the honour of welfare, economy and socio- cultural interaction.
3. The organization was proposed by Ziaur Rahman.
4. The purpose of this organization is to develop the technology, free trade and scientific
5. Established in 1969
6. The purpose of the organization is to improve the including conditions gives below:-
I. Political support
II. Economic support
III. Social support
Economic Forum

1. Established in 1995
2. The organization is proposed by the American President Hawk.
3. The purpose of this organization is the development of the pacific zones.
4. There is also another purpose that is the trade ,export and import without tax, which is called free trade

So, these economic zone and forums through these trade and commerce takes places among different
countries. The benefits of a company gains by being in a spatial economic zone and forum may mean it can
produce and trade goods at a globally comparative price.
3.3 Government and non government
stakeholders and their roles of economic
A stakeholder is any person or organization that has a legitimate interest in a specific or policy decision.
A corporate stakeholder can affect by the actions of a business as a whole. It defined stakeholders as those groups without whose
support the organization would case to exist.
Example of stakeholders:-
1. Employees
2. Communities
3. Suppliers
4. Shareholders
5. Creditors
6. Government
7. Trade unions
8. NGO
9. Professional associations
10. Prospective employees
11. Prospective customers
12. Local communities

Primary Secondary
stakeholder stakeholders



Creditors Media

Employees support


Government stakeholder Non government stakeholder

 The government stakeholders  Many other individuals or groups
collect tax's from the company, so can be stakeholders too, even if
it benefits from the company’s they are more indirectly involved
profit. such as vendors where you
purchase supplies or services.
 It may invest taxes back in society.
 Example:- Employees, Members,
 Example:-Government
volunteers, beneficiaries, donors,
depertment,Bloggers, University,
local community, other non profit.
College etc.
Development sector by stakeholders and
their roles
The world bank gives a quick reference guide of stakeholder;

1. Government/ public
I. Elected official
II. Local government –Operational department.
III. District/regional and national government.
IV. Department- Economic development.
Example:- University, college, institution of research etc.

2. Business/private
I. Large corporations and enterprises.
II. Small ,medium and micro-scale enterprise
III. Industrial, commercial and residential band.
Development sector by stakeholders and their

IV. Real estate development

V. Bank, credit unions and other financial institution.
VI. Business development
VII. Support agencies, councils
Example:-Tourism, high-tech, cheaters/associations

3. NON-government
I. Neighborhood and community service organization
II. Local school and clubs
III. Organization and association representing
IV. Focused on specific LED issues
V. Trade unions and other professional associations

VI. Example:-Environment sustainability, gender equality etc.


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