Implementation of Drum, Buffer, Rope Scheduling
Implementation of Drum, Buffer, Rope Scheduling
Implementation of Drum, Buffer, Rope Scheduling
Rishikesh Rai, NIFT KOLKATA
Drum, Buffer, Rope Scheduling
Set pocket[0.88]
Set collar[1.82]
Set cuff[1.15]
hole and
Side seam[0.95] stitch
The buffer is the whole of the duration of the part of the system that the buffer protects
We will use our 9 hours buffer as we derived above, so this slice of work is the drum’s work
for one hour 10 hours out from the scheduled processing date. There are 5 parts in our
slice. The products shown as “lilac,” “red,” “green,” “blue,” and “orange.” The time interval,
for the sake of clarity in this example, is – hours – rather than finer divisions of hours or less
that we might expect to find in reality.
On the first day of the schedule all the products are released (as scheduled) and are in
zone 3 of our time buffer. Their physical location at the end of the day is as follows.
Lilac might be small batch or a simple process that is completed quickly, it moves
forward further (and maybe faster) than the rest.
After another day we are at day 2 and still within buffer zone 3 the process
looks like this.
We can see that red has moved quite quickly relative to the others and blue hasn’t moved at
all. How does this happen? Different jobs travel through different routings, and have different
wait times (because of other jobs in front of them) and different processing times (either
because of different batch size or different work). And of course sometimes things don’t always
go as planned; we have break-downs, people are absent, and “stuff happens.”
By day 4, one day into buffer zone 2 we see the work has evolved as follows.
The next day, day 5 (buffer zone 2), the work looks like this
The green and red jobs are complete, the lilac and orange jobs are progressing
well and blue is moving forward.
At the end of day 6 – the last day of buffer zone 2 we see the following
Three of the five jobs are completed by the end of buffer zone 2, and two are
lagging behind. Because the end of day 6 is the starting of day 7 and the first day
of zone 1 (the red zone) we have a buffer penetration. Two jobs that ought to be
finished by now have not been finished. They must be located and appraised to
ensure that they will reach the constraint in the remaining time.
The end of day 7
Now 4 jobs have been completed. The lilac job was completed sometime on day 7. The
blue job will have been located and checked to see that it will meet the schedule and be
available at the drum by the end of day 9 – the last day of zone 1 – or preferably
sooner. We would have preferred that most jobs were completed by the end of day 6,
but sometimes “stuff happens” and not all jobs are complete at that time. The blue job
might require some “assistance” to ensure its completion.
The situation at day 8
We find at the end of day 8 – with just one day to spare – that all of the jobs are completed and
waiting to be processed on the constraint according to the schedule on day 10. Zone 1 – the red
zone – of the buffer was penetrated by as much as 2 days by the blue job and as much as 1 day by
the lilac job. However the drum is now fully protected and the drum schedule will not be
compromised, our exploitation strategies are fully protected by adequate subordination of the other
Implementation methodology
Week 1: Study the system closely. The time needed for each operation to
be studied and noted.
Week 5-7: Monitor the progress and maintain the buffers (buffer
Thank you….