The Mood System
The Mood System
The Mood System
Mood: the interpersonal metafunction
– Statement
– Question
– Offer
– Command
Commodity exchange
Role in exchange Goods and Information
Giving Offer Statement
Would you like He is giving her
some ice cream? some ice cream
Demanding Command Question
Give me that ice What is he giving
cream! her?
Analyse the following clauses
My cat Meowy
I met my uncle in Bandung one month ago. He gave me a
cat. It is a cute cat. This made me very happy at that time
because I always want to have a cat. Then, I named it
Meowy, very funny, her fur is white. She was frightened
every time her fur was washed clean. Meowy likes a piece
of fish, meat or maybe a mouse. When I came back from
school, she always waited for me.
Different types of statement
(fairclough (2003, p.109)
– STATEMENT OF FACTS (realis statement): statement about what it is, was, has
been the case (e.g. Tom went to Jakarta last week)
– Predictions (e.g. Mark will go to Jakarta next week)
– Hypothetical statements (e.g. Travis might go to Jakarta next week, if his mother
allows him to)
– EVALUATIONS: an author’s commitment to what is desirable or undesirable,
good or bad (e.g. Hoppus is a good boy; what a good boy!; Liverpool played
outstandingly last night)
Andi is diligent
Many Indonesian students are frustrated with the final
She is a student
She is smart
i will give whatever you want
– The rest of the clause (the rest of the verbal group after finite)
– A complex area of English grammar which concerns the different ways in which
a language user can intrude on his/her message, expressing attitude and
judgements of various kinds (Eggins, 1994, p.179).
Probability or
modality Usuality
(deontic Obligation
Modal auxiliary in terms of the degree of certainty
(derewianka, 2011, p.132)