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Metamorphic Structures and Textures

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The key takeaways are that texture refers to microscopic features, structure refers to larger scale features, and microstructure is the advocated term for features seen under a microscope. Texture describes the size, shape and orientation of grains in a rock, while structures include foliation and banding seen at hand sample or outcrop scales.

Texture or fabric refers to small-scale penetrative features seen microscopically, structure refers to larger-scale features seen in hand samples or outcrops, and microstructure is the advocated term to describe features seen under a microscope. Texture describes grain properties while structure describes features like banding or foliation.

Factors that influence the development of foliation in metamorphic rocks include grain size, temperature, pressure, geological environment or depth, and differential stress or folding during metamorphism.

Metamorphic Structures and

M.Sc. Semester II

M. K. Yadav
Assistant Professor
Department of
Lucknow University-
• Texture or fabric = small-scale features that
are penetrative (occurs in virtually all of the
rock body at the microscopic level).

• Structure = larger-scale features; found in

hand-sample, outcrop, or regional scale.

• Microstructure = advocated term (instead of

texture) for microscope-scale features.

Structures vs.


(structure) What we find on the thin section

scale is often mirrored by
structures found at the hand-
sample and larger scale—so
looking at thin sections can help
us understand the structural
history of a region
Texture: Is a term that describes the size, shape and
orientation of the grains constituting a rock, as well as
the relationship between these grains.
1- Crystal size:
<0.1 mm very fine-grained
0.1-1 mm fine-grained
1-5 mm medium-grained
5-10 mm coarse-grained
> 10 mm very coarse-
Idioblastic: If the mineral grain is euhedral
Subidioblastic: If the grain is subhedral
Xenoblastic: If the grain is anhedral
• Pervasive planar structure that results from nearly
parallel alignment of sheet-silicate minerals and/ or
compositional and mineralogical layering in the
rock. Pervasive = feature preserved in
mineralogical body)

• Depends on grain size, temperature, pressure and

geological environment (depth) at which they are

• Develops as a result of differential stress and

On the basis of presence or absence of foliation,
metamorphic rocks can be either:

(1) Foliated metamorphic rocks e.g., slate, phyllite,

schist, gneiss, etc.

(2) Non-foliated metamorphic rocks e.g, quartzite,

marble, hornfels, etc.
Structures of metamorphic rocks (macrotextures):
(i) Slaty cleavage: A pervasive, parallel foliation (layering) of fine-grained platy minerals
(chlorite) in a direction perpendicular to the direction of maximum stress. It produces the
rocks slate and phyllite.

(ii) Schistose: A schist has a lepidoblastic foliation if this foliation is defined by oriented
micas, and a nematoblastic foliation if such a foliation is defined by the orientation of
prismatic minerals as amphiboles and pyroxenes.

(iii) Gneissic: A complex banded texture made of schistose layers or bands alternating with
bands commonly characterized by a granoblastic texture.

(iv) Granoblastic: granular, interlocking equidimensional grains of subequal size; no preferred

orientation or cleavage.

(v) Hornfelsic: Fine-grained, granular interlocking grains, possibly of variable shapes and
sizes. No preferred orientation.

(vi) Cataclastic:
Granoblastic texture in Quartzite
Cataclastic Structure
• produced under stress and in absence of high temperature, whereby rocks are
subjected to shearing and fragmentation.

• Only the durable mineral partly survive the crushing force and the less
durable ones are powdered.

• Thus, when resistant minerals and rock fragments stand out in a pseudo
porphyritic manner in the finer materials, it is known as 'porphyroclastic
structure.' Phenocrysts are called 'porphyroclasts'.

• Argillaceous rocks develop slaty cleavage, harder rocks may be shattered and
crushed forming crush breccia and crush conglomerate.

• When the rocks are highly crushed into fine grained rocks, they are known as
mylonites. Since these structures are formed due to cataclasis, they are, as a
whole, known as cataclastic structure.
The Crystalloblastic Series
• Some metamorphic minerals tend to be
more euhedral than others.
• In contrast to igneous rocks, this capacity is no
longer a function of which minerals grew earliest
(early igneous minerals are surrounded by melt,
so growth is unencumbered by contact with
other minerals).
The Crystalloblastic Series
• Because all metamorphic minerals grow in
contact with others, the tendency for a mineral
to be more euhedral must then be a property of
the mineral itself.
• Garnet and staurolite, for example, are typically
euhedral, whereas quartz and carbonates tend
to be anhedral.
The Crystalloblastic Series
Most Euhedral
Titanite, rutile, pyrite, spinel
Garnet, sillimanite, staurolite,
Epidote, magnetite, ilmenite
Andalusite, pyroxene, amphibole
Mica, chlorite, dolomite,
kyanite Calcite, vesuvianite,

Differences in development of
Feldspar, quartz, cordierite
crystal form among some
metamorphic minerals. From
Best (1982). Igneous and Least Euhedral
Metamorphic Petrology. W. H.
Freeman. San Francisco.
Types of metamorphic textures and mineral-
mineral relations
Metamorphic textures can be grouped into three main groups:

A- Relict textures (palimpsest textures): are textures

inherited from the original rock type, and which have
survived metamorphism.

B- Typomorphic textures: textures characteristic of


C- Superimposed textures: textures characteristic of a post-

metamorphic event, e.g. alteration, weathering, ... etc.
Other smaller groups as “reaction textures”,
“polydeformational textures”, … etc. may also be
typomorphic or replacement, but are grouped separately
because they have some genetic connotation.
Blasto- and -blastic
• suffix -blast or -blastic indicates that a feature is of
metamorphic origin.
• prefix blasto- (meaning that a feature is not of metamorphic origin
but is inherited from the parent rock)
• porphyroblastic means a porphyritic-like texture (coarse grains in
a finer matrix) that is of metamorphic origin.
• blastoporphyritic indicates an igneous porphyritic texture that
survived metamorphism to the extent that it can still be
• Sedimentary/ Igneous protolith that have undergone very low
• Also, termed as relict textures. Broader term. Other examples:
A- Relict Textures

There are several types of relict textures. Relict

textures in metamorphic rocks are indicated by
applying the prefix "blasto" to the original textural
name. Relict textures are best preserved in low-
grade rocks. Examples of such textures include:

• blasto-porphyritic
• blasto-ophitic
• blasto-intergranular
• blasto-amygdaloidal
• blasto-pisolitic
• blasto-oolitic
B- Typomorphic
Textures characteristic of
thermal/ contact metamorphism:
When thermal metamorphism is not associated with any
deformation, the mineral grains are randomly oriented,
resulting in either granoblastic or hornfelsic textures. Note
that the granoblastic texture can also develop in regionally
metamorphosed rocks. The following are some of the types
of granoblastic textures:

1- Granoblastic polygonal: where the equidimensional

grains may have well developed crystal faces resulting in
straight grain boundaries, and where triple junctions are

2- Granoblastic interlobate: where the grain boundaries are

somewhat irregular.
Texture characteristic of thermal
3- Granoblastic amoeboid: where all the grains have
irregular outlines, and all the minerals are anhedral.

4- Granoblastic decussate: where the interlocking

randomly oriented crystals are somewhat elongate,
prismatic or subidioblastic. Usually applied to rocks with
one or two mineral species only. Triple junctions are

5- Nodular: results from the growth of oval - shaped

porphyroblasts of such minerals as cordierite or scapolite
in association with other randomly oriented minerals as
Quartz, ..etc.
Figure. Typical textures of thermal
Textures of Contact Metamorphism
• Typically shallow pluton aureoles (low-P)
• Crystallization/recrystallization is near-static
 Monomineralic with low  surface energy

granoblastic polygonal
 Larger  S.E.  decussate
• Isotropic textures (hornfels, granofels)
• Relict textures are common
Progressive thermal
metamorphism of a diabase
(coarse basalt). From Best
(1982). Igneous and
Metamorphic Petrology. W. H.
Freeman. San Francisco.
Progressive thermal
metamorphism of a diabase
(coarse basalt). From Best
(1982). Igneous and
Metamorphic Petrology. W. H.
Freeman. San Francisco.
Progressive thermal
metamorphism of a diabase
(coarse basalt). From Best
(1982). Igneous and
Metamorphic Petrology. W. H.
Freeman. San Francisco.
Progressive thermal
metamorphism of a diabase
(coarse basalt). From Best
(1982). Igneous and
Metamorphic Petrology. W. H.
Freeman. San Francisco.
Progressive thermal
metamorphism of slate. From
Best (1982). Igneous and
Metamorphic Petrology. W. H.
Freeman. San Francisco.
Progressive thermal
metamorphism of slate. From
Best (1982). Igneous and
Metamorphic Petrology. W. H.
Freeman. San Francisco.
Progressive thermal
metamorphism of slate. From
Best (1982). Igneous and
Metamorphic Petrology. W. H.
Freeman. San Francisco.
Figure. Overprint of contact metamorphism on regional. a. Nodular
texture of cordierite porphyroblasts developed during a thermal
overprinting of previous regional metamorphism (note the foliation in the
opaques). Approx. 1.5 x 2 mm. From Bard (1986) Microtextures of
Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks. Reidel. Dordrecht. b. Spotted phyllite in
which small porphyroblasts of cordierite develop in a preexisting
Metamorphic Textures
Textures of Regional Metamorphism
– Dynamothermal (crystallization under
dynamic conditions)
– Orogeny- long-term mountain-building
• May comprise several Tectonic Events
–May have several Deformational Phases
– May have an accompanying Metamorphic
Cycles with one or more Reaction Events
Metamorphic Textures
Textures of Regional Metamorphism
– Tectonite- a deformed rock with a texture
that records the deformation
– Fabric- the complete spatial and
geometric configuration of textural
• Foliation- planar textural element
• Lineation- linear textural element
• Lattice Preferred Orientation (LPO)
• Dimensional Preferred Orientation
Progressive syntectonic
metamorphism of a volcanic
graywacke, New Zealand.
From Best (1982). Igneous and
Metamorphic Petrology. W. H.
Freeman. San Francisco.
Progressive syntectonic
metamorphism of a volcanic
graywacke, New Zealand.
From Best (1982). Igneous and
Metamorphic Petrology. W. H.
Freeman. San Francisco.
Progressive syntectonic
metamorphism of a volcanic
graywacke, New Zealand.
From Best (1982). Igneous and
Metamorphic Petrology. W. H.
Freeman. San Francisco.
Progressive syntectonic
metamorphism of a volcanic
graywacke, New Zealand.
From Best (1982). Igneous and
Metamorphic Petrology. W. H.
Freeman. San Francisco.
Textures of dynamic metamorphism:

1- Porphyroclastic: A texture produced by the crushing or

fragmentation of large grains, resulting in two distinct
grain size distributions of the same mineral: coarser
grained porphyroclasts and finer grained fragments.

2- Mortar: similar to porphyroclastic but in which the

smaller fragments are further crushed to finer and finer
sizes (close to becoming powders), while some
porphyroclasts still persist.

3- Protomylonitic: A more advanced stage of cataclasis,

where some minerals begin to deform in a ductile manner,
giving rise to an incipient foliation or preferred orientation.
Textures of dynamic metamorphism:

4- Orthomylonitic (mylonitic): Where the rocks develop a

well - defined foliation. In quartz rich rocks, an
orthomylonitic fabric is often indicated by quartz crystals
elongated like ribbons or flames (ribbon quartz).

5- Polygonized/ recrystallized/ annealed (ultramylonitic):

The most advanced stages of cataclastic metamorphism
result in the recrystallization of the highly strained crystals
into smaller ones developing a granoblastic polygonal
texture. At the same time, a foliation defined by micaceous
or prismatic minerals persists.
Crystallization textures:

1. Porphyroblastic: Where coarse-grained metamorphic

minerals (porphyroblasts) occur in a matrix of finer
grained crystals.

2. Poikiloblastic: Where coarse-grained metamorphi

minerals contain numerous inclusions c finer-
crystals grained
of other minerals. It is of different types:

a- Fish-net or skeletal texture: rapid

crystallization b- Sieve texture
Figure. Skeletal or web texture of staurolite in a quartzite. The gray intergranular material, and the mass in the lower left, are all part of a
single large staurolite crystal. Pateca, New Mexico. Width of view ~ 5 mm. Winter (2010) An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic
Petrology. Prentice Hall.
Crystallization textures:

c- Rotational texture: where the inclusions are oriented at an angle that

suggests that the poikiloblast may have rotated during its growth, thus
indicating syndeformational or syntectonic growth. An alternative
interpretation of such texture is the rotation of the foliation during the
growth of the poikiloblast, which still makes the growth

d- Snowball: Similar to rotational texture, but where the inclusions

define a spiral shaped trail, which may have developed from the
"rolling over" of the poikiloblasts.

e- Helicitic: Where the poikiloblasts overgrow the pre-existing

foliation. This texture therefore indicates post-tectonic crystallization
of the poikiloblasts.
C- Replacement textures (superimposed
in part!)

1. Mesh texture: develops in serpentinites, where the

needle shaped serpentine minerals occur in aggregates
interwoven like a mesh.

2. Hour-glass texture: Also in serpentinites, where the

serpentine minerals replace the granular olivine crystals
giving rise to hour-glass like appearances.
a b

Figure. a. Mesh texture in which serpentine (dark) Figure. b. Serpentine pseudomorphs orthopyroxene to
replaces a single olivine crystal (light) along irregular form bastite in the upper portion of photograph, giving
cracks. Field of view ca. 0.1 mm. way to mesh olivine below. Field of view ca. 0.1 mm.
C- Replacement textures (superimposed
in part!)

3. Bastite texture: A third that occurs

texture serpentinites, where Opx in were
replaced by aggregates of serpentine minerals
crystals retaining the
prismatic shape of the original Opx.

4. Pseudomorphic replacement textures:

(i) single-crystal
(ii) multi-crystal
(iii) multi-phase, multi-crystal
D- Reaction textures

1. Epitaxial overgrowth: Epitaxial overgrowth is

characterized by optical continuity between the mineral
and its overgrowth. Both the mineral and the
overgrowth must belong to the same structural group,
and may possibly be the same mineral. This type of
overgrowth is controlled fully by the the matrix

2. Topotactic replacement: One mineral overgrows another

of a similar structure (e.g. Actinolite rims on
glaucophane). Orientation of overgrowing mineral is
controlled by that of the overgrown one.
D- Reaction textures

3. Kelyphitic texture (also a replacement texture): A

kelyphitic texture is a replacement of one mineral along its
rim by an intergrowth of two or more minerals, in a way
that the new minerals almost completely surround the
mineral being replaced. The term is most commonly used
when the replacing minerals form during retrogression.
Examples include kelyphitic rims of chlorite + Fe-oxides
after garnet.

4. Reaction-rim texture: when one mineral replaces another

along its rims, suggesting a reaction between both phases.
The contacts between both phases are irregular.
D- Reaction textures

5. Corona texture: several concentric layers of one or more

minerals completely encircling an older phase. The layers
(which range from one to five in number) represent a
sequence of reactions that have taken place (none to
completion) to replace the mineral in the core or center of
the corona. Coronas form during both prograde or
retrograde metamorphism. Monomineralic coronas are also
known as moats.

6. Atoll texture: where the core of a mineral is dissolved or

replaced leaving behind a surviving rim. Such textures
usually form due to an original compositional zoning
within the mineral with the replaced core.
Figure. Reaction rims and coronas. From Passchier and Trouw (1996) Microtectonics. Springer-Verlag.
Fig. Coronites in outcrop. Cores of orthopyroxene (brown) with successive rims of clinopyroxene (dark
green) and garnet (red) in an anorthositic matrix. Austrheim, Norway.
E- Intergrowth texture
1. Symplectites (also a reaction texture): Are irregular fine-
grained mineral intergrowths that form as a result of a
certain reaction that did not go to completion. These
intergrowths are often recognized by their
appearance and often occur along wormy
the boundaries of
reacting minerals (or ones not in equilibrium).

Examples of commonly intergrown mineral pairs: Qz-

Feldspar/ Amph-Spinel/ Plag-Mgt/ Gt-Qz/ Plag-Cpx/ Bt-
Qz/ Ep-Qz/ Amph-Plag. Note that a common type of
symplectitic intergrowth is the myrmekitic texture
commonly observed in granites, where wormy quartz
occurs in plagioclase crystals in contact with biotite.
Symplectitic intergrowths are more common in high
temperature rocks.
F- Polydeformational /
Polymetamorphic textures

1. Crenulated cleavage/schistosity: Results from the

folding of a foliation.

2. S-C fabric: A more advanced stage of crenulation,

where one or more minerals are orientated along the
crenulated surfaces to define a new foliation (S2) at an
angle to the older one (S1). This commonly involves some
form of "recrystallization".
Progressive development (a  c)
of a crenulation cleavage for
both asymmetric (top) and
symmetric (bottom) situations.
From Spry (1969) Metamorphic
Pergamon. Oxford.
Figure. Symmetrical crenulation cleavages in amphibole-quartz-rich schist. Note concentration of quartz in hinge areas. From
Borradaile et al. (1982) Atlas of Deformational and Metamorphic Rock Fabrics. Springer-Verlag.
Figure. Asymmetric crenulation cleavages in mica-quartz-rich schist. Note horizontal compositional layering (relict bedding) and
preferential dissolution of quartz from one limb of the folds. From Borradaile et al. (1982) Atlas of Deformational and Metamorphic
Rock Fabrics. Springer-Verlag.
Figure. Stages in the development of crenulation cleavage as a
function of temperature and intensity of the second deformation.
From Passchier and Trouw (1996) Microtectonics. Springer-

Development of S2 micas depends upon T

and the intensity of the second
G- Special textures and
1. Pressure shadows: are ellipsoidal regions
adjacent to a rigid crystal where minerals grow
developing textures that differ from those defined
by the same minerals in the rest of the sample.
Growth in a pressure shadow is therefore
influenced by the crystal faces of the rigid mineral
which seem to "protect" the minerals in its
immediate vicinity from the deformation affecting
the same minerals in other parts of the sample.
Accordingly, the foliation wraps around the rigid
crystal and its shadow.
G- Special textures and
2. Mica fish: Are lenticular porphyroblasts of mica
which commonly develop in a shear stress
environment and can be used to indicate the sense
of shear.
3. Kink bands (deformational bands): Are bends
and twists within some minerals as a result of their
deformation. Kink bands develop in pre-tectonic
4. Zoning: Compositional change of a crystal,
often accompanied by a change in some of its
optical properties.
G- Special textures and
5. Twinning: Some twinning may be induced by

6. Exsolution texture: results from the incomplete

miscibility between two components (end-
members) of a solid solution series. A decrease in
temperature may result in the separation of these
two phases, one in the other commonly along
cleavage planes. Common in high grade rocks that
cooled slowly.
Figure. Kink bands involving cleavage in deformed chlorite. Inclusions are quartz (white), and epidote
(lower right). Field of view ~ 1 mm. Winter (2010) An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic
Petrology. Prentice Hall.
6- Relationship between
deformation and metamorphism:
Through the identification of
pre-, syn- and post-tectonic
i=internal; e=external

Post-kinematic: Si is identical to and

continuous with Se

Pre-kinematic: Porphyroblasts are

post-S2. Si is inherited from an earlier
deformation. Se is compressed about the
porphyroblast in (c) and a pressure
shadow develops.

Syn-kinematic: Rotational
porphyroblasts in which Si is
continuous with Se suggesting that
deformation did not outlast
porphyroblast growth.

From Yardley (1989) An Introduction to

Metamorphic Petrology. Longman.
Pre-kinematic crystals
a. Bent crystal with
b. Foliation
wrapped around
c. Pressure shadow
or fringe
d. Kink bands or
f. Deformation
Figure. Typical textures of pre-
twinsFrom Spry (1969)
kinematic crystals.
Metamorphic Textures. Pergamon.
Post-kinematic crystals
a. Helicitic folds b. Randomly oriented crystals c. Polygonal
d. Chiastolite e. Late, inclusion-free rim on a poikiloblast (?)
f. Random aggregate pseudomorph

Figure. Typical
textures of post-
crystals. From
Spry (1969)
Syn-kinematic crystals

Figure. Spiral Si train in

garnet, Connemara,
Ireland. Magnification
~20X. From Yardley et
al. (1990) Atlas of
Metamorphic Rocks and
their Textures.
Syn-kinematic crystals

Spiral Porphyroblast

Figure. Traditional interpretation of spiral Si train in which a porphyroblast is

rotated by shear as it grows. From Spry (1969) Metamorphic Textures. Pergamon.
Syn-kinematic crystals

Figure. “Snowball
garnet” with highly
rotated spiral Si.
Porphyroblast is ~ 5
mm in diameter.
From Yardley et al.
(1990) Atlas of
Metamorphic Rocks
and their Textures.
Importance of studying metamorphic textures

1- They provide a means for classifying metamorphic rocks, and

hence for their nomenclature.
2- They may help identify the original rock type prior to
metamorphism (see relict textures above).
3- They help identify which minerals may have formed with each
other (in equilibrium?) and which minerals are definitely out of
equilibrium, and hence help establish the order of crystallization and
paragenetic sequences which are essential in understanding the P-T
history of the sample (see 4 & 5 below)
4- They help identify metamorphic reactions that may have taken
place during the rock's history, and are therefore essential for deriving
the P-T paths of such rocks.
5- They help identify the relationship between deformation and
mineral growth, which is essential for any tectonic interpretations.
6- They are critical for determining the number of deformational
and/or metamorphic events affecting an area.

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