Developing High - Performance Teams
Developing High - Performance Teams
Developing High - Performance Teams
High Performance (HP)
A group of people who
share a common vision,
goals, metrics and who
collaborate, challenge and
hold each other accountable
to achieve outstanding
High Performance Team
• Team Charter
• Team Norms
• Sense of urgency
• Chaos
• Community of interest
• Resources
• Self-directed Teams
• Empowered Teams
A team charter is a
written document that
defines the team's
mission, scope of
operation, objectives,
time frame, and
• Norms are the rules that the team agrees
to follow as it conducts its work.
• Norms may be written or may evolve as
unwritten understandings over time.
• The establishment and adherence to
team norms helps build team discipline,
trust between team members, and
supports a safe environment.
Sense of urgency
• High Performance Teams need to work under
a deadline for achieving objectives.
• Deadlines create a energy building sense of
team commitment toward getting results. In
short, they drive the team to perform.
• An atmosphere of urgency will cause team's
to start to experiment with problem solving.
Though they rarely hit on the correct or best
answer on the first attempt, the very process
of trying will invariably lead to new learning,
further innovation, and enhanced
• Chaos is a necessary step that has to
be experienced as the old order is
abandoned and the new order is
• When people work together to create
a new order such as operating as High
Performance Team they will have to
experience the discomfort and chaos
of letting go of the old ways and
learning the new.
Community of
• When a team is commissioned it is
often made up of a group of
representatives from different parts
of the organization. Each person
may be a subject matter expert who
understands the processes and
activities within a department or a
different part of a cross-functional
Resources are :
• Time
• Talents
• Money
• Information
• Materials
• Have a clear and vision of where they are
headed and what they want to accomplish
• Are excited about that vision because they
took part in creating it
• Act from clearly defined priorities
• Have clear measures of success and receive
feedback about how they’re doing
• Structured tasks
Team Tasks • Moderate interdependence
Knowledge-based Trust
Calculus-based Trust
Three Levels of Trust
Calculus-based trust
– Based on deterrence
– Fragile, limited, dependent on punishment
Knowledge-based trust
– Based on predictability and competence
– Fairly robust, develops over time
Identification-based trust
– Based on common mental models and values
– Increases with person’s social identity with team
Propensity to Trust
• Some people are inherently more willing to
trust others
• Propensity to trust influenced by personality,
values, and socialization experiences
• Also varies with emotions at the moment
Swift Trust in Teams
• People typically join a virtual or conventional
team with a moderate or high level of trust
• Explanations for this swift trust:
– people usually believe their teammates are
reasonably competent (knowledge-based
– people tend to develop some degree of social
identify with the team
• But swift trust is fragile
Team Decision Making
• Time constraints
– Time to organize/coordinate
– Production blocking
• Evaluation apprehension
– Belief that other team members are silently
evaluating you
• Conformity to peer pressure
– Suppressing opinions that oppose team norms
Team Constraints: Group think
Social support
Persuasive Individual opinions
arguments after meeting
Individual opinions
before meeting Shifting
Low risk
Low risk
General Guidelines for Team
• Team norms should encourage critical thinking
• Sufficient team diversity
• Ensure neither leader nor any member
• Maintain optimal team size
• Introduce effective team structures
Constructive Conflict
–Production blocking exists
–Evaluation apprehension exists in
many groups
–Fewer ideas generated than when
people work alone
Electronic Brainstorming
Participants share ideas using software
Usually in the same room, but may be
Question posted, then participants submit
their ideas or comments on computer
Comments/ideas appear anonymously on
computer screens or at front of room
Evaluating Electronic
– Less production blocking
– Less evaluation apprehension
– More creative synergy
– More satisfaction with process
– Too structured
– Technology-bound
– Candid feedback is threatening
– Not applicable to all decisions
Nominal Group Technique
Individual Team Individual
Activity Activity Activity
Write down Vote on
Describe solutions
possible solutions
problem described
solutions presented
to others
Team Building
Any formal intervention directed
toward improving the
development and functioning of a
work team
Accelerates team development
Applied to existing teams that have
regressed in team development
Types of Team Building
• Role definition
• Goal setting
• Problem solving
• Interpersonal process
Benefits of Team Development
• Get the best results from team
leadership. The role of team leader is
crucial in managing a team for best
• Work effectively across different business
units and geographic locations.
Benefits of Team Development