Chapter 02
Chapter 02
Chapter 02
Customer-Based Brand Equity
• The differential effect
that brand knowledge
has on consumer
response to the
marketing of that
Customer-Based Brand Equity
There are three ingredients of Brand Equity
Differential effect
• Differences in consumer response
Brand knowledge
• A result of consumers’ knowledge about the brand
. Brand Awareness
AwarenessBrand Experiences /
Brand Users
Brand loyalty
Brand Equity as a “Bridge”
Brand as a reflection of past investments in the
. marketing
Brand Awareness
It. consists of the performance of brand
recognition & brand recall
. •Brand Association
Brand Awareness Advantages
Learning advantages
Register the brand in the minds of consumers
Consideration advantages
Likelihood that the brand will be a member of the
consideration set
Choice advantages
Affect choices among brands in the consideration set
Establishing Brand Awareness
Brand image
A positive image is created by marketing
programs that link strong, favorable, & unique
associations to the brand in memory
Resonance refers to the relationship that a brand builds with its customers, and how the
customers identify it.
Salience Dimensions
• Depth of brand awareness
. – Ease of recognition and recall
– Strength and clarity of category membership
• Brand credibility
• Brand superiority
Trustworthiness Differentiation
Feelings Dimensions
• Warmth
•. Fun
• Excitement
• Security
• Social Approval
• Self-respect
Resonance Dimensions
• Behavioral loyalty
– Frequency and amount of repeat purchases
• Attitudinal attachment
– Love brand (favorite possessions; “a little pleasure”)
– Proud of brand
• Sense of community
– Kinship
– Affiliation
• Active engagement
– Seek information
. – Join club
– Visit website, chat rooms
Brand Building Implications
• Customers own brands.
•. Don’t take shortcuts with
• Brands should have a
• Brands should have
• Brand resonance provides
important focus.
Creating Customer Value
• Customer-brand relationships are the
foundation of brand resonance and building a
strong brand.
• The customer-based brand equity model
certainly puts that notion front and center.
Is a company consumer-centric?
1. Is the company looking for ways to take care of
. you?
2. Does the company know its customers well
enough to differentiate between them?
3. Is someone accountable for customers?
4. Is the company managed for shareholder value?
5. Is the company testing new customer offers and
. learning from the results?
Customer Relationship Management