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Mindset Dweck

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that a mindset refers to one's mental attitude or inclination, and that Peter Gollwitzer identified two types of mindsets - a deliberative mindset and an implemental mindset.

The two types of mindsets identified by Peter Gollwitzer are a deliberative mindset, in which a person debates various courses of action when choosing a goal, and an implemental mindset, in which a person has made a choice and executes actions to realize the chosen goals.

Some characteristics of a fixed mindset include believing that your qualities are carved in stone, that you must always look smart and never look dumb, and that challenges threaten your ability.


Senin, 19 April 2021

Jam 13.00-15.00 WIB

Definition of mindset

• 1: a mental attitude or inclination politicians trying to

determine the mindset of voters It isn't only the
freshness of the fruit that makes breakfast in
California restaurants outstanding. It's an attitude, a
morning mindset, a desire to start the day in a
leisurely, luxurious manner.— Jane and Michael Stern
• 2: a fixed state of mind His mind-set does not allow
for new situations.The German military thought they
were being honorable, and this wasn't an excuse—
this was their complete mindset.— William Vollman
cheer,   conviction,  identity
angle,  frame,  judgment  individuality, 
attitude,  habit,  (or judgement), makeup, 
outlook,  humor,  mind,  mettle, 
perspective,  inclination,  notion,  personality, 
slant,  mode,  opinion,  selfhood, 
standpoint,  spirit persuasion, self-identity, 
viewpoint emotion,  view setup
disposition,  feeling,  expression,  responsiveness,
grain,  heart,  tone,  sensibility, 
nature,  passion,  vein sensitiveness, 
temper,  Sentiment character,  sensitivity
temperament strainbelief, identity, 
• n. a state of mind that influences how people
think about and then enact their goal-directed
activities in ways that may systematically promote
or interfere with optimal functioning.
• German psychologist Peter Gollwitzer (1950–  )
identified two types:
– (a) a deliberative mind-set, in which a person debates
the merits and drawbacks of various courses of action
(or inaction) when choosing a goal to pursue from a set Theory of
of possible goals; and
– (b) an implemental mind-set, in which a person has
made the choice and execution of particular actions to Phases (MAP
realize chosen goals. Mind-sets sometimes generalize
from one activity to later, unrelated activities.
• Pandangan yang Anda adopsi untuk diri Anda
• Mempengaruhi cara Anda menjalani hidup.
• dengan latihan, pelatihan dan metode,
• berhasil:
– tingkatkan perhatian
– Ingatan
– penilaian
• dan benar-benar menjadi lebih cerdas dari
Fakta ilmiah :
mengatasi tantangan mental
memperkuat otak dan, seiring waktu,
meningkatkan kemampuan kita.

Kegiatan Aerobic Dapat Meningkatkan

Kemampuan Belajar

Memulai Sesuatu yang Baru
Kita dapat membantu diri kita sendiri
mengadopsi Growth mindset — dan sangat
penting untuk melakukannya saat memulai
sesuatu yang baru.

Jika Anda pergi berlari dan ternyata Anda tidak

bisa joging lebih dari satu menit, tahan naluri
untuk mengatakan, "Lihat, aku tahu aku tidak
dimaksudkan untuk melakukan ini!“

Sebaliknya, gunakan respons Growth mindset.

Katakan pada diri sendiri, "Saya sedang berada di
hari pertama untuk menjadi lebih kuat dan lebih
cepat. Pergi aku! "

Anda harus sabar dan baik hati kepada diri

sendiri. Anda akan membuat kemajuan serius
sebelum Anda menyadarinya. –Amanda Crowell
Mindset Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset
Set, You Have What you
Skills, Intelligence, Can Be Developed

Main Focus How You Look Learning; Getting Better

Effort Something You Do When

You are not Good Vital Part of Learning

Give Up; Check Out Persevere


Feel Threatened; Like It so Can Get Better

Confidence is kicked down

Hate Them; Try to Avoid Learning Opportunity

Mistakes Them
Mindset Gajah
Seperti gajah, berapa banyak dari
kita yang menjalani hidup dengan
memegang keyakinan bahwa kita
tidak dapat melakukan sesuatu,
hanya karena pernah gagal sekali

Berapa banyak dari kita yang

menolak untuk mencoba sesuatu
yang baru dan menantang karena
apa yang disebut MINDSET?
Mindset Gajah

Comfort Courage
Zone Zone
I am not good at taking notes, YET.
I am not getting A’s, YET.
I am not as good at psychology, YET.
Type of Mindset
Source: Dweck, Carol S. (2006). Mindset: the New Psychology of Success. New York: Ballantine Books.

Success of Others
Effort …find lessons and
…learn from inspiration in the
criticism success of others
…see effort as
Obstacles the path to
…persist in mastery
the face of Growth Mindset
Challenges …embrace

Fixed Mindset
…avoid …give up …see effort as …ignore useful …feel threatened by
challenges easily fruitless or worse negative feedback the success of
Two Mindsets
desire to look smart to a desire to learn

• CHALLENGES: avoid • CHALLENGES: embrace:

• OBSTACLES: give up “stretching”
easily • OBSTACLES: persist in face
• EFFORT: see effort as of setbacks
fruitless or worse • EFFORT: see effort as the
path to mastery
• CRITICISM: ignore useful
• CRITICISM: learn from
negative feedback
threatens you inspire and teach you
How to be more “Growth Minded” with:
Challenges, Obstacles, Effort
• Create a culture that forgives and
gives leeway to mistakes versus a
culture of perfection
(promotes team work)
• Discuss the “screw up of the week”
– tell stories of learning
• Take calculated risks
• Take advantage of educational
• Be careful not to be overly
“Outcomes” focused—
– leads to more of a culture of
blame/less team-work
– Don’t “attach” to a single outcome….be
open, flexible to possibilities
– Don’t expect things to work out
perfectly….expect mishaps and set
Criticism & Success of Others
• Research shows that people with fixed mindsets are not
accurate self-assessors
• They are defensive when given feedback
• People with growth mindsets are accurate self-assessors
• They relish constructive feedback
• Who would you rather sit with for a performance review????

CEO DISEASE: the need to be perfect

If a leader with a fixed mindset doesn’t appreciate honest
feedback and criticism, they will punish or weed-out the honest
and surround themselves with “yes” men
Developing a Growth Mindset
Step 1: Learn to hear your “mindset voice”
Are you afraid of failure and backing away from a challenge?
Making excuses when there is a setback?
Feeling angry when receiving constructive feedback?

Step 2: Recognize that you have a Choice

It is up to you how you interpret challenges, setbacks etc.

Step 3: Talk back to it with a Growth Mindset Voice

FIXED “If you don’t try, you can protect yourself and your dignity”
GROWTH “If I don’t try, I automatically fail”
FIXED “It’s not my fault. It was something or someone else’s”
GROWTH “If I don’t take responsibility, I can’t fix it. Let me listen and learn what I
Developing a Growth Mindset
• Step 4: Take the growth mindset action
– Take on a challenge wholeheartedly
– Learn from your setbacks and try again
– Acknowledge and embrace imperfections
– View challenges as opportunities
“What are the opportunities for learning and growth today? For
myself? For the people around me?

Then make a Plan: WHEN, WHERE, HOW will I embark on my plan

When faced with a set-back, form a new plan (repeat)

Developing a Growth Mindset
Acknowledge and View challenges as Try different learning
Embrace imperfections opportunities tactics

Replace the word Take ownership over Cultivate a sense of

“failing” with the word your attitude purpose

Celebrate growth with Emphasize growth over Reward actions, not

others speed traits

Redefine Genius Disassociate Place effort before talent

improvement from

Use the word “yet” Learn from other Make a new goal for
people’s mistakes every goal accomplished
The Habit Brain (basal ganglia) organizes automatic thoughts,
feelings and actions. Maladaptive beliefs can be revised by
the self-aware prefrontal cortex and practiced until they
become healthy mindsets. Keep Practicing!!!!!

I don’t know how It wasn’t my

to fix it yet but I’ll fault…someone
see what I can else can do it.

“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising
every time we fall” ----Nelson Mandela
Mindset Diri Anda
Setiap orang mengalami Mindset yang berbeda
dalam situasi yang berbeda.
Pikirkan situasi ketika Anda telah mengatakan atau memikirkan
empat hal ini:

“Mengapa terus mengerjakan ini? Tidak ada gunanya! "

“Saya tidak akan menerima saran Ayah / pelatih / bos saya
karena mereka tidak benar-benar mengerti apa yang saya

"Aku benar-benar tidak pandai dalam hal ini. Orang lain bisa
melakukannya. ”

“ Orang lain jauh lebih baik dalam hal ini daripada saya. Saya
perlu menemukan hal lain yang bisa saya lakukan dengan baik. "
Mindset Orang Lain
Apa komentar, kata, frasa kalimat
Kenali pernyataan tentang diri anda dari orang lain

• A fixed mindset.
• A growth mindset.
Reaksi Fixed Mindset terhadap


• Kalahkan diri mereka sendiri

• Validitas pertanyaan
• Salahkan faktor luar
• Gagal bertindak
Tujuan Feedback

Tingkatkan kesadaran
akan kekuatan

Sorot area untuk

Feedback Efektif
• Hindari menilai bakat atau kecerdasan orang - atau
memprioritaskannya daripada pekerjaan yang
mereka lakukan.
• Berfokus pada upaya yang terlibat dalam pekerjaan
mereka. Beri tahu mereka bahwa mereka memiliki
potensi untuk mengatasi tantangan melalui
keingintahuan dan latihan.
Tips Memberi Feedback

1) Mulailah dengan pujian yang tepat.

2) Keluarkan kata 'tetapi' dari kosakata Anda.
3) Pujilah! Dan buat itu bagus.
4) Umpan balik berdasarkan data yang dapat
5) Pertahankan masukan dalam hal yang dapat
6) Selaraskan umpan balik dengan tujuan.
7) Identifikasi penghalang terbesar bagi perubahan
8) Tentukan akuntabilitas untuk langkah selanjutnya.
Tipe Feedback
Contoh: Umpan Balik Berorientasi Pertumbuhan
atau Umpan Balik Pola Pikir Tetap?

Anda tidak sebaik Asep dalam mengelola kelas.

Setiap orang melakukan pendekatan mengajar dengan cara
yang berbeda. Mari temukan cara yang sesuai untuk Anda.

Anda selalu memiliki ide cemerlang saat mengerjakan…

Berdasarkan kurangnya keselarasan antara tujuan pelajaran
dan penyampaian instruksional, Anda belum menghabiskan
cukup banyak waktu untuk rencana pelajaran Anda dan
belum mendapatkan peringkat observasi yang sangat efektif.
Asah kemampuan Feedback

Taktik untuk membantu orang lain mengatasi fixed mindset:

• Periksa Mindset Anda sendiri.
• Ungkap kisah mereka.
• Jangan abaikan karena mereka menolak.
• Ambil tindakan untuk mendukung pertumbuhan.

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