Coronary Artery Disease:: Pathology & Treatment
Coronary Artery Disease:: Pathology & Treatment
Coronary Artery Disease:: Pathology & Treatment
Atherosclerosis causes:
• Acute intraluminal thrombus
• Progresses for decades before symptoms (affecting tunica
• Risk factors: HTN, high cholesterol, smoking, DM, genetics
• Elevated total cholesterol, elevated LDL
Plaque Disruption
• Atherosclerotic plaque composed of
• Plaque tears, leads to form thrombus
• Thrombus absorbs into arterial wall,
narrowing the lumen
• Progresses until fully occluded
Atherosclerosis effects the _____.
A. tunica adventitia
B. tunica intima
C. tunica media
D. tunica externa
Angina (stable)
B/P: 150/70
RR: 22
P: 52 regular
SPO2: 99%
BGL: 315
12 Lead: (next slide)
Which set is in the correct order to trear unstable angina?
A. 15 lpm 02, ASA 324 mg, 0.4 mg SL NTG, morphine 2 mg
B. ASA 320 mg, NTG 0.4 mcg,12 lead, fentanyl 1 mcg/kg
C. NTG 0.4 mg, ASA 324 mg, 12 lead, morphine 2-5 mg
D. 02 4 lpm, NTG 0.4 mg, ASA 324 mg, morphine 2 mg, 12 lead