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Cratonização: Tectónica - 2018 - Daud Jamal

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Tectónica | 2018| daud jamal

A link between gold metallogeny and the tectonothermal events that preceded and

ultimately culminated in cratonization is commonly evident. However, cratonization in

Africa, in a broad sense, was diachronous, ranging from ca. 3.0 Ga in the Barberton

greenstone belt, through ca. 2.6-2.5 Ga in the Zimbabwe and Tanzanian cratons, to the

ca. 2.0 Ga Eburnean event of West Africa, the latter contributing to the important gold

mineralization of southwest Ghana.

 O que é um Cratão
 Processo de cratonização
 Cratonização do Cratão de Kaapvall
 Cratão do Zimbabwe
A craton ("strength") is an old and stable part of the continental lithosphere, where the lithosphere consists of
the Earth's two topmost layers, the crust and the uppermost mantle. Having often survived cycles of merging and
rifting of continents, cratons are generally found in the interiors of tectonic plates. They are characteristically
composed of ancient crystalline basement rock, which may be covered by younger sedimentary rock. They have a
thick crust and deep lithospheric roots that extend as much as several hundred km the Earth's mantle.

The term craton is used to distinguish the stable portion of the continental crust from regions that are more
geologically active and unstable. Cratons can be described as shields, in which the basement rock crops out at the
surface, and platforms, in which the basement is overlaid by sediments and sedimentary roc

A craton (kratos; Greek for strength) is an old and stable part of the
continental crust that has survived the merging and splitting of continents
and supercontinents for at least 500 million years. Some are over 2 billion
years old. Cratons are generally found in the interiors of continents and are
characteristically composed of ancient crystalline basement crust of
lightweight felsic igneous rock such as granite. They have a thick crust and
deep roots that extend into the mantle beneath to depths of 200 ???
 Constitui a litosfera continental antiga e estável
 Consiste da crusta e manto superior
 Resistiu a processos de colagem de massas continentais e de rifting
 Consiste de um soco cristalino antigo granítico, sobreposto/coberto
por rochas meta-supracrustais;
 Tem uma crusta espessa e uma raiz que extende até aos 200km
Desenvolvimento de cratões - TTG
 Dominam a crust superior;
 Muito deformados
 Qtz + Oligoclase/andesine ± K-felds + Bt + Hbl
 3.5 a 2.0 Ga;
 Formam o soco cristalinos de vastas áreas continentais
 Archean gray gneiss
Como se formam o TTG
Como se formam o TTG
 Two Stage process; Basalt/grabro TTG
 TTG são enriquecidos em LIL
 TTG são originados manto enriquecido em elementos LIL pouco antes
da fusão parcial
Desenvolvimento simultaneo de TTG,
Geenstone belts (variedade de rochas
vulcânicas e sedimentares)
Greenstone Belt
 Basaltos e komatiitos Toleiticos
 Metavulcanicos silicicos a intermediaries
 Fluxos volcanicos e rochas piroclásticas
 Metasedimentos turbiditicos com debris de rochas vulcanicas
 Metasedimentos fluvio-deltaiscos
O que significa ser cratão estável
 Fim da deformação compressive penetrattiva;
 Desenvolvimento de uma vasta plataforma de rochas sedimentares
 Não significa que o Cratão se tornou inerte a outros processos
 São percolados por fluidos depois da sua histório de estabilização,
originando magmatismo anarogénico 1 Ga depois dos cratão se
O que marca a Estabilização da crusta (idade de cratonização)
 Início da deposição de sedimentos de plataforma não deformados em
bacias pouco profundas da crusta estabilizada;
 Os sedimentos depositam-se sobre plutões graníticos não deformados
e são mais novos? em cerca de 10 Ma que os sedimentos mais
 A idade do granitos representa idade mais nova da deformação
penetrative compressive dos gneisses;
Neoarchaean tectonic evolution of the Zimbabwe Craton
Hielke A. Jelsma and Paul H. G. M. Dirks
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 199, 183-211, 1 January 2002,

An overview is presented of the field relations, age data and geochemical characteristics of the
Neoarchaean granites and greenstones of the Zimbabwe Craton, southern Africa. A major
tectono-magmatic event at c. 2.7 Ga produced two distinct greenstone successions. One
succession is reminiscent of rift- or back-arc environments and is associated with an old
continental fragment. A second succession is indicative of arc magmatism and is associated
with juvenile crust. Both were affected by a major accretionary event that, in an apparent
sense, swept across the craton between 2.68 and 2.60 Ga. During this 80 Ma time period,
concomitant late volcanism, regional deformation, the development of syntectonic sedimentary
successions in foreland-type basins, and late syntectonic plutonism took place in selected
shear-zone-bounded tectonic domains over limited periods of time (<10–20 Ma). Deformation
led to isostatically stable, 30–40 km thick continental crust, without significant exhumation of
high-pressure rocks, suggesting that lithospheric shortening was accommodated independently
in a rheologically strong upper and weak lower crust. Deformation was followed by pan-
cratonic crustal melting and strike-slip shear motions, and led to stabilization of the crust at
2575 Ma, heralded by the emplacement of the Great Dyke.
Crustal growth of the Zimbabwean proto-craton occurred over a time span about 900Ma
(3500-2600 Ma) and culminated between 2.7-2.6 Ga when ~80% of all rocks exposed in
the Zimbabwean craton, including the Upper Bulawayan greenstones, Shamvaian
sediments and voluminous granite plutons of the Sesombi and Chengezi Suites were
formed (Wilson, 1995). Stabilization of the proto-craton was achieved around 2.6 Ga after
the emplacement of the Chilimanzi Granites.

The Zimbabwean craton comprises low to medium grade greenstone terrains that envelop
elliptical domains of felsic gneiss and granites. The greenstones developed between 3500-
2600Ma and are generally described in stratigraphic model that assumes deposition of
greenstone sequences on a stable continental crust during a series of growth stages that
can be recognised craton wide. Each stage of growth is believed to have involved an
episode of continental rifting and deposition of characteristic stratigraphic sequence on
top of basement rocks and was followed by closure of the rift basin during a stage of
underplating and diapirism
E então ???
Greenstone belts encaixados em
granodioritos e tonalitos
Mesoarcaicos (2907 ± 16 Ma). Este
pacote é intruído por Complexos de
granitoides, orto-gnaisses
intermédios a máficos e gabros de
idade entre os 2.6 - 2.7 Ga .

Rochas Supracrustais - Gnaisses

siliciclásticos e calco-silicatados, xistos
pelíticos, mármores, conglomerados,
quartzitos e orto-quartzitos, depositadas numa
margem passiva do Cratão do Zimbabwe.

Rochas intrusivas
Doleritos (1783±51 Ma Sm-Nd)

- Dois eventos metamórficos da
- facies anfibolitica : (i) 850 Ma (ii) ca.
- 550 Ma.
E o que cratonização?

Quas são as evidências de cratanoziçãp?

Como aconteceu no Zimbabwe?

Como aconteceu nas Kaapval?

Neoarchaean tectonic evolution of the Zimbabwe Craton
Hielke A. Jelsma and Paul H. G. M. Dirks
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 199, 183-211, 1 January 2002,
Linear volcanic chains[edit]
The age-progressive distribution of the 
Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain has been explained as a result of a
fixed, deep-mantle plume rising into the upper mantle, partly melting, and
causing a volcanic chain to form as the plate moves overhead relative to
the fixed plume source.[16] Other "hot spots" with time-progressive volcanic
chains behind them include Réunion, the Chagos-Laccadive Ridge, the 
Louisville Ridge, the Ninety East Ridge and Kerguelen, Tristan, and 
An intrinsic aspect of the plume hypothesis is that the "hot spots" and their
volcanic trails have been fixed relative to one another throughout
geological time. Whereas there is evidence that the chains listed above
are time-progressive, it has, however, been shown that they are not fixed
relative to one another. The most remarkable example of this is the
Emperor chain, the older part of the Hawaii system, which was formed by
migration of volcanic activity across a geo-stationary plate.[11]
Many postulated "hot spots" are also lacking time-progressive volcanic
trails, e.g., Iceland, the Galapagos, and the Azores. Mismatches between
the predictions of the hypothesis and observations are commonly
explained by auxiliary processes such as "mantle wind", "ridge capture",
"ridge escape" and lateral flow of plume material.
A mantle plume is an upwelling of
abnormally hot rock within the Earth's 
mantle, first proposed by J. Tuzo Wilson in
1963.[2] As the heads of mantle plumes can
partly melt when they reach shallow
depths, they are often invoked as the
cause of volcanic hotspots, such as Hawaii
 or Iceland, and flood basalts such as the 
Deccan and Siberian traps. Some such
volcanic regions lie far from 
tectonic plate boundaries, while others
represent unusually large-volume 
volcanism near plate boundaries or in 
large igneous provinces.

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