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Department Self
Check-In Kiosk and
Remote Check-In
Presented by: Terry Vincent, Kerry
Stack, Paul Spears, Christopher
Manaois, and Aubrey Halili
Problem Statement

• ED check-in is inefficient

• Multiple points of error

• Long wait times

• All adds up to losing business and money

Goal and Objective
• Our goal is to solve these issues by implementing a piece of easy-to-use
• Over a 6 month period of time
• Install self check-in kiosks

• Train staff

• Decrease number of mistakes made due to inefficient check in processes

The PROBLEM: Patients Check In the ED
Using Paper...
… This makes it VERY Prone for ERRORS to Occur

Patient Information Entry Waste of Resources

Today’s Situation
Our Solution
Patient Self Check-In Kiosks Patient Remote Check-In
- Convenient for the Patient
- Ensures Patient Data Accuracy
and Consistency
- Avoids Waiting Clusters
- Increased Patient Satisfaction

- Ensures Patient Data Accuracy

and Consistency
- Eliminates Waste of Resources
- Avoids Waiting Line Clusters
- Increases Patient Satisfaction
Our View...
Hardware Needed
32” Slanted Touch Screen Digital Kiosk

Free standing

WiFi -Enabled

USB port easy access

Remote Control Included

Durable - each monitor features a tempered glass faceplate and metal

housing which makes this device good for a high traffic area.

Place 3 kiosks in the ED Lobby

1 kiosk = $1,900
ED Self and Remote Check-In System
❖ To fix these issues: Installation of a web based system will allow the user to self check-in via a free
standing Kiosk and use their personal handheld devices or tablets.

❖ PatientTrak solution is offered via a subscription based “Software as a Service (SaaS)”


❖ Compatible to:

❖ Kiosk/Tablet/Handheld Device web check-in

ED Self and Remote Check-In System

❖ Patient Tracking System

❖ Patient Engagement

❖Increase Revenue and $ave Money

❖ Lean Healthcare Initiatives
ED Self and Remote Check-In System

Pros Cons

1. Eliminates manual data gathering 1. Not a bed management


2. Eliminates paper sign-in sheets 2. Not a patient tracking system

3. HIPAA compliance challenges

4. Multi-facility usage and Scalable

5. Supports up to 1000+ users

ED Self and Remote Check-In System


• Accept the project team’s proposal to purchase three digital kiosks for
self check-in.
• First year costs will be $15,240.00 with hardware and SaaS subscription
for 1,000 users.
• Labor hours from triage staff at check-in and correcting records will
recoup costs.
• Remote check-in functionality, kiosk spacing and sanitation will further
promote social distancing in ED.
Six Month Follow-up Action
• Evaluate check-in error rates before and after.
• Evaluate customer satisfaction on discharge survey(s).
• Determine is suitable for use in other departments.
• Report back to Executive Committee with any other items per their

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