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Skeletal Muscle Contraction

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What are Cross-bridges?

• With an electron microscope, fine cross

bridges can be seen extending from each
thick filament to the thin filament. These
are formed by the arm and head of the
myosin molecules projecting outward from
the tail, and pointing towards the thin
• How does cross-bridge interaction
between actin and myosin bring about
muscle contraction?
• How does a muscle action potential trigger
this contractile process?
• What is the source of the Ca2 that
physically repositions troponin and
tropomyosin to permit cross-bridge
When a muscle cell contracts, the thin
filaments slide past the thick filaments, and
the sarcomere shortens. This process
comprised of several steps is called the
Sliding Filament Theory. It is also called the
Walk Along Theory or the Ratchet Theory.
It has the following steps:
1. Before contraction begins, An ATP molecule binds to the
myosin head of the cross-bridges.
2. The ATPase activity of the myosin head immediately
cleaves the ATP molecule but the products (ADP+P)
remains bound to the head. Now the myosin head is in a
high energy state and ready to bind to the actin molecule.
3. When the troponin-tropomyosin complex binds with
calcium ions that come from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, it
pulls the tropomyosin so that the active sites on the actin
filaments for the attachment of the myosin molecule are
4. Myosin head binds to the active site on the actin molecule.
5. The bond b/w the head of the cross bridges(myosin) &
the actin filaments causes a the bridge to change
shape bending 45° inwards as if it was on a hinge,
stroking towards the centre of the sarcomere, like the
stroking of a boat oar. This is called a POWER
6. This power stroke pulls the thin filament inward only a
small distance.
7. Once the head tilts, this allows release of ADP &
phosphate ions.
8. At the site of release of ADP, a new ATP binds. This
binding causes the detachment of the myosin head
from the actin.
9. A new cycle of attachment-detachment-attachment
10. Repeated cycles of cross-bridge binding, bending and
detachment complete the shortening and contraction of
the muscle.
After the ATP has bound to the myosin head, the
binding of Myosin to Actin molecule takes place:
Once the actin active sites are uncovered,
the myosin binds to it:
Power Stroke
• Participant Will bind to:
1. Myosin ATP, Actin
2. Actin Myosin, Troponin
3. Tropomyosin  Troponin
4. Troponin Calcium, Actin
5. ATP Myosin
6. Calcium ions Troponin
• Through the attachment-detachment-attachment cycle, the myosin
heads or cross bridges “walk” along an actin filament to pull it inward
relative to the stationary thick filament.
• Because of the way the myosin molecules are oriented within a thick
filament, all the cross-bridges stroke towards the center of the
• At any time during contraction, part of the cross bridges are attached to
the thin filaments and are stroking, while others are returning to their
original conformation in preparation for binding with another actin
molecule. Thus, some cross-bridges “hold on” while others “let go”.
Otherwise, the thin filaments would slip back to their resting position
b/w strokes.
• The detachment of the myosin head from the actin cannot take place
until and unless a new ATP does not attach to the myosin head. This is
important when death occurs, no more ATP is available and thus, rigor
mortis occurs.
Shortening of the

• The thick and thin filaments DO

NOT shorten.
• Contraction is accomplished by
the thin filaments from opposite
sides of each sarcomere
sliding closer together or
overlapping the thick filaments
• The H-zone becomes smaller
as the thin filaments approach
each other.
• The I band becomes smaller as
the thin filaments further
overlap the thick filaments.
• The width of the A band
remains unchanged as it
depends on the thick filaments
and the thick filaments do not
change length.
½I ½I

When muscle contracts, the

sarcomere shortens. The I band
and H Zone also shorten. But
the length of the A band remains
the same.
JUNCTION is an area
of contact between a
muscle fibre and a

Fig. An electron
micrographic sketch of
the junction between a
single axon terminal
and the muscle fiber

It is the specialised
chemical synapses
formed at the sites
where the terminal
branches of the
axon of
a motor neuron
contact a target
muscle cell. The
entire structure is
called the motor
A neuromuscular junction thus consists of:
• Presynaptic terminal (Nerve fibre) with vesicles
containing the NT
• A synaptic trough or gutter (Muscle fibre) which
has numerous folds called subneural clefts.
• Neuroreceptors for the NT.

The NT at an NMJ is ACETYLCHOLINE (Ach). The

synaptic cleft contains the enzyme which helps
break down Ach and is called Acetylcholinesterase.
Volage-gated Ca channels

• The presynaptic membrane of the neuron contains linear

dense bars. To each side of the dense bars are protein
particles penetrating the neural membrane. These are the
voltage-gated calcium channels.
• When an action potential spreads over the terminal, these
channels open and allow calcium ions to diffuse from the
synaptic space to the interior of the nerve terminal.
• The vesicles then fuse with the neural membrane and
empty their acetylcholine into the synaptic space by the
process of exocytosis.
Acetylcholine Receptor:
• Each receptor complex is composed of
5 subunits:
- 2 alpha
- 1 beta
- 1 gamma
- 1 delta.
• The channels remains closed unless 2
Ach molecules attach to the 2 alpha
subunits which open the gate.
• The opened acetylcholine channel has
a diameter of about 0.65 nanometer,
which is large enough to allow the
important positive ions— Na+, K+ and
Ca++ —to move easily through the
The Steps in Neuromuscular Junction
1. An AP reaches the presynaptic terminal of the NMJ.
2. The change in voltage causes the opening of the
voltage-gated calcium channels which cause
exocytosis of the Ach containing secretory vesicles.
3. The NT Ach is secreted into the synaptic cleft.
4. Ach crosses the synaptic cleft to reach the subneural
clefts which contains the Ligand-gated Ach channel.
5. The channels are activated and open allowing the
Na+ to move to the inside of the muscle fiber. As long
as the Ach is present in the synaptic cleft, it keeps
activating the Ach channels which remain open.
6. The influx of Na+ into the muscle lead to the initiation
• At the motor end-plate, the large influx of the
Sodium ions leads to a large number of positive
charges pouring into the muscle.
• This creates a local positive potential change
inside the muscle fiber membrane, called the
end plate potential.
• In turn, this end plate potential initiates an
action potential that spreads along the muscle
membrane and thus causes muscle contraction.
Degradation of Ach:
• The Ach present in the synaptic cleft is broken
down by the enzyme Acetylcholinesterase,
into Acetyl coA+ choline.
• Both the products are reuptaken by the
presynaptic terminal.
• The Ach is again synthesized by the nerve
cell body and then send to the presynaptic
terminal for packaging into secretory vesicles.
Safety Factor at NMJ: Fatigue
• Each impulse that arrives at the NMJ causes about three
times as much end plate potential as that required to
stimulate the muscle fiber. Therefore, the normal
neuromuscular junction is said to have a high safety
• However, stimulation of the nerve fiber at rates greater
than 100 times per second for several minutes often
diminishes the number of acetylcholine vesicles so much
that impulses fail to pass into the muscle fiber. This is
called fatigue of the neuromuscular junction, and it is the
same effect that causes fatigue of synapses in the central
nervous system when the synapses are overexcited.
It is an autoimmune neuromuscular
disorder in which the Neuromuscular
junction is blocked.

Cause: Auto-antibodies are formed

against the Ach receptors on the
Motor End Plate. These antibodies
completely destroy the receptors. As
the receptors are destroyed, the Ach
present cannot act upon them and
cause an AP. Some patients have
other auto-immune disorders as well
such as RA, poliomyelitis.

The process by which depolarization of the

muscle fiber initiates muscle contraction.
T-Tubule & the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum

The t-tubules have the DHP receptors in their membranes…

The DHP is Dihydropyridine Receptor.

When this receptor is activated because of an AP, it causes

the opening of the voltage gated foot proteins/ Ryanodine
channel/ Ca release channel. These channels are present
in the cisterns of the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum.

The opening of these channels leads to the release of Ca

into the Sarcoplasm.
Excitation –Contraction Coupling

Steps in contraction:
7. EPP leading to generation of
1. Discharge of motor neuron. Action Potential (AP).
2. Release of NT (Ach) at 8. Inward spread of depolarization
motor end-plate. (as AP) along T tubules
3. Binding of Ach to Ach 9. Release of Ca2+ from terminal
receptors on the motor end cisterns of SR
plate. 10. Binding of Ca2+ to Troponin C
4. ↑ Na & K conductance in 11. Troponin C pulls the tropomyosin
end-plate membrane. off the actin uncovering binding
sites on actin.
5. Generation of end-plate
potential EPP). 12. Formation of cross-linkages
between actin & myosin.
6. Remember the Safety 13. Sliding of thin on thick filaments,
Factor! producing contraction.
Steps in relaxation:

 Ca2+ pumped back into Sarcoplasmic Reticulum

(SR) by the ATP-dependant Ca2+ pump in SR
 Release of Ca2+ from troponin C.
 A new ATP binds to the myosin head

interaction between actin and myosin STOPS and
RELAXATION of the muscle fiber takes place.
• The Triad: name given to the structure formed by a single t-
tubule and 2 cisterns of SR on its each side.
• Calsequestrin: the protein present in the SR to which is
attached the Calcium.
• ATPase dependant Calcium Pump: the pump which helps
pump the Calcium back into the SR once the contraction is over.
• DHP: is also called the Dihydropyridine receptor which is
present is the membranes of the t-tubule & opens in response to
an AP.
• Ryanodine channel: which is present in the membranes of the
cisterns of SR & which open in response to activation of DHP
Effect of consecutive
stimuli: Treppe
•Treppe: gradual
increase in contraction
intensity during
sequential stimulation
•Might be due to
calcium ions
accumulating in the
cytoplasm with each
Muscle fatigue
• Muscle fatigue: a decline in the ability of the muscle
to sustain the strength of contraction
• -rapid build-up of lactic acid
• -decrease in oxygen supply
• -decrease in energy supply (glucose, glycogen,
• -Decreased neurotransmitter at the synapse
It is one of the recognizable signs of death in which several hours after death,
all the muscles of the body go into a state of irreversible rigidity and
contracture called Rigor Mortis. The body then becomes difficult to move or
After death, cellular respiration in organisms ceases to occur, depleting the
corpse (dead body) of oxygen used in the making of
adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
Unlike in normal muscle contraction, after death as ATP is NOT available, the
body is unable to complete the contraction cycle and release the coupling
b/w actin and myosin. We know that a new molecule of ATP is required to
interact with the myosin molecule to cause relaxation at the end of a power
stroke. When it is not available, relaxation cannot take place and thus,
there is a state of continuous muscular contraction.
1. Absence of ATP→ No reuptake of Ca2+ into the SR as
Ca2+ uptake also requires ATP-dependant Ca2+ pump →
Ca2+ level of sarcoplasm ↑ →continued binding of Ca2+ to
Troponin C →Abnormal, rigid and uninterrupted
2. No ATP →No relaxation a new molecule of ATP must
attach to the myosin head for detachment of actin-
myosin interaction →thus, when NO ATP is present, then
myosin heads cannot detach themselves from actin.

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